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Criminals don't shop at gun stores (2 Viewers)


All Lives Matter or No Lives Matter
DP Veteran
Mar 18, 2018
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San Diego
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This article has links to a could of studies that quantifies the use of guns and crimes. First off, crooks don't shop at Walmart and they use predominantly hand guns

It seems like the more gun control advocates try to limit the Second Amendment with studies, the more it blows back in their face. Just look at the study conducted by the Violence Prevention Research Program (VPRP) at UC Davis and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, which found that California's strict gun control laws had absolutely zero impact. Now the Department of Justice released a survey they conducted on 300,000 inmates who used firearms in their crime. And guess what was discovered? 97 percent of all firearms used in a crime came from the black market. How shocking, right?

Here's the rather ironic part though: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has reintroduced her Assault Weapons Ban but these criminals admit that the majority of their crimes were committed with a handgun, not a rifle.

When anti-gunners try telling you that an Assault Weapons Ban would make America safer and keep guns out of the hands of criminals, show them this study. Show them this science. They claim to love studies and want cold, hard facts. Well, there they have it. Criminals fully admit that they use firearms in crimes (which we knew), they admit that they get their guns through the black market (which we knew) and the majority of them use a handgun to carry out their crime (which most of us knew).

How many more studies will it take for anti-gunners to realize that their policies do nothing but hurt law-abiding gun owners?
This article has links to a could of studies that quantifies the use of guns and crimes. First off, crooks don't shop at Walmart and they use predominantly hand guns

I already knew the black market was the bulk source of guns for crime. The atf used to differentiate trackeable guns and no trackeable guns, then switched to listing only the prior while still listing the latter in a hidden manner. Most of the guns in crime are stolen, strw purchases, or illegally manufactured in placed like austria brazil ot the phillipines, or even part of the unknown stockpile that dissapeared after the soviet union fell apart.
What's this got to do with the topic?

liberals want to derail threads that show that leftwing anti gun laws are designed to harass honest people, not stop criminals?
Ever look there? Lots of easy cheap guns for sure. IDK how safe to buy, but a huge market.
Legal internet gun sales are still required to go through a FFD, including a background check.
Where did James Holmes get his guns from?
He wasn't a criminal when he bought his guns legitimately because his psychiatrist didn't report him.
Legal internet gun sales are still required to go through a FFD, including a background check.

Who said anything about Legal? I'm talking about the deep (and dark) web. Legal is not what it's about. A marketplace to buy what you want, anonymousy with no questions asked. That's what the deep web is all about. Pretty sure none of the sites you'll find on the deep web will be too concerned with background checks, but ya will have to pay in bitcoin.
Who said anything about Legal? I'm talking about the deep (and dark) web. Legal is not what it's about. A marketplace to buy what you want, anonymousy with no questions asked. That's what the deep web is all about. Pretty sure none of the sites you'll find on the deep web will be too concerned with background checks, but ya will have to pay in bitcoin.
Which seems to support what my first post reports.
Who said anything about Legal? I'm talking about the deep (and dark) web. Legal is not what it's about. A marketplace to buy what you want, anonymousy with no questions asked. That's what the deep web is all about. Pretty sure none of the sites you'll find on the deep web will be too concerned with background checks, but ya will have to pay in bitcoin.

What laws are going to stop that?

That's what happens...even more, along with even more crimes...with restriction/prohibition.

See: War on Drugs, Prohibition
What laws are going to stop that?

That's what happens...even more, along with even more crimes...with restriction/prohibition.

See: War on Drugs, Prohibition

Not a single law would have prevented it.

What the anti gun groups have consistently failed to realize is that disarming the law abiding in no way disarms the criminals.
Not a single law would have prevented it.

What the anti gun groups have consistently failed to realize is that disarming the law abiding in no way disarms the criminals.

the main goal of leftwing anti gun activists is NOT to disarm criminals but to punish people who don't vote their way
the main goal of leftwing anti gun activists is NOT to disarm criminals but to punish people who don't vote their way

Painting with a broad brush there. Some anti-gunners are merely useful idiots, who sadly are unable to think for themselves. Their motivation is that they just want a "win".

That said, there is effectively no difference from the pro-gunners' point of view. Neither the true anti-gun zealots nor the useful idiots are swayed by facts or logic. Their disdain for private gun ownership is real, and it's probably not going away. Pro-gunners need to use every tool at their disposal to preserve the right to keep and bear arms.

Luckily for us, the federal judiciary seems to be moving toward a more fact-based and logical perspective. I believe they will take up some of the more egregious state-level anti-2A laws in the next few years, and clarify some of the nonsense that currently is in effect.
Painting with a broad brush there. Some anti-gunners are merely useful idiots, who sadly are unable to think for themselves. Their motivation is that they just want a "win".

That said, there is effectively no difference from the pro-gunners' point of view. Neither the true anti-gun zealots nor the useful idiots are swayed by facts or logic. Their disdain for private gun ownership is real, and it's probably not going away. Pro-gunners need to use every tool at their disposal to preserve the right to keep and bear arms.

Luckily for us, the federal judiciary seems to be moving toward a more fact-based and logical perspective. I believe they will take up some of the more egregious state-level anti-2A laws in the next few years, and clarify some of the nonsense that currently is in effect.

I constantly draw lines between the low-wattage or low information bots and sheeple with the schemers and the plotters
As long as you drop.any kind of registration requirements I would be willing to work towards a solution

If you can discern some non-registration way to know who, by dint of their owning a given firearm, was responsible to ensure and provide for the lawful and responsible use of any gun found subsequently to have been used unlawfully, I'm willing to exchange, in the accountability model I outlined, that method for registration.

What I want effected is a way to hold accountable the person(s) whose duty it was to ensure a gun to which they are the person recognized as the title holder of a gun unlawfully used be held accountable for said unlawful use, regardless of whether the title holder pulled the trigger. If you have a proposal that can effectively abet and achieve that end, I'm all ears.
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If you can discern some non-registration way to know who, by dint of their owning a given firearm, was responsible to ensure and provide for the lawful and responsible use of any gun found subsequently to have been used unlawfully, I'm willing to exchange, in the accountability model I outlined, that method for registration.

What I want effected is a way to hold accountable the person(s) whose duty it was to ensure a gun to which they are the person recognized as the title holder of a gun unlawfully used be held accountable for said unlawful use, regardless of whether the title holder pulled the trigger. If you have a proposal that can effectively abet and achieve that end, I'm all ears.

1) the person who really needs to be punished is the person who harms another with a firearm

2) the desire to punish a person who once owned the gun is not particularly relevant to me assuming it was not deliberate and registration is far too pernicious to implement in order to engage in punishing a secondary actor

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