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Covington kids possibly going after media in libel suit (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 23, 2019
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Very Conservative
The Covington kid's lawyers sent out more than 50 "preservation" letters (don't throw anything out - ya know -- don't smash your servers) to the media warning them of a possible libel suit on behalf of the student they completely dragged through the mud. I hope he nails them ALL to the wall and comes out a very rich young man. It's about time the MSM has a taste of their own nastiness. They are vile, disgusting and filthy organizations. All of them.

There are no prohibitions on how one (groups) may waste one's money.
I wonder when the Central Park Five's lawsuit will land on the President. He was pressing for the death penalty for them, though they were innocent.
Bad idea..considering the other videos of the students of this school. It is a hotbed of racist sexiat education.

Sent from my Honor 8X using Tapatalk
The Covington kid's lawyers sent out more than 50 "preservation" letters (don't throw anything out - ya know -- don't smash your servers) to the media warning them of a possible libel suit on behalf of the student they completely dragged through the mud. I hope he nails them ALL to the wall and comes out a very rich young man. It's about time the MSM has a taste of their own nastiness. They are vile, disgusting and filthy organizations. All of them.


Covington Kids?...Those white trash bigots aren't going to get a dime ....
The Covington kid's lawyers sent out more than 50 "preservation" letters (don't throw anything out - ya know -- don't smash your servers) to the media warning them of a possible libel suit on behalf of the student they completely dragged through the mud. I hope he nails them ALL to the wall and comes out a very rich young man. It's about time the MSM has a taste of their own nastiness. They are vile, disgusting and filthy organizations. All of them.


We have always given an additional level of protection to minors, and the legal system's idea of freedom of the press vs defamation via malpractice is a valid case. I expect this will have legs and will go forward.

You just can't go after a bunch of high school kids on a field trip because they checked your "hate boxes":

Pro - life
MAGA hat

I hope this lawyer goes after all of them.
We have always given an additional level of protection to minors, and the legal system's idea of freedom of the press vs defamation via malpractice is a valid case. I expect this will have legs and will go forward.

You just can't go after a bunch of high school kids on a field trip because they checked your "hate boxes":

Pro - life
MAGA hat

I hope this lawyer goes after all of them.

Dream on...Those intolerant bigots had their school closed once for their arrogant white privilege...America will shut it down again if need be
Bad idea..considering the other videos of the students of this school. It is a hotbed of racist sexiat education.

Sent from my Honor 8X using Tapatalk

Assume the worst(best) case scenario, the a judge says that the media was in the wrong and awards the kids damages, what then? Can you say you're more impartial than a judge?
Assume the worst(best) case scenario, the a judge says that the media was in the wrong and awards the kids damages, what then? Can you say you're more impartial than a judge?

It will be a jury not a judge who will decide damages if those sued are found guilty. A judge will decide if the case can be brought.

Putting aside the passions on both sides on a site like this there is no way to know what a jury will do.

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