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Consumers' rights (1 Viewer)


Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I just bought a used computer for my son for about a hundred bucks. It's no alienware, but it does the job my son and I need, like getting him off mine.:lol: Anyway, I hooked up the computer exactly like this one is hooked up, but when I went to turn it on, it was a dud. I called the store from which I bought it, but they said they don't give refunds there, and they were out of stock on the computers of that power, and since it was used, they probably weren't going to get a new one in any time soon.

This made me think: Why do consumers have to put up with this BS? Isn't the customer always right?

Do you think I should contact my Congressman and suggest some legislation like a Consumers' Bill of Rights? One of these rights is the right to a speedy exchange or refund in cash if the refund is necessary (in other words, mere dissatisfaction returns can still be refunded with store credit). I was planning on using the excuse that such rogue policies hurt the economy in order to convince him to introduce this legislation.

If you think I should, how should I go about writing the body of the letter? How should I word it when I get to the part where I suggest the Consumers' Bill of Rights? How should I introduce myself in the letter? I've contacted my Congressmen before, but I always seem to word it wrong and fail to convince them that I deserve to be taken seriously, so I could really use your help.
I know how you feel, but did you not try the computer in the store before you bought it?

I just bought a Toshiba TV one month ago from Best Buy and the damn thing is already failing. Have been jumping through hoops trying to get warrantee service.

Consumer's right? Bull.:confused:
dstebbins said:
I just bought a used computer for my son for about a hundred bucks. It's no alienware, but it does the job my son and I need, like getting him off mine.:lol: Anyway, I hooked up the computer exactly like this one is hooked up, but when I went to turn it on, it was a dud. I called the store from which I bought it, but they said they don't give refunds there, and they were out of stock on the computers of that power, and since it was used, they probably weren't going to get a new one in any time soon.

This made me think: Why do consumers have to put up with this BS? Isn't the customer always right?

Do you think I should contact my Congressman and suggest some legislation like a Consumers' Bill of Rights? One of these rights is the right to a speedy exchange or refund in cash if the refund is necessary (in other words, mere dissatisfaction returns can still be refunded with store credit). I was planning on using the excuse that such rogue policies hurt the economy in order to convince him to introduce this legislation.

If you think I should, how should I go about writing the body of the letter? How should I word it when I get to the part where I suggest the Consumers' Bill of Rights? How should I introduce myself in the letter? I've contacted my Congressmen before, but I always seem to word it wrong and fail to convince them that I deserve to be taken seriously, so I could really use your help.

There is no law guaranteeing a warranty. A warranty is a contractual agreement between vendor and purchaser. A good lesson #1: When you buy something, whether on line on in a store, make sure there is a some warranty that you can return the merchendise if defective.

If there is such a warranty, and the store does not honor it, you have legal rights. Generally, it is not worth filing a lawsuit (you could), the better remedy is lesson #2: Buy with a credit card. If the store violates your warranty, and you can demonstrate this to your credit card company (keep your receipts, boxes, correspondence, and records of your activities), it will usually refund your credit and deal with the store. It's like having a cheapo court system working for you.

Finally, lesson #3: Deal with a reputable vendor. If you don't know the vendor, make double sure about #1 and #2.
dstebbins said:
I just bought a used computer for my son for about a hundred bucks. It's no alienware, but it does the job my son and I need, like getting him off mine.:lol: Anyway, I hooked up the computer exactly like this one is hooked up, but when I went to turn it on, it was a dud. I called the store from which I bought it, but they said they don't give refunds there, and they were out of stock on the computers of that power, and since it was used, they probably weren't going to get a new one in any time soon.

This made me think: Why do consumers have to put up with this BS? Isn't the customer always right?

Do you think I should contact my Congressman and suggest some legislation like a Consumers' Bill of Rights? One of these rights is the right to a speedy exchange or refund in cash if the refund is necessary (in other words, mere dissatisfaction returns can still be refunded with store credit). I was planning on using the excuse that such rogue policies hurt the economy in order to convince him to introduce this legislation.

If you think I should, how should I go about writing the body of the letter? How should I word it when I get to the part where I suggest the Consumers' Bill of Rights? How should I introduce myself in the letter? I've contacted my Congressmen before, but I always seem to word it wrong and fail to convince them that I deserve to be taken seriously, so I could really use your help.

I’m sorry to change topic but how was it a dud? Once when I moved my pc the wire from the power button got unconnected from the motherboard. Seemed dead, took me 5 min to check and fix. Just a thought….

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