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Congressional candidate Karen Hyde, oops should be Karen Martin Hyde tries to bully cop (1 Viewer)

Peter King

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Feb 19, 2012
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Whiny Karen aka Martin Hyde got caught by the police speeding and texting behind the wheel while driving. You should know that this Karen is a GOP candidate out of Sarasota Florida and is a little bit of a huge asswipe. The officer quite politely asked him for his driving license and his registration. Karen Hyde wanted her to know how much of an important little dipshit this congressional candidate was by acting from second 2 like a jackass.

Trying to make out he was something special with the "You know who I am, right?", well to this the answer is and always should be, even if you are Biden, Trump, Queen Elizabeth and the Pope rolled into one, the answer is it does not matter who the hell you are. But that is of course something this male Karen does not like to hear.

Hyde was driving 57 in a 40 mile zone and was texting. Just watch and wonder how this little loser makes a jackass of himself, threatening the career of the officer, calling her rude/insulting her and then saying that she was lying. And here is some


She did not lie, he lied, threatened, acted like a Karen, tried to bully, insult and weasel his way out of his predicament and also called a buddy of his who he thought was going to side with him sight unseen. He even (the buddy officer) had notified the chain of command. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the video was reviewed and the only one lying on it was ................................... OUR KAREN Martin Hyde.

She asked him for his registration, he said "are you going to arrest me", she just asked for his registration and he said he did not have it on him. Later lying that the did produce him. But here is where the crux of the matter was, his registration had lapsed. In other words he did not have a current and valid registration. When another officer arrived he magically produced his lapsed registration and claimed she did not want to accept it when he had offered it to her (which was another lie) and made himself look more like a pathetic loser with comments like

"Is it your Russian immigration status that makes you talk to people like this?" adding, "call the supervisor."

As they waited for her supervisor to arrive, Hyde mentioned that he knows the chief of police, the mayor, and the city administrator, and then let her know he's running for office.

"You’re talking to a congressional candidate like this," Hyde said, holding up his cell phone which has a case printed with "Hyde 2022."

"She was in a big power trip. Guess what? She’s been there seven years. She won’t make eight. I’ll make sure of it. I’ll get going on it," Hyde said.

Enjoy the video of this male Karen asking for "the manager" telling that he knows the owners (her bosses/politicians) and that he is going to make it so that she gets fired.
I want to apologize if anybody here is called Karen, I would never claim you were behaving like a Karen, just because your name is Karen.
I want to apologize if anybody here is called Karen, I would never claim you were behaving like a Karen, just because your name is Karen.

You could have avoided the misunderstanding by using a Jekyll and Hyde meme instead.
He should actually be charged. Commissioning corrupt behavior, whatever that's called.
He kept name dropping too. But it seems 5 years ago he was kicked out of a racket ball club for racist comments. He said to a couple of young latino's that they should go cut grass. One of the youths was a 15 year old teen who had been invited to play a tournament at the racket ball club. He was playing at school and needed to play at the tournament to increase his ranking for future chances. But Martin thought those latino's should go mow grass and not be at "his" racket ball club. In the end the latino kid was allowed to play in the tournament and he was kicked out of the club for racist comments.

Then too he was namedropping about all the people he knew. He even had to stop his campaign for another political function.

I am thinking he has just decreased his chances of getting elected. With his "do you know who I am", he is a pathetic loser.
He kept name dropping too. But it seems 5 years ago he was kicked out of a racket ball club for racist comments. He said to a couple of young latino's that they should go cut grass. One of the youths was a 15 year old teen who had been invited to play a tournament at the racket ball club. He was playing at school and needed to play at the tournament to increase his ranking for future chances. But Martin thought those latino's should go mow grass and not be at "his" racket ball club. In the end the latino kid was allowed to play in the tournament and he was kicked out of the club for racist comments.

Then too he was namedropping about all the people he knew. He even had to stop his campaign for another political function.

I am thinking he has just decreased his chances of getting elected. With his "do you know who I am", he is a pathetic loser.

Yes, but he should actually be charged. It's obscene what politicians (and sometimes even aspiring politicians) get away with on the assumption they're "losing their jobs" for it. How are their jobs a cover for crimes when OUR jobs are not?
I guess that GOP “Law and Order” rhetoric is a canard…

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