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Colin Powell's Speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, Night 2 (1 Viewer)

Old 'N Chill

DP Veteran
Jun 24, 2019
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Very strong and truthful speech from former Secretary of State Colin Powell, short but well worth a listen for those who may have missed it.

I listened to it in the background yesterday while I multi-tasked. Very good!
What I question is whether any president can repair the division that currently exists. If even in the face of a shared threat like a pandemic we're divided, I can't help but wonder if anything will change our status quo.
What I question is whether any president can repair the division that currently exists. If even in the face of a shared threat like a pandemic we're divided, I can't help but wonder if anything will change our status quo.

We are strong. The majority of Americans are sane and patriotic. The division under this administration is severe, thanks to the incompetent president who now sits in the white house. What currently exists can be repaired and we can heal. But unfortunately, there are a lot of angry, hateful, paranoid, ignorant, gullible racists in our country, that's how we got to this point from the '16 election. The majority of voters wanted an adult in the White House and some sanity, the clown got lucky and made it in.....we need to boot him out, he's illiterate, racist and unpatriotic.
Colin Powell?

My, how the GOP has fallen.
Damn, that was a good speech.
We are strong. The majority of Americans are sane and patriotic. The division under this administration is severe, thanks to the incompetent president who now sits in the white house. What currently exists can be repaired and we can heal. But unfortunately, there are a lot of angry, hateful, paranoid, ignorant, gullible racists in our country, that's how we got to this point from the '16 election. The majority of voters wanted an adult in the White House and some sanity, the clown got lucky and made it in.....we need to boot him out, he's illiterate, racist and unpatriotic.

I'm often optimistic about most things, but this is one area I think will take a lot of work to overcome. What patriotism means has also become a dividing point; those who think it means just preserving the past vs. those who feel things should change. It's always been this way, but it's at the forefront like so many things are. This election will be a referendum on the current administration, and I do think that there is a strong sentiment out there supporting a change from this style of leadership. Trump has always been a clown in my book; I've witnessed him make an ass out of himself well before he became president. His time in office only proved that he is incapable of rising to the occasion.
I'm often optimistic about most things, but this is one area I think will take a lot of work to overcome. What patriotism means has also become a dividing point; those who think it means just preserving the past vs. those who feel things should change. It's always been this way, but it's at the forefront like so many things are. This election will be a referendum on the current administration, and I do think that there is a strong sentiment out there supporting a change from this style of leadership. Trump has always been a clown in my book; I've witnessed him make an ass out of himself well before he became president. His time in office only proved that he is incapable of rising to the occasion.

I agree with all you say. When I referred to patriotic, I was talking about Americans who refuse to support the traitor in the White House who serves at the pleasure of Mr. Putin, and turns his back on our country and our people.

Patriotic Americans want what is best for the present and future of our country, not looking to preserve our racist and murderous past, looking down on all minorities including women, Native Americans, people of color, etc.....not allowing them to be treated as equals and taking away their freedoms and many times their lives.

Trump absolutely is an egotistical, selfish clown, and nothing more. He not only repeatedly makes an ass out of himself, but his supporters make asses out of themselves when they bend over backwards and jump through hoops trying to explain away his ignorant senseless statements and dangerous actions. Quite a few republicans now see him for what he is, and will refuse to vote for him again. They put their country over wannabe king Trump.
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