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Cumberland Valley High School set to test students for drugs (1 Viewer)

Should high schools have legal authority to test students for drugs?

  • Yes, it's for their own good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hell no, it violates the Constitution.

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • I have no opinion either way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Worst Nightmare
Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning

District OKs drug-testing deal with Holy Spirit Hospital

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Of Our Carlisle Bureau

Random drug testing of Cumberland Valley High School students can start immediately, following last night's school board approval of a lab services contract with Holy Spirit Hospital, Assistant Superintendent Mary Riley said.

The agreement means the high school can carry out a board policy approved in June to randomly test high school students who participate in athletics, extra- and co-curricular activities, and students who drive to school.

The agreement provides for the East Pennsboro Twp. hospital to collect urine samples at the high school each week from 10 students whose names are picked randomly by a hospital computer from a list of names provided by CV.


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I really want to hear what you all think on this issue. There is one poll choice I forgot to put up, and when I tried to go back in to edit, I could only edit my text.. and not the poll choices.

The 5th choice would be this "They're only testing certain students; it should be all or none"

This issue is drawing a firestorm of controversy around the Harrisburg area. All opinions are appreciated.
What a ridiculous waste of money. Instead of allocating resources toward education and prevention, let's use it all to see how many drug users we actually have. Brilliant!
Binary_Digit said:
What a ridiculous waste of money. Instead of allocating resources toward education and prevention, let's use it all to see how many drug users we actually have. Brilliant!

I was coming home today from work, listening to a local talk radio show. The host had a student from Cumberland Valley High School on the air, with his parents listening in close proximity. The testing is only for those involved in sports, extra curricular activites, and those who drive to school. Now, if ANY of these students' or their parents refuse to sign the contract and take the test, the kid is automatically kicked out from whatever program he/she is in, and/or is barred from driving to school. So in other words, the school district is already looking at refusal to take the test = positive test result.

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