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Cobb County Man Slaughtered in Random Hate Crime Mob Attack (1 Viewer)


May 11, 2013
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On July 1st a group of black gang members brutally attacked and beat a random white pedestrian in Cobb County, Georgia. He was then knocked onto the road where he was hit by oncoming traffic.

This story received minor coverage in the local news. If the races had been reversed this would be the biggest news story in the United States. It would have knocked the Zimmerman trial out of the news.

The Marietta Daily Journal - Mableton teens linked to gang are accused in beating death

36 year-old Joshua Chellew was the victim of a violent attack on Mableton Parkway on Sunday, June 30. Chellew was allegedly beaten and pushed into traffic by four alleged gang members.​

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Mableton teens linked to gang are accused in beating death


Read more:
Cobb County man slaughtered in random hate crime mob attack

Hmm..., these poor teenagers attacked a man, was he following them? Were they wearing hoodies? What was their justification for this killing? Was it racially a hate crime like the Christian/Newsome murders? Will the quartet of murderers claim self defense?

On July 1st a group of black gang members brutally attacked and beat a random white pedestrian in Cobb County, Georgia. He was then knocked onto the road where he was hit by oncoming traffic.

This story received minor coverage in the local news. If the races had been reversed this would be the biggest news story in the United States. It would have knocked the Zimmerman trial out of the news.

The Marietta Daily Journal - Mableton teens linked to gang are accused in beating death

36 year-old Joshua Chellew was the victim of a violent attack on Mableton Parkway on Sunday, June 30. Chellew was allegedly beaten and pushed into traffic by four alleged gang members.​

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Mableton teens linked to gang are accused in beating death


Read more:
Cobb County man slaughtered in random hate crime mob attack

Hmm..., these poor teenagers attacked a man, was he following them? Were they wearing hoodies? What was their justification for this killing? Was it racially a hate crime like the Christian/Newsome murders? Will the quartet of murderers claim self defense?

Will these four be tried for the 'Hate Crime' they perpetrated, or will this trial go into the memory hole? Will this trial go the way of the Christian/Newsome murders? That was an obvious 'Hate Crime'. There was No Justice and NO Peace for the two. Will there be true justice if George Zimmerman who defended himself from a hate filled racist teenager? Will there be Justice in this coming trial?
Arrest Made In Bus Stop Shooting Death [Black Thug shoots white Hispanic point blank in head]


Miami Police have arrested the man they believe is responsible for a bus stop shooting that left a local father dead. Police arrested Zackary Joshua McGriff, 21, on first degree murder charges on Thursday.

The shooting, at the corner of 15th Avenue and NW 36th Street around 5:30 p.m. Wednesday night took the life of Juan Augustine Lorenzo-Gonzalez....

He was waiting for a bus and sitting on a bench with a couple of grocery bags when the killer approached him and fired two or three shots, according to one witness who did not want to be identified.


Read more:
Arrest Made In Bus Stop Shooting Death « CBS Miami

Will Mr. McGriff claim self defense in the death of Mr. Gonzalez? Apparently the state will not make the claim that Mr. Gonzalez was profiled and killed because he was a "white Hispanic". Was this a hate crime? Where's the Holder DOJ on this one? Hmm.. two Black on white hate crimes in one day and Sharpton, Obama and Holder are no where to be found.
What does Al Sharpton shout? Oh yeah, NO JUSTICE NO PEACE.
What does Al Sharpton shout? Oh yeah, NO JUSTICE NO PEACE.

Do you think that the Holder DOJ will investigate this obvious racial hate crime of this victim? Nah. he's just a "Crazy Ass Cracker". The four teens involved were helping him with his wallet, rings and watch, before he was thrown into traffic.
The gang bangers are going to be convicted and sent to prison. Will they be charged with a hate crime. You betcha.

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