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Credible threat? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2018
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Hello. I have been thinking about this. Lets say someone said, "I want to kill all the conservatives (or liberals, as the case might be)", could a passerby who was a conservative/liberal take him to court based on the threat? I ask this because a while ago someone told me that when a threat was not credible, it would be dismissed by court. And to claim to want to kill ALL conservatives, an extremely difficult thing to do, it could possibly be considered a non-credible threat. Anyway I just want to see how you feel.
Hello. I have been thinking about this. Lets say someone said, "I want to kill all the conservatives (or liberals, as the case might be)", could a passerby who was a conservative/liberal take him to court based on the threat? I ask this because a while ago someone told me that when a threat was not credible, it would be dismissed by court. And to claim to want to kill ALL conservatives, an extremely difficult thing to do, it could possibly be considered a non-credible threat. Anyway I just want to see how you feel.

A credible threat has to include

Means and actual intent. With intent having more weight
I prefer edible threats, so I can eat it after the threat is eliminated.

Did you see that, that dear was charging right at me!!!!!!.

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