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Corruption comparison - R vs. D (1 Viewer)

But....but....but, If the Dem's only had 3 additional years in power they surely would have had another 146 Indictments, 94 convictions and 33 prison sentences. That is the piece of the puzzle you are missing. 🙂🙂🙂
But....but....but, If the Dem's only had 3 additional years in power they surely would have had another 146 Indictments, 94 convictions and 33 prison sentences. That is the piece of the puzzle you are missing. 🙂🙂🙂
Libtards destroyed 😎
That's the genius of Republican media. They have dunbasses convinced that the most corrupt party is the least corrupt party.
That's the genius of Republican media. They have dunbasses convinced that the most corrupt party is the least corrupt party.
"Media", aka propaganda, is key to who and what Republicans are. It's similar to China or Russia. Ask THEM, and they are world leaders for peace and prosperity, with the best human rights on the planet, who far surpass the west in providing prosperity and freedoms to their people, and so on. That's what Republican media is like, demonizing Democrats daily and their base is deluded as a result. Of course they attack the "liberal media"...
Well, yeah, it goes back to 1777 for one.
You can pick the same years as the meme lays out and you still get a much different picture. Don’t believe internet memes as fact is the takeaway
This only proves that republicans are held to account more, which is obvious and known to anyone who has eyes. Democrats are never paid the same price or attention from the same DoJ.
I don't, but the article you offered is too broad.
Ok not sure what you would consider corruption but I took an example from my time as a kid up to collage

  • Frank Brasco (D-NY) sentenced to 5 years in jail and fined $10,000 for conspiracy to accept bribes from a reputed Mafia figure who sought truck leasing contracts from the Post Office and loans to buy trucks (1974).[44]
Richard T. Hanna (D-CA), convicted in an influence-buying scandal (1974).[50]
Richard Tonry (D-LA) pleaded guilty to receiving illegal campaign contributions (1977).[5
Charles Diggs (D-MI), convicted on 29 charges of mail fraud and filing false payroll forms which formed a kickback scheme with his staff. Sentenced to 3 years (1978).[56]
John Jenrette (D-SC) sentenced to two years in prison for bribery and conspiracy.[75]
  • Albert Bustamante (D-TX) was convicted of accepting bribes and sentenced to three-and-one-half years in prison (1993).[10

  • Darleen Druyun (D), Principal Deputy United States Under Secretary of the Air Force.[106] She pleaded guilty to inflating the price of contracts to favor her future employer, Boeing. In October 2004, she was sentenced to nine months in jail for corruption, fined $5,000, given three years of supervised release and 150 hours of community service (2005).[107] CBS News called it "the biggest Pentagon scandal in 20 years" and said that she pleaded guilty to a felony.[108]
  • Austin Murphy (D-PA) was convicted of one count of voter fraud for filling out absentee ballots for members of a nursing home (1999).[125]

That is just a sample from the link of things I would consider corruption or activities of a corrupt politician that were amount the Democratic Party ranks, and this isn’t even covering the Bush II years on. The meme in the OP is just not true using any common sense set of standards.
Ok not sure what you would consider corruption but I took an example from my time as a kid up to collage

That is just a sample from the link of things I would consider corruption or activities of a corrupt politician that were amount the Democratic Party ranks, and this isn’t even covering the Bush II years on. The meme in the OP is just not true using any common sense set of standards.
The meme is referring to administrations. It's a limited meme.

Your post is fine. No disagreement. It's just beyond the scope of the OP
That's the genius of Republican media. They have dunbasses convinced that the most corrupt party is the least corrupt party.

Yeah, everything they say is projection of shit Republicans actually do. their constituency are moronic scumbags

Look at the pathetic troll attempts to discredit or deflect from the facts republicans are the most corrupt SOBs out there
So that would suggests Dems do a better job hiding their crimes and buying off prosecutors.
Did you discuss your answer with MyCroft this morning when you woke up?
I think this kind of speaks for itself. View attachment 67387350

But that PROVES the conspiracy!

If there were no vast librul deep state conspiracy, the authorities would have put thousands of democrats in prison for their corrupt crimes of criminal corruption. They only put ONE in prison. That's how you know the conspiracy hid the evidence and quashed the cases!

Your post suggests an allergy to reality
Actually, I hoped it would have expresses a homongous disinterest in stupid posts. I guess you lefties have so little positive news from your heroes you have to dig nonsensical "statistics" to make yourselves feel better.
Actually, I hoped it would have expresses a homongous disinterest in stupid posts. I guess you lefties have so little positive news from your heroes you have to dig nonsensical "statistics" to make yourselves feel better.
Wtf are you babbling about.

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