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Couric's anti gun rights propaganda "UNDER THE GUN" debuts tonight (1 Viewer)


warrior of the wetlands
DP Veteran
Oct 12, 2005
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Libertarian - Right
I am watching this on Sundance to see how bad it really is. Here is a summary of this film that debuts to the general public tonight. I wonder if others plan on watching this to see what impact it will have on the Bannite movement and if Obama uses this in an effort to whine some more

Under the Gun, Loose with the Facts | The American Conservative
Re: Couric's anti gun rights propaganda "UNCER THE GUN" debuts tonight

I am watching this on Sundance to see how bad it really is. Here is a summary of this film that debuts to the general public tonight. I wonder if others plan on watching this to see what impact it will have on the Bannite movement and if Obama uses this in an effort to whine some more

Under the Gun, Loose with the Facts | The American Conservative

isnt "the Couric" the metric used to measure excrement?
Re: Couric's anti gun rights propaganda "UNCER THE GUN" debuts tonight

isnt "the Couric" the metric used to measure excrement?

LOL like many gun haters on this board, they spent half their time saying they weren't trying to ban guns or anti gun and the other half whining about the NRA and gun owners.
Re: Couric's anti gun rights propaganda "UNCER THE GUN" debuts tonight

I am watching this on Sundance to see how bad it really is. Here is a summary of this film that debuts to the general public tonight. I wonder if others plan on watching this to see what impact it will have on the Bannite movement and if Obama uses this in an effort to whine some more

Under the Gun, Loose with the Facts | The American Conservative

Couric is a known bannite. To even give her the benefit of the doubt regarding facts surrounding the 2nd Amendment is an exercise in futility. In addition to being a bannite, Ms. Couric is one of the most dishonest people in "journalism" and has been so for over 30 years.
Re: Couric's anti gun rights propaganda "UNCER THE GUN" debuts tonight

Couric is a known bannite. To even give her the benefit of the doubt regarding facts surrounding the 2nd Amendment is an exercise in futility. In addition to being a bannite, Ms. Couric is one of the most dishonest people in "journalism" and has been so for over 30 years.

what is funny is that they pretended it was supposed to be "anti violence" not gun banning yet if you look who is part of the promotion of this crap, its the usually ARC members including groups dedicated to complete gun bans. Coerce is a turd
I am watching this on Sundance to see how bad it really is. Here is a summary of this film that debuts to the general public tonight. I wonder if others plan on watching this to see what impact it will have on the Bannite movement and if Obama uses this in an effort to whine some more

Under the Gun, Loose with the Facts | The American Conservative

As gun control churns out propaganda with the specific purpose or indoctrinating people firearm organisations response is......... We then wonder why 60%+ of the public which includes a good percentage of firearm owners support gun control. Is it not obvious that propaganda cannot succeed when there are balanced views presented to the public. Who do firearm organisations think is going to present those balanced views? Government? Gun control? Schools, Churches? Hollywood?
Re: Couric's anti gun rights propaganda "UNCER THE GUN" debuts tonight

isnt "the Couric" the metric used to measure excrement?

Hot hot hot, hoooot hot hot hot

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