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Cops Give Ticket to a Dead Man (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Now what are they going to do if the man doesnt show up in court? Give him the death penalty?

You just cant make up stuff any better than what you can find in real life. LMAO.

Article is here.
That one's going to be hard to top. :roll:
And I thought that only the cops in America were stupid.:roll:
sounds like australian cops were trained by alaskan cops. ours here are completely retarded and have no care for anything except generating revenue for the municipalities.
jallman said:
sounds like australian cops were trained by alaskan cops. ours here are completely retarded and have no care for anything except generating revenue for the municipalities.

I can definately agree to that.. I think we must have one of the lamest police departments in america!
AK_Conservative said:
I can definately agree to that.. I think we must have one of the lamest police departments in america!

Yeah, you can see 7 or 8 of them in a school zone when the lights are flashing, but up the street in spenard where a bum is getting the **** kicked out of him, you wont see a single one pass by for hours. Cleaning hoodlums off the street doesnt make as much money as a speeding in a school zone ticket. Besides, it might be too much like real work.
jallman said:
Yeah, you can see 7 or 8 of them in a school zone when the lights are flashing, but up the street in spenard where a bum is getting the **** kicked out of him, you wont see a single one pass by for hours. Cleaning hoodlums off the street doesnt make as much money as a speeding in a school zone ticket. Besides, it might be too much like real work.

When i was a sophemore in High school, i got rear ended by some girl going 25 in the chugiak high school parking lot.. Speed limit says 5mph.. She tries to say i backed on top of her. :roll: It took a cop 3 and 1/2 hours to get to the school and once he got there, i explained the story to him, saying she was 20 MPH OVER LIMIT, SHe admits it too, and the evidance on the ground (snow at the time) blatenly suggested she rear ended me... What does the cop do? Tells us to have the insurance sort it out... Its liek DAMN, write a damn citation, the evidance is all here.. So i go through a 2 month investigation with insurance and they come to determine she was at fault.. I mean come on, be a cop!
Heh, try having one of the morons try writing you a ticket for DUI for sitting on the hood of the car. Wasnt my car, didnt have keys to the car in my pocket...got written a DUI because I was sitting on the hood of the car. Of course it got thrown out...the DA was even all like....what the hell? :rofl

Still ruined my night though...The calling to protect the peace is an admirable profession and worthy of respect. I just havent met a single pig from APD who was interested in doing that though.
jallman said:
Heh, try having one of the morons try writing you a ticket for DUI for sitting on the hood of the car. Wasnt my car, didnt have keys to the car in my pocket...got written a DUI because I was sitting on the hood of the car. Of course it got thrown out...the DA was even all like....what the hell? :rofl

Still ruined my night though...The calling to protect the peace is an admirable profession and worthy of respect. I just havent met a single pig from APD who was interested in doing that though.

Bah, maybe they should start doing something about this rapid gang rise in anchorage... its getting ridiculous for this small town... how many shootings in the dimond center this month?
AK_Conservative said:
Bah, maybe they should start doing something about this rapid gang rise in anchorage... its getting ridiculous for this small town... how many shootings in the dimond center this month?

Like I said, that would be a little too much like being a real cop. :doh
jallman said:
Heh, try having one of the morons try writing you a ticket for DUI for sitting on the hood of the car. Wasnt my car, didnt have keys to the car in my pocket...got written a DUI because I was sitting on the hood of the car. Of course it got thrown out...the DA was even all like....what the hell? :rofl

Still ruined my night though...The calling to protect the peace is an admirable profession and worthy of respect. I just havent met a single pig from APD who was interested in doing that though.

I havent heard the term "pig" used in 30 years. The last time I heard it used was when this cop I knew was driving by a park, and a young woman in the park yelled "oink oink" at him. He stopped his car and yelled back "bark bark". :)

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