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Congress Sets a New Record for Being Hated (1 Viewer)

Blah blah blah. Everybody's unhappy with our country's leaders, but come the next election they'll blindly go to the polls and re-elect them at an over 90% rate just like always.

that's because the bad guys are always from someone else's state.
Oh my guy is bad. And I'll vote against him. But he has money, and this county is 60/40 in favor of his party, so he'll get in.
Oh my guy is bad. And I'll vote against him. But he has money, and this county is 60/40 in favor of his party, so he'll get in.
At least you are willing to do your part. That's all anyone can ask.
If people hate them so much,the best solution would be to.as Rick Perry said in a moment of rare eloquence said,"to make Washington DC as insignifigant as possible in our everyday lives".
Blah blah blah. Everybody's unhappy with our country's leaders, but come the next election they'll blindly go to the polls and re-elect them at an over 90% rate just like always.

Of course they will. The crooked bastards are heroes in their own state......it's the other 500 who are the bad guys.

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