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Countries Ranked by Cost of Living (1 Viewer)


Mar 31, 2020
Reaction score
Political Leaning

Here's the full list:

132 Pakistan 13.66
131 Afghanistan 14.58
130 India 15.54
129 Syria 15.92
128 Tunisia 16.74
127 Uzbekistan 17.18
126 Venezuela 17.43
125 Nepal 17.44
124 Egypt 18.04
123 Algeria 18.26
122 Kyrgyzstan 18.46
121 Kosovo (Disputed Territory) 18.91
120 Bangladesh 19.22
119 Georgia 19.54
118 North Macedonia 19.58
117 Zambia 20.08
116 Azerbaijan 20.15
115 Sri Lanka 20.2
114 Colombia 20.58
113 Uganda 20.6
112 Kazakhstan 20.66
111 Paraguay 20.85
110 Argentina 21.17
109 Turkey 21.34
108 Moldova 21.6
107 Bosnia And Herzegovina 21.97
106 Morocco 22.18
105 Ukraine 22.31
104 Armenia 22.35
103 Somalia 22.45
102 Serbia 22.98
101 Albania 23.07
100 Rwanda 23.08
99 Belarus 23.13
98 Romania 23.22
97 Bolivia 23.26
96 Bulgaria 23.75
95 Philippines 23.94
94 Mexico 24.11
93 Indonesia 24.52
92 Montenegro 24.91
91 Cuba 24.99
90 Tanzania 25.11
89 Malaysia 25.67
88 Botswana 25.73
87 Iraq 25.76
86 Russia 25.89
85 Brazil 26.08
84 Kenya 26.11
83 Suriname 26.23
82 Peru 26.28
81 Vietnam 26.5
80 Nicaragua 26.88
79 Honduras 27.07
78 Ecuador 27.1
77 Iran 27.28
76 Nigeria 27.45
75 Hungary 27.99
74 Dominican Republic 28.06
73 Poland 28.38
72 China 28.72
71 Ghana 28.93
70 Chile 29.16
69 Guatemala 29.59
68 Lithuania 29.63
67 Namibia 30.19
66 El Salvador 30.22
65 South Africa 30.31
64 Belize 30.34
63 Saudi Arabia 30.67
62 Slovakia 30.9
61 Latvia 30.91
60 Cambodia 31.9
59 Croatia 32.38
58 Palestine 32.68
57 Myanmar 33.35
56 Mauritius 33.41
55 Czech Republic 33.43
54 Jordan 33.52
53 Uruguay 33.53
52 Fiji 33.64
51 Estonia 33.94
50 Zimbabwe 34.12
49 Thailand 34.14
48 Oman 34.31
47 Brunei 34.36
46 Greece 34.62
45 Costa Rica 35.6
44 Slovenia 36.05
43 Portugal 36.27
42 Trinidad And Tobago 36.27
41 Jamaica 37.46
40 Ethiopia 38.37
39 Spain 38.46
38 Taiwan 39.87
37 Cyprus 40.05
36 Panama 40.09
35 Kuwait 41.21
34 Lebanon 43.3
33 Puerto Rico 44.46
32 Italy 45.24
31 Bahrain 45.55
30 Germany 46.99
29 Sweden 48.83
28 Barbados 49.08
27 Finland 49.18
26 United Kingdom 49.38
25 Austria 49.54
24 Belgium 49.61
23 Canada 49.98
22 Malta 50.04
21 France 50.82
20 South Korea 51.72
19 United Arab Emirates 51.98
18 Seychelles 52.81
17 New Zealand 53.19
16 Macao 54.87
15 Australia 55.04
14 Netherlands 55.3
13 Japan 55.9
12 Qatar 56.1
11 United States 56.36
10 Israel 57.32
9 Denmark 58.57
8 Bahamas 60.43
7 Ireland 60.59
6 Luxembourg 68.99
5 Norway 70.21
4 Singapore 72.58
3 Iceland 74.88
2 Hong Kong 78.35
1 Switzerland 87.89

Here's the full list:

132 Pakistan 13.66
131 Afghanistan 14.58
130 India 15.54
129 Syria 15.92
128 Tunisia 16.74
127 Uzbekistan 17.18
126 Venezuela 17.43
125 Nepal 17.44
124 Egypt 18.04
123 Algeria 18.26
122 Kyrgyzstan 18.46
121 Kosovo (Disputed Territory) 18.91
120 Bangladesh 19.22
119 Georgia 19.54
118 North Macedonia 19.58
117 Zambia 20.08
116 Azerbaijan 20.15
115 Sri Lanka 20.2
114 Colombia 20.58
113 Uganda 20.6
112 Kazakhstan 20.66
111 Paraguay 20.85
110 Argentina 21.17
109 Turkey 21.34
108 Moldova 21.6
107 Bosnia And Herzegovina 21.97
106 Morocco 22.18
105 Ukraine 22.31
104 Armenia 22.35
103 Somalia 22.45
102 Serbia 22.98
101 Albania 23.07
100 Rwanda 23.08
99 Belarus 23.13
98 Romania 23.22
97 Bolivia 23.26
96 Bulgaria 23.75
95 Philippines 23.94
94 Mexico 24.11
93 Indonesia 24.52
92 Montenegro 24.91
91 Cuba 24.99
90 Tanzania 25.11
89 Malaysia 25.67
88 Botswana 25.73
87 Iraq 25.76
86 Russia 25.89
85 Brazil 26.08
84 Kenya 26.11
83 Suriname 26.23
82 Peru 26.28
81 Vietnam 26.5
80 Nicaragua 26.88
79 Honduras 27.07
78 Ecuador 27.1
77 Iran 27.28
76 Nigeria 27.45
75 Hungary 27.99
74 Dominican Republic 28.06
73 Poland 28.38
72 China 28.72
71 Ghana 28.93
70 Chile 29.16
69 Guatemala 29.59
68 Lithuania 29.63
67 Namibia 30.19
66 El Salvador 30.22
65 South Africa 30.31
64 Belize 30.34
63 Saudi Arabia 30.67
62 Slovakia 30.9
61 Latvia 30.91
60 Cambodia 31.9
59 Croatia 32.38
58 Palestine 32.68
57 Myanmar 33.35
56 Mauritius 33.41
55 Czech Republic 33.43
54 Jordan 33.52
53 Uruguay 33.53
52 Fiji 33.64
51 Estonia 33.94
50 Zimbabwe 34.12
49 Thailand 34.14
48 Oman 34.31
47 Brunei 34.36
46 Greece 34.62
45 Costa Rica 35.6
44 Slovenia 36.05
43 Portugal 36.27
42 Trinidad And Tobago 36.27
41 Jamaica 37.46
40 Ethiopia 38.37
39 Spain 38.46
38 Taiwan 39.87
37 Cyprus 40.05
36 Panama 40.09
35 Kuwait 41.21
34 Lebanon 43.3
33 Puerto Rico 44.46
32 Italy 45.24
31 Bahrain 45.55
30 Germany 46.99
29 Sweden 48.83
28 Barbados 49.08
27 Finland 49.18
26 United Kingdom 49.38
25 Austria 49.54
24 Belgium 49.61
23 Canada 49.98
22 Malta 50.04
21 France 50.82
20 South Korea 51.72
19 United Arab Emirates 51.98
18 Seychelles 52.81
17 New Zealand 53.19
16 Macao 54.87
15 Australia 55.04
14 Netherlands 55.3
13 Japan 55.9
12 Qatar 56.1
11 United States 56.36
10 Israel 57.32
9 Denmark 58.57
8 Bahamas 60.43
7 Ireland 60.59
6 Luxembourg 68.99
5 Norway 70.21
4 Singapore 72.58
3 Iceland 74.88
2 Hong Kong 78.35
1 Switzerland 87.89

no shock there
Didn't realize Iceland was so high
Didn't realize Iceland was so high

Everything has to be imported just about. Same reason Hawaii is so expensive within the US
So what's the debate topic here?
Surprised Singapore is that high, a concrete jungle run by fascists ( lived there for years).

thats ture but its a city and cities equal wealth

very interesting video


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