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Dan Rather Owns Trump in Tweet (1 Viewer)


Give me convenience or give me death
DP Veteran
Jan 24, 2017
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:lamo Yup.

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Its always funny to watch idiot leftists make complete and total fools of themselves when they attack Trump on his businesses. 500 global businesses, employed literally millions, provided for the livelihood of millions of families...compared to the pathetic idiot leftists that exist at the grace of the people that are willing to drag their worthless asses through life.
The cult is strong with this one. My god, if trumps own kids went public with a statement that their father was shady and corrupt, the cult would trash the kids. Trump supporters are reminiscent of Jim Jones’s followers. Hopefully Trump never calls on his people to drink Kool-Aid.

Trump inherited 400 million dollars, through no work of his own. And he had 6 bankruptcies. The only reason he was able to keep his head above water is through stiffing contractors and getting loans from foreign banks, because U.S. banks knew he would squander their loans, piss it all away, and then take them to court when his loans defaulted. He's a loser. :shrug:
Damn. Target is spot on.

Trump's mommy and daddy aren't around to bail him out anymore.
I thought Dan Rather is dead.

Since 87 year old Dan Rather is NOT in the press, not on the MSM and not in government, what he says is no more meaningful or fact-based than any of us on this forum. Actually, he is one of the last people to listen to anyway given he lost his job for lying about a Republican President. I guess he hopes no one remembers that.

Forum Democrats endlessly starting threads about some trivial Democrat saying "I hate Trump" gets old. Dan Rather was somebody. Now he is a nobody.

Donald Trump has never filed bankruptcy. That is a lie every time it is repeated.
Donald Trump has never filed bankruptcy. That is a lie every time it is repeated.

You're repeating lies you've been told to repeat like a good little patsy.

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Rather's credibility was shot to hell a long time ago.

The Democrats are desperate at this point; they'll be quoting OJ attacking Trump next...
Trump has had zero personal bankruptcies. Considering the Trump business entity has literally hundreds of businesses ongoing, 6 business bankruptcies (IE reorgs, etc) is nothing. All you are really doing is showing how embarrassingly pathetic your understanding of business is and how completely pathetic your fiscal penis envy is.

Or maybe I could put it another way.

How many million of people have YOU employed? How many billions in revenue have you brought into a community at any given time?

Some voiceless faceless nobody calls Trump a loser.


Who the **** are you.

It's not my fault a bunch of gullible dotards fell for Trump's schtick. Shows how pathetic the intellect of some people is. The Trump persona is and always has been a lie. Give me 400 million dollars to start with and then we can talk about employing people. Until then all you have is a con man who has spent his professional life burning bridges and hoodwinking people, such as yourself it appears, with his lies.
First, no. Second, anyone else’s benefit from anything Trump has ever done was never his incentive to begin with. Lots of honest, hardworking individuals and families have benefited from the spoils of lowlife’s like Trump. Doesn’t make the lowlife’s less lowlife.
person Xowns Trump in Tweet

It doesn't matter who say's it, what their background is, what supporting evidence they have trump nation would discount the individual, their lineage, their work ethic, their clothes … whatever the **** they can think of to discredit and smear them.

GOD owns tRump in a Tweet.

"God was totally discredited when he let his son die"

"God should go back to where he came from"

"Who is God anyway"

They'd burn God the **** DOWN!!!! and everyone associated with him if he said something, MILDLY negative about Don Vito tRump. :shock:

yep. Typical

Always...what you COULD do.

The Democrats are desperate at this point; they'll be quoting OJ attacking Trump next...
OJ would never trash talk Trump. They’re buddies.

OJ even attended one of Trump’s weddings.

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