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"cronyism" (1 Viewer)


Filmmaker ● Lawyer ● Patriot
DP Veteran
Oct 1, 2005
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
It's a charge being leveled at Bush re: the Miers appointment.

Which could be true.

My question is, APART FROM THE ISSUE OF QUALIFICATIONS, what's wrong with it?
It is a time honored tradition among politicians. Bush just happened to get burned with his FEMA appointment. Personally, I find nothing wrong with putting friends (big donators) into Cabinet positions, as long as they have a good amount of experience in the field.

barthook said:
It is a time honored tradition among politicians. Bush just happened to get burned with his FEMA appointment. Personally, I find nothing wrong with putting friends (big donators) into Cabinet positions, as long as they have a good amount of experience in the field.


The problem is that Bush has made some terrible cabinet appointments. Aside from Powell and Rice, I cannot thing of an exceptional cabinet appointment he has made. This is in stark contrast the Reagan Administration (James G. Watt excluded of course) and the Clinton Administration who had the best economic team of any President probably in American history.

The Bush Administration has proven itself to be great at politics, but not so good at actually governing.

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