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Cops Stalking (1 Viewer)


Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
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Political Leaning
It never ends...

Cop after cop after cop just lie, break the law, stalk people, shoot people, arrest people that are innocent, or at least did not break a law.

And then we have ****sticks that come to these threads and defend the cops.
If we don't want cops roaming around looking for minor misdemeanours and then harassing the perpetrator into breaking more serious laws, then maybe we shouldn't be doing the same thing to cops. Sure, cops should be held to a higher standard, but realistically they're just people and can be provoked just like anyone. Just something to think about "Big G" ... you dickhead.
If we don't want cops roaming around looking for minor misdemeanours and then harassing the perpetrator into breaking more serious laws, then maybe we shouldn't be doing the same thing to cops. Sure, cops should be held to a higher standard, but realistically they're just people and can be provoked just like anyone. Just something to think about "Big G" ... you dickhead.
I don't like these auditors that are dicks for no reason especially when the cop is being cool. Not this case but there are times when the cop is like, "cool, you can film here" and the guy says, "I know the law, don't tell me anything" then the cop is still cool and says, "of course, you can film, just please stay out of the street for your safety" and the dick auditor starts in, "I don't need your directives you tyrant" and maybe starts swearing and the whole time the cop never loses their cool. Assholes./
I don't like these auditors that are dicks for no reason especially when the cop is being cool. Not this case but there are times when the cop is like, "cool, you can film here" and the guy says, "I know the law, don't tell me anything" then the cop is still cool and says, "of course, you can film, just please stay out of the street for your safety" and the dick auditor starts in, "I don't need your directives you tyrant" and maybe starts swearing and the whole time the cop never loses their cool. Assholes./

I don't know the law there, but "Big G" seems pretty sure on-duty cops are required to give the name and not just their number. If he's right about that, the cop should have given his name when asked. If he's wrong about that though, all the swearing and close up filming is just asking for trouble.

Knowing the law thoroughly is essential to protecting your rights from cops. But it really helps to be polite too!
I don't know the law there, but "Big G" seems pretty sure on-duty cops are required to give the name and not just their number. If he's right about that, the cop should have given his name when asked. If he's wrong about that though, all the swearing and close up filming is just asking for trouble.

Knowing the law thoroughly is essential to protecting your rights from cops. But it really helps to be polite too!
I don't think there are any laws about giving names but it in a lot of policy department policies, I am pretty sure.
I don't think there are any laws about giving names but it in a lot of policy department policies, I am pretty sure.

It should be a law. A cop could easily pretend they gave the wrong number by mistake. Whereas forgetting their own name wouldn't be credible.
It should be a law. A cop could easily pretend they gave the wrong number by mistake. Whereas forgetting their own name wouldn't be credible.
I think so as well... but I also tire of these assholes that are dicks and demanding name and ID just because a cop said please stand back.
I think so as well... but I also tire of these assholes that are dicks and demanding name and ID just because a cop said please stand back.

Their number should be displayed on one lapel, so why not their name as well? They could also have it on their back and then no-one would have a reason to interrupt their work, just to ID them.
Their number should be displayed on one lapel, so why not their name as well? They could also have it on their back and then no-one would have a reason to interrupt their work, just to ID them.
I think that is fine. NFL has names why not cops, also easier to ID bad cops punching a suspect from behind.
I don't think there are any laws about giving names but it in a lot of policy department policies, I am pretty sure.

There are states where it is the law.
While they wear name tags and shields often with their number clearly marked....

What if someone can't read?
A lot of times they position their equipment so that it blocks their identification.
At night, those shinny little nametags that they often wear, can't be read unless you get right on the cop.
Often the print on those nametags is also very small. People can have vision problems, right?

What is so difficult about a cop simply stating their name and badge number?
While they wear name tags and shields often with their number clearly marked....
It is not clear many times. Many have fabric tags that are dark and badges are not often visible... then there are all the instances where the cop are further away, sitting in a car and other instances. They should have to verbally ID when asked.
It is not clear many times. Many have fabric tags that are dark and badges are not often visible... then there are all the instances where the cop are further away, sitting in a car and other instances. They should have to verbally ID when asked.

They should. When asked.

The average frauditor screams NAME AND BADGE NUMBER over and over again like a deranged parrot.

What if someone can't read?
A lot of times they position their equipment so that it blocks their identification.
At night, those shinny little nametags that they often wear, can't be read unless you get right on the cop.
Often the print on those nametags is also very small. People can have vision problems, right?

What is so difficult about a cop simply stating their name and badge number?

See above.

And how many blind frauditors or sovcits have you seen?

As to illiterate? Some are.
I've watched quite a few auditors and I agree that the best of them are the polite ones.
It's entirely possible to educate cops on the law in a polite way and if the cop still tries to escalate things then it's even more obvious that they're in the wrong.

It really seems like the police have something against filming in public which is odd considering the number of cameras dotted about everywhere filming 24/7 without anyone's permission.
I don't like these auditors that are dicks for no reason especially when the cop is being cool. Not this case but there are times when the cop is like, "cool, you can film here" and the guy says, "I know the law, don't tell me anything" then the cop is still cool and says, "of course, you can film, just please stay out of the street for your safety" and the dick auditor starts in, "I don't need your directives you tyrant" and maybe starts swearing and the whole time the cop never loses their cool. Assholes./
There's a line somewhere between "auditing" cops for proper behavior and pushing them to get a response.

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