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Conspiracists game the higher education system (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 26, 2012
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Political Leaning
It's hard to believe that wealthy individuals, parents and children and others, would conspire to cheat the college admission system, but they have.

Do wealthy humans conspire more readily than those of lower income?

Why do people conspire so often? Is it part of our DNA?
It's hard to believe that wealthy individuals, parents and children and others, would conspire to cheat the college admission system, but they have.

Do wealthy humans conspire more readily than those of lower income?

Why do people conspire so often? Is it part of our DNA?

I think all people try to figure out ways to get what they want, but wealthy people have more of the means (money...connections) it takes to do so.
It's hard to believe that wealthy individuals, parents and children and others, would conspire to cheat the college admission system, but they have.

Do wealthy humans conspire more readily than those of lower income?

Why do people conspire so often? Is it part of our DNA?

Its easier to conspire when you have lots of money. But most Conspiracy Theories are absolute garbage, the pass time of middle aged men in crisis.
Its easier to conspire when you have lots of money. But most Conspiracy Theories are absolute garbage, the pass time of middle aged men in crisis.

And usually poorly educated.
It's hard to believe that wealthy individuals, parents and children and others, would conspire to cheat the college admission system, but they have.

Do wealthy humans conspire more readily than those of lower income?

Why do people conspire so often? Is it part of our DNA?

You're begging the question. Who says that people conspire often?

Human nature is what it is, but greater resources mean greater opportunities and temptations.
It's hard to believe that wealthy individuals, parents and children and others, would conspire to cheat the college admission system, but they have.

Do wealthy humans conspire more readily than those of lower income?

Why do people conspire so often? Is it part of our DNA?

What conspiracy? Did these people get together to game the system, or did they act on their own on what everybody knew happens?

And it's not just rich people. While it's true that you're not apt to get rejected from a spot in a building with daddy's name on the door, it's also true that spots get reserved for other poorer groups. Minority's get a leg up, as do females. If you can throw a football the length of the field or dunk a basketball, you will get accepted and get a scholarship without submitting SAT's or grades. "Dreamers" get a leg up for being here illegally.

It may not be right, but it is what it is.
It's hard to believe that wealthy individuals, parents and children and others, would conspire to cheat the college admission system, but they have.

Do wealthy humans conspire more readily than those of lower income?

Why do people conspire so often? Is it part of our DNA?

I don't find it hard to believe at all. Power corrupts. In America, money is power.
It's hard to believe that wealthy individuals, parents and children and others, would conspire to cheat the college admission system, but they have.

Do wealthy humans conspire more readily than those of lower income?

Why do people conspire so often? Is it part of our DNA?

This is not a conspiracy theory, does not even belong in this section of the forums.

The harsh truth is every society across all of history ends up developing some form of aristocracy. Be it via wealth, or government, or ideology, or some combination of all these factors to suggest one smaller group of the population is of a higher class of society than all others. And as such, there is more avenue to try to sidestep rules and law.

All we are seeing is a manifestation of that thinking. It has happened before and it will happen again, no matter what is done suggesting aristocratic thinking can be throttled.

As for why... in a word, ego. Human history confirmed, on repeat.
What conspiracy? Did these people get together to game the system, or did they act on their own on what everybody knew happens?

And it's not just rich people. While it's true that you're not apt to get rejected from a spot in a building with daddy's name on the door, it's also true that spots get reserved for other poorer groups. Minority's get a leg up, as do females. If you can throw a football the length of the field or dunk a basketball, you will get accepted and get a scholarship without submitting SAT's or grades. "Dreamers" get a leg up for being here illegally.

It may not be right, but it is what it is.

Yes indeed, it is what it is.

People planned together and worked together to achieve nefarious ends, which is pretty much what conspiracy is. Parents and children along with a facilitator worked together to achieve deception and favorable resolutions.

Webster defines it: To plan together secretly to commit a crime or wrongful act or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action. And 2) To act or work together.

My only point is that humans do such things very often, meaning that conspiracy is common behavior amongst humans. That is, conspiracy is not a rare event amongst humans.

So describing the term "conspiracy" as being most rare is not an accurate description.
This is not a conspiracy theory, does not even belong in this section of the forums.

The harsh truth is every society across all of history ends up developing some form of aristocracy. Be it via wealth, or government, or ideology, or some combination of all these factors to suggest one smaller group of the population is of a higher class of society than all others. And as such, there is more avenue to try to sidestep rules and law.

All we are seeing is a manifestation of that thinking. It has happened before and it will happen again, no matter what is done suggesting aristocratic thinking can be throttled.

As for why... in a word, ego. Human history confirmed, on repeat.

No, it's not a conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy fact.
I don't find it hard to believe at all. Power corrupts. In America, money is power.

Not only is money power, but our Supreme Court has told us that money is speech.
It's hard to believe that wealthy individuals, parents and children and others, would conspire to cheat the college admission system, but they have.

Actually, it's quite easy to believe that.

What's hard to believe? Well, not hard. Harder than that. What is beyond the range of rational inference?

These lunatic theories that the government murdered children and framed some teenager in order to <something something never explained something something>, or that the U.S. government despite being inept at everything else orchestrated a massive conspiracy of thousands of people to pretend to have multiple passenger-loaded planes fly into a landmark and murder thousands of American citizens so that it could achieve <something something never explained something something>, which it achieved when <something something never explained something something>.

Those are the insane nonsense. The idea that rich people would game a system is not surprising in the least. That's a very believable human urge, with a concrete goal, and actual evidence to show it in fact happened.
Actually, it's quite easy to believe that.

What's hard to believe? Well, not hard. Harder than that. What is beyond the range of rational inference?

These lunatic theories ... that the U.S. government despite being inept at everything else orchestrated a massive conspiracy of thousands of people to pretend to have multiple passenger-loaded planes fly into a landmark and murder thousands of American citizens so that it could achieve <something something never explained something something>, ...

Those are the insane nonsense.

That is not what the participants/jurors of the US federal grand jury convened to investigate the controlled demolitions of WTCs 1, 2 & 7 will decide when they see the huge volume of irrefutable scientific evidence that illustrates beyond the shadow of a doubt that the US governments' story is pure nonsense.

Anybody who honestly looks at the evidence can see this in minutes. Not one date/time stamped photograph from any of the CCTV cameras at the airports alleged Muslim hijackers are said to departed from exists. That, in and of itself, sinks the US governments' story.

On Monday November 26, 2018, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, a nonprofit public interest organization, announced its receipt of a letter from the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York reflecting the initiation of 9/11 related grand jury proceedings requested by the Lawyers’ Committee. The U.S. Attorney’s letter is in response to the Lawyers’ Committee’s April 10, 2018 Petition and July 30, 2018 Amended Petition demanding that the U.S. Attorney present to a Special Grand Jury extensive evidence of so-far-unprosecuted federal crimes relating to the destruction of three World Trade Center Towers on 9/11 (WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7).

7 NOV 2018 -- U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman Will Comply with 18 USC Section 3332 | Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry
That is not what the participants/jurors of the US federal grand jury convened to investigate the controlled demolitions of WTCs 1, 2 & 7 will decide when they see the huge volume of irrefutable scientific evidence that illustrates beyond the shadow of a doubt that the US governments' story is pure nonsense.

Anybody who honestly looks at the evidence can see this in minutes. Not one date/time stamped photograph from any of the CCTV cameras at the airports alleged Muslim hijackers are said to departed from exists. That, in and of itself, sinks the US governments' story.

PS: a grand jury is assembled so that the prosecutor can provide evidence and request the jury find that there is PROBABLE CAUSE to conclude someone has committed a crime.

PSS: "probable cause" can be, for example, demonstrated by a cop testifying that the individual he searched was slinking down the street in a furtive manner while holding one arm straight against his side (the latter of which he then says is, in his 'training and experience', evidence the person had a gun).

Granted, some cops are smarter and instead say that they only stopped him for questioning and, while pat-frisking him to discover weapons that might harm the officer, felt a suspicious package that in his "training and experience" might be a weapon. Others go with the route of claiming the suspect looked at them, started walking quickly away, and then threw something on the ground, which something was later found to be drugs. Granted, they are all lies. But the point should be obvious: whether probable cause or "reasonable suspicion based on articulable facts", the standard means jack ****.

Convening a grand jury means jack ****. That a grand jury issued an indictment? Usually jack ****. This is why there is a proverb about ham sandwiches and grand juries.

And before I get someone trying to use this post in other threads re: Mueller: that's a guy who not only convened many grand juries and indictments, but also got a slew of guilty pleas AND convictions after trial AND may get more AND we don't know everything he has, nor do we have any basis of saying we can guess.
PS: a grand jury is assembled so that the prosecutor can provide evidence and request the jury find that there is PROBABLE CAUSE to conclude someone has committed a crime.

PSS: "probable cause" can be, for example, demonstrated by a cop testifying that the individual he searched was slinking down the street in a furtive manner while holding one arm straight against his side (the latter of which he then says is, in his 'training and experience', evidence the person had a gun).

So considering the import of this, why haven't you checked to see what the evidence is for this grand jury, because, after all, you are an open minded individual, are you not?
Since the GJ case is driven by AE911T and the LC the "evidence" is known. An open minded person already knows what the GJ conclusion will be.
Since the GJ case is driven by AE911T and the LC the "evidence" is known. An open minded person already knows what the GJ conclusion will be.

The only thing open minded about metabunkers is that no evidence can be contained within the open holes. Intelligent people are the 3000 plus architects and engineers and the other numerous scientists of all stripe that are contributing to the volumes of evidence given to the grand jury.

metabunkers, being abject liars and folks who abhor evidence, have obviously not been invited.
Since the GJ case is driven by AE911T and the LC the "evidence" is known.

NIST is ****ting their pants, as are many others who helped provide cover for a government that murdered well over 3,000 of their own. The Nazis weren't even this evil. None of the metabunkers' favorite "scientists" have been invited either.
The only thing open minded about metabunkers is that no evidence can be contained within the open holes. Intelligent people are the 3000 plus architects and engineers and the other numerous scientists of all stripe that are contributing to the volumes of evidence given to the grand jury.

metabunkers, being abject liars and folks who abhor evidence, have obviously not been invited.

So the evidence is not known? Seems you should brush up on what is on the AE911T site. Or get the short version on Veterans Today.:lamo
NIST is ****ting their pants, as are many others who helped provide cover for a government that murdered well over 3,000 of their own. The Nazis weren't even this evil. None of the metabunkers' favorite "scientists" have been invited either.

Funny. You know claim to know who the GJ will call as witnesses.
camlock would be proud.:mrgreen:
Funny. You know claim to know who the GJ will call as witnesses.

You would too, if you weren't so frightened to read the LC material. What is sergeant metabunker saying about this? Has he given the little metabunkers their marching orders?
You would too, if you weren't so frightened to read the LC material. What is sergeant metabunker saying about this? Has he given the little metabunkers their marching orders?

I have read it. I have found you have posted many errors in trying to follow what the LC material has to say regarding the GJ.
I have read it.

Can metabunkers read? They certainly can't think. And why oh why would metabunkers support governments that murdered so many thousands of their own, plus the millions around the world that metabunkers care not at all for?
NIST is ****ting their pants, as are many others who helped provide cover for a government that murdered well over 3,000 of their own. The Nazis weren't even this evil.

6,000,000+ > 3,000.

Learn to math.

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