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Criminals are Entitled to Your Stuff (1 Viewer)

Yep. He gets shot and he is the victim. And while no democrat politician would argue that he should be "entitled" to your stuff to make a living, they certainly seek to want to propose laws that encourage that attitude. This, to me, speaks to that entire personality disorder issue that we have in America. It makes me wonder what is behind that personality disorder statistic on prison inmates.

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Rob a house, you get shot. There is no pity here from me. You CHOSE to risk your life by placing it in the hands of a homeowner.
Now see, that's why the 1% should embrace democrats - so no one has to break in and take their stuff
Now see, that's why the 1% should embrace democrats - so no one has to break in and take their stuff

some would argue-with some credibility-that its the Democrat party that has created the sense of entitlement that the family members of the slain mope exhibited. I tend to be more of a fan of "millions for defense, not a penny for tribute" because when you try to pay off parasites they only become more and more likely to believe they deserve it.

This woman's actions sends a far better message than the idiots complaining about some POS getting whacked
Now see, that's why the 1% should embrace democrats - so no one has to break in and take their stuff

All that would do is increase the governments taking of their stuff.

You're basically saying they they should side with a party with even more guns and men to rob them to avoid a less powerful band of men from robbing them. You might as well suggest that I when I hire a security force I should hire the people that can't shoot straight.
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The news likes to tell different stories. So it begs the question? Can you shoot a fleeing man in the chest? Makes you question it huh? That is why these laws are important. If he has no aversion to breaking into your home to "put himself through school," something tells me he won't have an aversion to lying to cover his own ass. Well in this case...he can't.

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What you're describing if he was fleeing is murder, not self defense. The fear that the investigation will fail is not a legal excuse to kill someone. If you have no aversion to murder, something tells me you won't have an aversion to killing again the next time someone pisses you off, whether they were ever a threat or not
Why some people risk their life for belongings is beyond me. I wouldn't rush into a fire to save anything in my home so long as my family is safe. Same goes for a burglary. I suspect if it had been me, I'd have waited on the police. On the other hand, other people are not as cautious as I am, and I do not fault them for that. I recognize that people will go to great lengths including risking their lives to protect what they have earned. Running into a fire to rescue a laptop or something of that human nature for example.
It astonishes me that some people are almost insulted that other people will kill in order to defend themselves whilst trying to protect/rescue something they worked to achieve. I don't know if this case was self-defense or not If he was shot in the back that is doubtful..

It's not about that. It's about a teenager shouldn't be killed for simple robbery. How can society agree with that but then the punishment if he was caught and convicted after would not be the death penalty?

But it sure sounds like bloodthirsty conservatives wish that were the case
It's not about that. It's about a teenager shouldn't be killed for simple robbery. How can society agree with that but then the punishment if he was caught and convicted after would not be the death penalty?

How is anyone supposed to know the age, weapon possession status and intent of anyone found in their house?
It's not about that. It's about a teenager shouldn't be killed for simple robbery. How can society agree with that but then the punishment if he was caught and convicted after would not be the death penalty?

But it sure sounds like bloodthirsty conservatives wish that were the case

Because property invasion and robbery are known to move towards murder, kidnapping and rape and thus it is reasonable to kill the person invading your property.

Per a female family member at 1:49 on video.

The answer? How about get a job after school? Perhaps work hard in school to get a scholarship? Take out student loans?

Basically do what you can and need to do to get by without committing a crime and placing either yourself of others in harms way.

EDIT: The law will determine what should happen to the homeowner in this case, but I do want to point out something about the "shooting in the back" comments.


You don't usually get shot in the chest if your back is to the person with the gun. :shrug:

Someone needs to begin taking false statements to law enforcement and the media seriously, starting with getting any old FBI agent to clarify statements such as this since it is illegal to lie to the FBI, but not to a cop.
How is anyone supposed to know the age, weapon possession status and intent of anyone found in their house?

So what if they only intend to torture you for days, kids will be kids AMIRITE?

It's not about that. It's about a teenager shouldn't be killed for simple robbery.

Or, you're just simply here to rob me? Oh well in that case I should just let you grab one of my guns too while you're at it! Forget waiting to see if you have one of your own... Nevermind the risk to me or god forbid they use one of my firearms in a later crime.


Get real.
How is anyone supposed to know the age, weapon possession status and intent of anyone found in their house?

By far, the only likely way the thief gets killed is while fleeing and no threat to the killer. Also the security alarm thing went off and she raced home specifically to attack the thief, instead of just calling the cops and letting the professionals do the job. She put herself in harm's way so acting like she had no other choice is laughable. She's so clearly the greater criminal here that only gun nuts will defend her. Look at one of them, comparing it to being jumped on by the thief and then shooting. That is certainly not what took place
By far, the only likely way the thief gets killed is while fleeing and no threat to the killer. Also the security alarm thing went off and she raced home specifically to attack the thief, instead of just calling the cops and letting the professionals do the job. She put herself in harm's way so acting like she had no other choice is laughable. She's so clearly the greater criminal here that only gun nuts will defend her. Look at one of them, comparing it to being jumped on by the thief and then shooting. That is certainly not what took place

Also for those arguing he was shot in chest due to one witness statement (likely in the dark): "But then the medical examiner determined that Johnson had been shot in the back."

I will take forensics over flawed witness statements to the media every time

I for one have no problem with someone defending their property. :shrug: Don't try to rob people if you don't watch shot. Seems simple enough to me.
I for one have no problem with someone defending their property. :shrug: Don't try to rob people if you don't watch shot. Seems simple enough to me.

If you don't like the way I defend my castle, don't attack it.
So what if they only intend to torture you for days, kids will be kids AMIRITE?

Or, you're just simply here to rob me? Oh well in that case I should just let you grab one of my guns too while you're at it! Forget waiting to see if you have one of your own... Nevermind the risk to me or god forbid they use one of my firearms in a later crime.


Get real.

If she was afraid and wanted to defend herself, she would not have gone home to confront the thief. What you're on about is not at all applicable to this situation
By far, the only likely way the thief gets killed is while fleeing and no threat to the killer.

You know this how?

Also the security alarm thing went off and she raced home specifically to attack the thief, instead of just calling the cops and letting the professionals do the job. She put herself in harm's way so acting like she had no other choice is laughable. She's so clearly the greater criminal here that only gun nuts will defend her. Look at one of them, comparing it to being jumped on by the thief and then shooting. That is certainly not what took place

What's the average response time for police response to an alarm during the day?
If you don't like the way I defend my castle, don't attack it.

advocating murder for simple theft will only encourage thieves to come armed themselves and kill anyone in the house. It's like one of these gun nuts here once said about the only reason he doesn't support the death penalty for rape or kidnapping is the perp would likely kill the victim then because nothing to lose
You know this how?

What's the average response time for police response to an alarm during the day?

They got right after she had committed her murder, and if you don't like it, put cameras around so they can easily catch whoever after, or sufficient locks. She just wanted to kill someone period. You may as well be defending charles manson
They got right after she had committed her murder, and if you don't like it, put cameras around so they can easily catch whoever after, or sufficient locks. She just wanted to kill someone period. You may as well be defending charles manson

You don't know this. Charlie didn't actually kill anyone himself.
advocating murder for simple theft will only encourage thieves to come armed themselves and kill anyone in the house. It's like one of these gun nuts here once said about the only reason he doesn't support the death penalty for rape or kidnapping is the perp would likely kill the victim then because nothing to lose

How do you know why someone is in your house?
“If there’s any type of situation that happens or they believe there’s a burglary at the home or any type of confrontation, dial 911. Have the police make that confrontation,” he said. “That’s what we’re here for.”

Obviously florida law makes this a contradictory expectation and gives license to commit a far greater wrong than the thief

Which is why the family should sue the state and get the feds to go after her next
“If there’s any type of situation that happens or they believe there’s a burglary at the home or any type of confrontation, dial 911. Have the police make that confrontation,” he said. “That’s what we’re here for.”

Obviously florida law makes this a contradictory expectation and gives license to commit a far greater wrong than the thief

Which is why the family should sue the state and get the feds to go after her next

Does anyone have to right to go to their house at any time?

If a criminal in the act confronts you, what are your legal options?

Yep. He gets shot and he is the victim. And while no democrat politician would argue that he should be "entitled" to your stuff to make a living, they certainly seek to want to propose laws that encourage that attitude. This, to me, speaks to that entire personality disorder issue that we have in America. It makes me wonder what is behind that personality disorder statistic on prison inmates.

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So, choosing to be a thief can be dangerous. Who knew?
and the family thinks he was a good kid with a great future ahead of him, no doubt graduating from burglarizing homes to running a cartel or something really lucrative. Why, he might have really made a contribution to the family!

Now the question: Should we try to make the world safer for thieves?
He was shot in the back as he was fleeing. Ms. Jenrette was not, at that time in any danger and was not protecting herself.

I'm all for stand your ground and castle laws, but this doesn't meet the reason or purpose of those laws.

She provided service for the community at large, by removing the garbage.
I think it's unfortunate that Stand Your Ground laws may protect this person. I am not in favor of shooting a person in this circumstance. Now, I shall duck and cover.

Everything his family said is bull****, in my eyes. He wasn't a good kid. He wasn't smart. He was a thief. And had anyone been at home when he broke in? He may have been a murderer.

Edit...what is it about Trayvons in Florida?
I very much agree with every point here.

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