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Coming oil shock to the USA (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
With looming news that Saudi Arabian production is about to peak (most say by 2008, but many are now saying the end of 2006)

What is america to do? I think this coming shock will wake america up or bring the destruction of, but there is now way around the recession we're about to have.

your thoughts?
128shot said:
With looming news that Saudi Arabian production is about to peak (most say by 2008, but many are now saying the end of 2006)

What is america to do? I think this coming shock will wake america up or bring the destruction of, but there is now way around the recession we're about to have.

your thoughts?

Necessity is the mother of invention. I think it will get worse before we decide to act.
Could be bad. And the problem is that the majority of alternative fuels take oil to produce, like nuclear plants, solar panels, wind farms, etc...I think people have to a) realize that nothing will replace oil, and b) be prepared to make a lot of sacrifices.
takes oil to make


this is true

but I think the point is

does it take oil to run?
128shot said:
takes oil to make


this is true

but I think the point is

does it take oil to run?

No it doesn't. But we can't start thinking about it when oil prices are $500 a barrel or it'll bankrupt the country to switch to other energy sources.
its now or never.
128shot said:
its now or never.

Well, maybe like now, the next couple years, or never...:lol:

Europe's got the right idea. France is 80% nuclear, Germany's got solar panals on all the roofs. And their public transportation system puts ours to shame. Not to mention they don't have suburban sprawl like we do, so most people ride their bikes everywhere.
how many nuclear plants would it take to run the US?
Kelzie said:
Well, maybe like now, the next couple years, or never...:lol:

Europe's got the right idea. France is 80% nuclear, Germany's got solar panals on all the roofs. And their public transportation system puts ours to shame. Not to mention they don't have suburban sprawl like we do, so most people ride their bikes everywhere.

Yes, their public transportation is second to none. I have used it in Germany and it is absolutely amazing, especially the trains running from one city to another. We are so far behing in this country in transportation, it is pityful.

Somehow I just can't picture anyone used to driving a gas guzzling SUV riding a bike to work or to the store. These people have compounded our dependence on oil and I would love to see every SUV in this country crumble into a heap of rust.

I can imagine the mess that our next President will have to deal with. Maybe nobody will want to run for the office.

Old and wise
there are ways to keep our life style going.

all I can say is for years this would mean fuel prices wouldn't drop below 50 dollars a barrel.
Old and wise said:
Yes, their public transportation is second to none. I have used it in Germany and it is absolutely amazing, especially the trains running from one city to another. We are so far behing in this country in transportation, it is pityful.

Somehow I just can't picture anyone used to driving a gas guzzling SUV riding a bike to work or to the store. These people have compounded our dependence on oil and I would love to see every SUV in this country crumble into a heap of rust.

I can imagine the mess that our next President will have to deal with. Maybe nobody will want to run for the office.

Old and wise

Hi! Welcome to the forum. Good first post too! :2wave:

I think they're going to have to learn. I bet they will when they run out of twinkies!
128shot said:
how many nuclear plants would it take to run the US?

I am not sure how many it would take to run the US, but the total number running right now is 103. I didnt realize there were already so many. The last one however, was commissioned in 1996.
Not to downplay germany but...

Japan has a better public transporation system IMO. nothing beats japanese effciency at this point.


I think we should cut loose a couple regulations so nuclear plants can be built faster.

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