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CNN's "We redefined Blackness as a world and a gift": CRT detected. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 16, 2017
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Article. CRT highlighted below:

There are those who seem to think our lives are just lessons, somehow reducing us to helping White people to "get it." My mind cannot escape the simple fact that so many people ran to our books and our art or to the streets in 2020, believing that simply reading or marching would somehow magically change the White supremacist power structure so pervasive in our country without fundamental change in how we live together.

Who knew that reading or marching doesn't magically change the white supremacist structure that's so pervasive in the US? I knew, and so does the author. The big question is: What will change the "white supremacist structure"? I wonder if driving a Prius would help. This will be fun once demographics allow.

As I noted in 2020, watch the media carefully for hints on trending away from the performative and moving to the material with addressing "racism". The more the media leans towards the structural racism model, the less tolerance it will have for performative measures like buying books and taking down statues.
Article. CRT highlighted below:

There are those who seem to think our lives are just lessons, somehow reducing us to helping White people to "get it." My mind cannot escape the simple fact that so many people ran to our books and our art or to the streets in 2020, believing that simply reading or marching would somehow magically change the White supremacist power structure so pervasive in our country without fundamental change in how we live together.

Who knew that reading or marching doesn't magically change the white supremacist structure that's so pervasive in the US? I knew, and so does the author. The big question is: What will change the "white supremacist structure"? I wonder if driving a Prius would help. This will be fun once demographics allow.

As I noted in 2020, watch the media carefully for hints on trending away from the performative and moving to the material with addressing "racism". The more the media leans towards the structural racism model, the less tolerance it will have for performative measures like buying books and taking down statues.
I dont see anything wrong with this.
We've all seen the chart demonstrating the reason Rickeroo is posting about CRT specifically, right? The one showing how Fox suddenly started blaring about it after Trump lost. Then, curiously, so did all the Trumpists.
Just what the forum needed, another thread from Rickeroo about the Critical Race Theory boogeyman.
I am just amazed that Rickeroo started a thread about race.

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