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Connecticut Democrats Push Marijuana Legalization and Student Debt Assistance (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Lawmakers are poised to produce more progressive legislation this year now that state Senate is Democrat-controlled

Connecticut Democrats are seeking to legalize recreational marijuana and provide debt-free college to qualified students, measures they said would help the state’s economy and education system.

The debt-free college legislation would set up a program where the state covers the last portion of school financing for students after taking into account federal grants and private scholarships. Senate Democrats are still working on finalizing how much money would be required to fund the program and who exactly would qualify but...[paywall]
Good thinking to use the tax revenue from MJ sales to help fund higher education.
Wise move. I’m sure they also took into consideration the sales they could be making that are going to Massachusetts instead since they just legalized weed.

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