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Confirming Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court is a start (1 Viewer)

j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
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"Today's supermajority conservative court has repeatedly overstepped its role as a neutral arbiter "calling balls and strikes" and has instead bent over backwards to protect corporate interests at the expense of the rest of us. Examples are rife — from Citizens United v. FEC, which has led to dark money dominating our political system, to Janus v. AFSCME, which has served a blow to public sector unions and collective bargaining efforts, to Michigan v. EPA, which has, in effect, placed industry profits on equal footing with protecting the environment.

These pro-corporate decisions were not made in a vacuum. Over the past two decades, the Roberts court has handed down a whole host of other decisions that have actively served to dismantle the legal architecture of racial and economic progress — by weakening the right to vote, stripping away worker protections, thwarting efforts to protect the environment, and restricting women's rights to bodily autonomy. Taken together, these decisions are a natural extension of the conservative movement's larger efforts to rig the economy for the few, at the expense of the many. In effect, the conservative majority has used the Supreme Court as a vehicle to carry out a broader, radical, far-right agenda.

...as Jackson's confirmation hearing gets underway, senators have an important opportunity to tell the story of how this conservative Supreme Court is preventing us from meeting our collective needs — at a time when state legislatures across the country are waging a war on the right to vote, the teaching of American history, women's autonomy, and LGBTQ youth. Our courts should be protecting us from these attacks, rather than contributing to them. They should be upholding equal justice under the law, and respecting constitutional precedent."


The Supreme Court has been conservative for the past 40 years or more, and could be for another 40 or more. A permanen consensus in a political institution is the antithesis of a democratic society. They are leading us full steam ahead to a Christian nationalist oligarchy. Jackson will be a breath of fresh air. More fresh air is desperately needed.
Not so much a super majority con court, which it is, but a majority far-right activist court.

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