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Conservative Radical Right Wing Experience SUCKS really! Rump is the toxic waste material ....... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2017
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Conservatives CRASHING THE ECONOMY Are RINO’s - WE must all think about what Conservative RINO’s have leave behind that screws over democrats,republicans and liberals alike which ruins our quality of life.

Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy? | US politics | The Guardian

--- The RINO Conservatives Reagan/Bush Savings and Loan Heist
The Bush Brothers are Bank Robbers

--- The RINO Conservatives Bush/Cheney Wall Street Home Loan Heist

What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a housing bubble? | Dollars & Sense

FBI Kills RUSH's "Blame the Borrower Meme" and Ignore the Money Launderers UPDATED

--- What Did RINO Conservatives Do With $700 billion of bank bail out money?
“Good Billions After Bad”–One Year After Wall Street Bailout, Pulitzer Winners Barlett and Steele Investigate Where All the Money Went | Democracy Now!
--- Why did RINO Conservative GW Bush Lie About Social Security?( This WILL cost taxpayers $4 trillion,place taxpayers insurance money at risk and wreck the economy)
--- Still A Bad Idea –The RINO Conservative ENTITLEMENT Package for

Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy? | US politics | The Guardian
Rump was bailed out of bankruptcy by the "Russian Mob". So what does Trump owe the Russian mob? Isn't this a security issue?

The ALEC GOP Mandate:

Not coming clean with the Americans! ALEC GOP is the enemy!

Anti American Radical Right Wing Agenda = Fascism
ALEC: The Voice of Corporate Special Interests in State Legislatures | Right Wing Watch

Koch Brothers Over Throwing The USA Government
The United States of ALEC: Bill Moyers on the Secretive Corporate-Legislative Body Writing Our Laws | Democracy Now!

Backed exclusively by:
Training Politicians To Come Off As Populists
New Koch-Linked Political Firm Aims to Handpick “Electable” Candidates – Mother Jones

Killing Public Education In the Name Of Monster Profits
Exposing ALEC's Agenda to Defund and Dismantle Public Education | HuffPost

Backed exclusively by:
Training Politicians To Come Off As Populists
New Koch-Linked Political Firm Aims to Handpick “Electable” Candidates – Mother Jones

American Legislative Exchange Council Teams With Radical Fundamentalists

The John Birch Society celebrates the KOCH Mob
The GOP has become mentally unstable documented by many of their presidents = the party is sick!

Article 1. Donald J. Trump, in violation of his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, and to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has obstructed the administration of justice:

1. He attempted to fire Mueller. The Mueller report found “substantial evidence . . . that the President’s attempts to remove the Special Counsel were linked to the Special Counsel’s oversight of investigations that involved the President’s conduct.”

2. Trump attempted to curtail Mueller’s investigation. Mueller found “that the President’s effort to have [Attorney General Jeff] Sessions limit the scope of the Special Counsel’s investigation to future election interference was intended to prevent further investigative scrutiny of the President’s and his campaign’s conduct.”

3. He ordered White House counsel Donald McGahn to falsify the record to conceal his attempts to fire Mueller. Mueller found that Trump “acted . . . in order to deflect or prevent further scrutiny of the President’s conduct.”

4. He fired FBI Director James B. Comey, Mueller found, because of “Comey’s unwillingness to publicly state that the President was not personally under investigation.”

Moreover, Mueller wrote, by firing Comey “the President wanted to protect himself from an investigation into his campaign,” because he knew “that a thorough FBI investigation would uncover facts about the campaign and the President personally that the President could have understood to be crimes or that would give rise to personal and political concerns.” Trump showed awareness of guilt by advancing “a pretextual reason to the press and the public for Comey’s termination.”

5. He tried to dissuade Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, and other witnesses from cooperating with the government. The non-cooperation of Manafort and Stone, in particular, made it impossible to establish the exact nature of the relationship between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Article II. Donald J. Trump, in violation of his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, and to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, failed to defend America from foreign election interference. As a candidate, he welcomed Russian intervention in the 2016 election and refused to notify the proper authorities of contacts between his campaign and representatives of Russia and WikiLeaks.

As president, he denied that the Russian attack had even occurred, accepted Russian President Vladimir Putin’s false denials of responsibility, and showed no interest in determining the full scale of the attack. He repeatedly called the Russia investigation a “hoax” and a “witch hunt” even though Mueller determined “that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election” and that “the matters we investigated were of paramount importance.”

Article III. Donald J. Trump, in violation of his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, and to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, attempted to investigate and prosecute his political opponents. On three occasions, Mueller found, Trump asked the Justice Department to initiate investigations of Hillary Clinton. More recently, Trump and his attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani, attempted to initiate an investigation of Joe Biden.

Article IV. Donald J. Trump, in violation of his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, and to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, failed to produce papers and testimony as duly directed by Congress. Trump obstructed at least 20 inquiries relating to his taxes, business records, the Mueller investigation and other matters.

Article V. Donald J. Trump, in violation of federal campaign finance laws, conspired with his attorney Michael Cohen in order to conceal alleged relationships with adult film actress Stormy Daniels and Playboy playmate Karen McDougal before the 2016 election.

Article VI. Donald J. Trump, in violation of his oath to uphold Article 1, section 9 of the Constitution (“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law”), attempted to misuse his emergency powers to spend funds on a border wall that Congress did not appropriate.

Article VII. Donald J. Trump, in violation of his oath to uphold the emoluments clauses (which forbid the president from accepting benefits from foreign and state governments without the permission of Congress) retains ownership of a global business empire which allows him to benefit from dealings with foreign and state governments.

ALEC GOP has committed more criminal and unconstitutional conduct under Trump than any previous president in U.S. history. The entire GOP and Trump administration must resign.
Say it all again and again and again
Rino's? These are your typical gop perks for corporate America and the super wealthy. Trump wants another tax cut.
Conservatives CRASHING THE ECONOMY Are RINO’s - WE must all think about what Conservative RINO’s have leave behind that screws over democrats,republicans and liberals alike which ruins our quality of life.

Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy? | US politics | The Guardian

--- The RINO Conservatives Reagan/Bush Savings and Loan Heist
The Bush Brothers are Bank Robbers

--- The RINO Conservatives Bush/Cheney Wall Street Home Loan Heist

What is the difference between a Ponzi scheme and a housing bubble? | Dollars & Sense

FBI Kills RUSH's "Blame the Borrower Meme" and Ignore the Money Launderers UPDATED

--- What Did RINO Conservatives Do With $700 billion of bank bail out money?
“Good Billions After Bad”–One Year After Wall Street Bailout, Pulitzer Winners Barlett and Steele Investigate Where All the Money Went | Democracy Now!
--- Why did RINO Conservative GW Bush Lie About Social Security?( This WILL cost taxpayers $4 trillion,place taxpayers insurance money at risk and wreck the economy)
--- Still A Bad Idea –The RINO Conservative ENTITLEMENT Package for

Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy? | US politics | The Guardian

Probe Ties Reagan, Bush to Iran-Contra Cover-Up : Inquiry: Report says neither broke law but allowed effort to deceive. Ex-Presidents call conclusions unfair.

JAN. 19, 199412 AM

WASHINGTON — Former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush engaged in conduct that contributed to “a concerted effort to deceive Congress and the public” about the Iran-Contra scandal, according to the final report issued Tuesday by the independent counsel who investigated the affair.

In his findings, Lawrence E. Walsh concluded that neither Reagan nor Bush violated any criminal laws in connection with the affair--in which the Reagan Administration secretly sold weapons to Iran in the mid-1980s in order to gain the release of American hostages in Lebanon and to generate funds to aid rebel forces in Nicaragua.

But Reagan’s “disregard” for limits imposed by Congress emboldened some of his Administration’s highest-ranking officials to engage in illegal actions, Walsh said.

He charged that Reagan “set the stage for the illegal activities of others by encouraging and, in general terms, ordering support of the Contras” during a two-year period when Congress had prohibited military aid to the rebels.

As for then-Vice President Bush, Walsh said: “Contrary to his public pronouncements, . . . he was fully aware of the Iran arms sales. Bush was regularly briefed, along with the President (Reagan), on the Iran arms sales, and he participated in discussions to obtain third-country support for the Contras.”

In separate statements released Tuesday, Reagan, Bush and several other former officials named in the report called Walsh’s conclusions inaccurate and unfair.

Reagan termed the report “an expensive, self-administered pat on the back and a vehicle for baseless accusations that he could never have proven in court.”

Bush said no one should try to criminalize what was “a political dispute between the executive and legislative branches over foreign policy.”

Walsh’s report, released by order of the panel of U.S. appellate judges who appointed him in December, 1986, marks the official end of a seven-year investigation that cost $40 million.

All told, 11 people--including former White House aides Oliver L. North and John M. Poindexter--were convicted of charges stemming from the investigation.

Probe Ties Reagan, Bush to Iran-Contra Cover-Up : Inquiry: Report says neither broke law but allowed effort to deceive. Ex-Presidents call conclusions unfair. - Los Angeles Times

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