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Copying links from Android devices (1 Viewer)


Eco**Social Marketeer
DP Veteran
Mar 6, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Until recently, it had been easy to post links to the forum from Android devices (I have done so from both my phone and tablet). Now, however, when I try to copy links to add to words, citations, etc., by highlighting them and adding the link, the software simply won't do it. It copies the link, but it won't put it in the insert box.

What changed?
Neither my phone nor my tablet won't do it. Both Android, different manufacturers. But, I can do it on other sites.
Neither my phone nor my tablet won't do it. Both Android, different manufacturers. But, I can do it on other sites.
Can you screenshot what shows up when you try to do it?
Can you screenshot what shows up when you try to do it?
Good question. No, I can't. But, I can explain it specifically.

1) I copy a link from a webpage.
2) I highlight the words I want to attach the link to.
3) I click on the link icon.
4) I try to post the link on the "insert" page and... Nothing gets pasted.

If I go to another page, I can post the link text.

My workaround has been to post the link in the post itself (it will paste), then cut it. From there, it WILL connect in the link dialog box.
You manually type into the link box, or is it disabled completely? I'm on PC, but it looks similar to me on mobile. Here is what it looks like to me.

Words for link.


You are talking about the URL box, correct?
You manually type into the link box, or is it disabled completely? I'm on PC, but it looks similar to me on mobile. Here is what it looks like to me.

Words for link.

View attachment 67375556

You are talking about the URL box, correct?
Yes (never have a problem on the PC). I wonder if it is the Android version.
I've noticed this same thing recently. If you click the share icon and select copy link, it will let you paste the link. Just copying doesn't seem to work for some reason. I suspect this is a glitch that Android will be patching shortly.

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