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Condoleezza Rice Makes the Case Why She Should Be In Jail Herself In Interview With Fox About Ukraine (1 Viewer)


Handsome Pitbull
DP Veteran
Aug 3, 2014
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
The clip is a Fox News interview with Condoleezza Rice about the war in Ukraine. Rice goes through all of the normal MSM jingoism but in the process makes the case why she should be in jail as a war criminal lols Of course nobody states the obvious.

At 4 mins 45 secs in Rice is asked to comment on whether the Russian invasion is seeing war crimes being committed. Rice refuses to directly acknowledge the criminality and is reserved enough to say that actions are being committed that are " close to the line" and then intimates a wish to " put that aside for a minute" ( I'm shocked. I wonder whether she was getting a little uncomfortable at this point lols ?)

Not getting the message properly the interviewer returns to the subject of war crimes at 6 mins 40 and states " when you invade a sovereign nation that is a war crime" ( true) and Rice is forced into a response that an invasion of that kind is" against every principle of international law and international order" lols I agree btw but seeing as she was part of the US government in her role as national security advisor to George W Bush when it illegally invaded the sovereign state of Iraq in 2003 she just made a case for her own indictment on war crimes charges

So obvious really but you have to laugh at the level of absurdity of the coverage of this war by people who have done the same themselves and those interviewing them that don't see the obvious, or do but just want or keep their jobs.
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Feeling desperate this morning?
Does the truth make you feel desperate? We invaded Iraq on the strength of the lies of the Bush administration, weapons of mass destruction my arse. In cahoots with bin laden, my arse, lies.
Condi didn't start a war as she had no authority to start a war.

She was part of the fabrications used to justify the illegal war on Iraq, remember the " mushroom cloud" bs by any chance? When they tried the Nazis all of the hierarchy that were alive were indicted
She was part of the fabrications used to justify the illegal war on Iraq, remember the " mushroom cloud" bs by any chance? When they tried the Nazis all of the hierarchy that were alive were indicted

Now you reference the lady to Nazi's?

Fer ****s sakes pards.
Now you reference the lady to Nazi's?

Fer ****s sakes pards.

War criminals are war criminals, Gender, ideologies and nationalities don't change any of that. Well they don't for people that wish to be consistent.

" Lady " lols

I suppose you refer to Putin as " gentleman" ?
War criminals are war criminals, Gender, ideologies and nationalities don't change any of that. Well they don't for people that wish to be consistent.

" Lady " lols

I suppose you refer to Putin as " gentleman" ?

Now your left with supposing to support your inane posts?

You're all over the map with your nonsense.
Now your left with supposing to support your inane posts?

You're all over the map with your nonsense.

Nah, the OP is pretty much a solid case of self indictment lols
Get back to everyone when you have a solid case on prosecuting Condi.

Until then, it all partisan ranting.

She made the case herself against herself lols Why do you think she tried to swerve the subject ?
Is this what you call a big fat distraction? I think it could be?
Is this what you call a big fat distraction? I think it could be?

Nah, it's a reflection on the ridiculous coverage this war is getting.

One war criminal being allowed to cite laws they themselves/governments have broken, going unchallenged on it , in order to point the finger at another war criminal. It's ridiculous.
She made the case herself against herself lols Why do you think she tried to swerve the subject ?



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1: a subtle distinction or variationNuances of flavor and fragrance cannot be described accurately …— Scott Seegers… these terms have certain nuances of meaning …— Ben F. Nelms
2: a subtle quality : NICETY… the nuances of an individual's voice …— Michael Swaine
3: sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value)… a performance of remarkable pliability and nuance.— Irvine Kolodin
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