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Cuba 'plane bomber' was CIA agent (1 Viewer)

The video brought up some really good points. Myself, I don't know, but they are good points to think about. I have only watched he first movie though, but I plan on watching the second as soon as possible.
Yes, he got CIA training, so did Osama Bin Laden.

It's not like this guy didn't EVER help America, is America supposed to be resonsible if this guy leaves his position and becomes a total nut-case?

I wouldn't doubt that he's been paid by the United States to kill Castro.
Arch Enemy said:
Yes, he got CIA training, so did Osama Bin Laden.
I think that you may be mistaken. While the CIA did aid Afghani Mojahedin I don't think that hey directly ained UbL. If you would please share where you heard this, we could all take a look at it together.
Arch Enemy said:
Yes, he got CIA training, so did Osama Bin Laden.

It's not like this guy didn't EVER help America, is America supposed to be resonsible if this guy leaves his position and becomes a total nut-case?

I wouldn't doubt that he's been paid by the United States to kill Castro.

Did the U.S. "Create" Osama bin Laden?


In summary:

• U.S. covert aid went to the Afghans, not to the "Afghan Arabs."

• The "Afghan Arabs" were funded by Arab sources, not by the United States.

• United States never had "any relationship whatsoever" with Osama bin Laden.

• The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Arab backing for the "Afghan Arabs," and bin Laden's own decisions "created" Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, not the United States.
thats odd because i remember seeing the video of the cia and bin laden people talking. and i also remember on cnn when they said all the sam that they had sold to ubl batterys should be dead by now. that odd you must be the only man on earth who knows this. you should call cnn and have the do a story on you :applaud lay off the :beer: and the :party :2funny:

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