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Darrell Issa (R-CA) endorses Meg Whitman for CA Governor (1 Viewer)


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Mar 7, 2009
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I'm truly shocked at this one. I'm a fan Issa and think he has been doing a fantastic job. His pressuring of the Obama administration regarding the Sestak situation has be admirable. But for him to endorse a RINO like Meg Whitman really surprises me. I suppose he chose the candidate with the greatest chance of winning. Poizner doesn't impress me that much, but I would certainly vote for him over Whitman..

For those of you who don't know, Whitman is the former CEO of E-Bay (definitely a plus given her understanding of an executive position), her track record however is what makes her a RINO.

Whitman endorsed Barbara Boxer, and donated the max to her reelection campaign in 2004. She supports publicly funded abortions. She does not support laws such as AZ's 1070. Her charitable organization donated $200K to the EDF, a co-sponsor of AB 32 and the reason Central Valley is a dust bowl.

Just to name a few.
I'm truly shocked at this one. I'm a fan Issa and think he has been doing a fantastic job. His pressuring of the Obama administration regarding the Sestak situation has be admirable. But for him to endorse a RINO like Meg Whitman really surprises me. I suppose he chose the candidate with the greatest chance of winning. Poizner doesn't impress me that much, but I would certainly vote for him over Whitman..

For those of you who don't know, Whitman is the former CEO of E-Bay (definitely a plus given her understanding of an executive position), her track record however is what makes her a RINO.

Whitman endorsed Barbara Boxer, and donated the max to her reelection campaign in 2004. She supports publicly funded abortions. She does not support laws such as AZ's 1070. Her charitable organization donated $200K to the EDF, a co-sponsor of AB 32 and the reason Central Valley is a dust bowl.

Just to name a few.

The impression I got from Issa is just that he wants revenge against the Democrats for the Bush years, so he's throwing as much as he can against the wall and seeing what sticks
The impression I got from Issa is just that he wants revenge against the Democrats for the Bush years, so he's throwing as much as he can against the wall and seeing what sticks

That's a legitimate analysis. As you stated, it's a personal impression, but I just don't think he's that cynical. I'm sure there are many Republicans who are bitter over criticism they endured over the years and looking to get some revenge, and he may be one of them.

That point was only a side note to the overall point I was making, which was his disappointing endorsement of Meg Whitman. I have the same feeling about her as I did for Obama. I truly hope that she does good for the country (state in her case), but I am highly skeptical. Also, I think if she wins that she will be a serious contender for a presidential race down the road.
That's a legitimate analysis. As you stated, it's a personal impression, but I just don't think he's that cynical. I'm sure there are many Republicans who are bitter over criticism they endured over the years and looking to get some revenge, and he may be one of them.

That point was only a side note to the overall point I was making, which was his disappointing endorsement of Meg Whitman. I have the same feeling about her as I did for Obama. I truly hope that she does good for the country (state in her case), but I am highly skeptical. Also, I think if she wins that she will be a serious contender for a presidential race down the road.

Did you watch the debate with Steve Poisner? She came off as very condescending and talking-down, as well as evasive. I just don't think she's good enough off the script to be a presidential contender
I'm truly shocked at this one. I'm a fan Issa and think he has been doing a fantastic job. His pressuring of the Obama administration regarding the Sestak situation has be admirable. But for him to endorse a RINO like Meg Whitman really surprises me. I suppose he chose the candidate with the greatest chance of winning. Poizner doesn't impress me that much, but I would certainly vote for him over Whitman..

For those of you who don't know, Whitman is the former CEO of E-Bay (definitely a plus given her understanding of an executive position), her track record however is what makes her a RINO.

Whitman endorsed Barbara Boxer, and donated the max to her reelection campaign in 2004. She supports publicly funded abortions. She does not support laws such as AZ's 1070. Her charitable organization donated $200K to the EDF, a co-sponsor of AB 32 and the reason Central Valley is a dust bowl.

Just to name a few.

What do you want from a Republican candidate from California? You can nominate a conservative or a tea-bagger and spend a ton of money on a campaign only to watch it all end in a ball of flame on election night. If the Republicans want to win in California, you have to have a middle of the road candidate (see also Massachusetts Senate campaign).
What do you want from a Republican candidate from California? You can nominate a conservative or a tea-bagger and spend a ton of money on a campaign only to watch it all end in a ball of flame on election night. If the Republicans want to win in California, you have to have a middle of the road candidate (see also Massachusetts Senate campaign).

Exactly. And I didn't see her in the debate, but she's a Republican I could take a look at were she to run in a national election.

Now, in the Senate race - I would never vote for Fiorina. Whitman succeeded in business and seems fairly reasonable and pragmatic as a politician. Fiorina, however, was fired and ran off with a $45 million Golden Parachute - the exact sort of Wall St. excess that I thought the Tea Partiers were against. So, why did they love her so much, then? Because Palin told them to?
Who care? Issa's endorsement means nothing....he's a nobody.
Hey, Californians, let's elect another moderate Republican governor who can't deliver a single goddamn Republican vote in the state house or senate! What a ****ing joke!

And, how much money do you think Meg Whitman contributed to Mr. Issa's PAC to get his endorsement? So much for his political integrity!
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