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CNN requests emergency briefing as White House looks to revoke Jim Acosta’s credential again (1 Viewer)

TU Curmudgeon

B.A. (Sarc), LLb. (Lex Sarcasus), PhD (Sarc.)
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Mar 7, 2018
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From FOX News

CNN requests emergency briefing as White House looks to revoke Jim Acosta’s credential again

CNN and its White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, again accused the Trump Administration of violating their constitutional rights in new papers filed with the U.S. District Court on Monday after spending much of the weekend exchanging legal threats in the wake of Friday’s ruling by a federal judge temporarily restoring Acosta’s credential.

costa was informed of a “preliminary decision” for his White House credential to be revoked, once again, after the temporary 14-day order expires. The attorney for CNN and Acosta claim that the White House is attempting to punish the reporter based on “retroactive” application of rules that aren’t written and requested a hearing for the week of Nov. 26.

The filing also claims the Trump administration did not respond to CNN’s offer to work with the White House on establishing protocols for future press conferences.

The White House sent a letter to Acosta on Friday that was submitted as evidence in the court filing. The letter explains that Acosta’s credential was revoked due to inappropriate conduct, noting that the White House didn’t think formal rules for journalists were necessary prior to the CNN reporter’s actions. The letter explains that reporters are expected to ask a single question when called up upon and then yield the floor unless a follow-up is permitted.


Maybe someone should tell Mr. Trump that, once you discover that you have kicked a bag of crap the appropriate next step is NOT to kick it again?
From FOX News

CNN requests emergency briefing as White House looks to revoke Jim Acosta’s credential again

CNN and its White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, again accused the Trump Administration of violating their constitutional rights in new papers filed with the U.S. District Court on Monday after spending much of the weekend exchanging legal threats in the wake of Friday’s ruling by a federal judge temporarily restoring Acosta’s credential.

costa was informed of a “preliminary decision” for his White House credential to be revoked, once again, after the temporary 14-day order expires. The attorney for CNN and Acosta claim that the White House is attempting to punish the reporter based on “retroactive” application of rules that aren’t written and requested a hearing for the week of Nov. 26.

The filing also claims the Trump administration did not respond to CNN’s offer to work with the White House on establishing protocols for future press conferences.

The White House sent a letter to Acosta on Friday that was submitted as evidence in the court filing. The letter explains that Acosta’s credential was revoked due to inappropriate conduct, noting that the White House didn’t think formal rules for journalists were necessary prior to the CNN reporter’s actions. The letter explains that reporters are expected to ask a single question when called up upon and then yield the floor unless a follow-up is permitted.


Maybe someone should tell Mr. Trump that, once you discover that you have kicked a bag of crap the appropriate next step is NOT to kick it again?
Credentials fully restored and no suspension after court order expires.

The Clowns in the WH cannot really handle simple things
CNN made Trump and the WH into bitches.

Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.
Im sure this has been beaten to death. BUT I got some questions.

1) Decorum, I swear there is basic ones? I mean Im sure there has to be some "Guidelines"
(Asked 1 or 2 questions, move on)
(Dont Shout over the next person)
(Dont interrupt the next person)

2) The Whitehouse is a secured facility, in which the administration has a right to pick and choose whom to come in our NOT with or without a reason? I did NOT realize just being part of a press gives you RIGHTS to the Whitehouse?

3) If I am NOT mistaken, The ruling was ONLY the 5th amendment to "Due Process" But He is NOT charged with a crime? Just credentials to come in a secured Facility. THIS to me is the MOST hypocritical CRAP I have seen... DID KAVANAUGH NOT just go through the SAME CRAP? More so. Acosta is not losing his job, or his naming being Tarnished for an unverified CLAIM. it is his lack of decorum in a press briefing? NO Criminal Charges?

4) The Talk about censorship through the First. The JUDGE DID NOT rule anything based on the 1st. Secondly if I am NOT mistaken ALL the Democrats were stating "There is NO Due Process, as this is a JOB interview" SO what due process is owned under the 5th if Due process was a legal matter? What LEGAL crime is Acosta being charged to apply for Due process protections? FUNNY how its "do as I say NOT as I do"

While Removing his press pass was LIKELY a STUNT..... and creating a bigger waste of time and energy. He should keep him and NEVER call on him again. The stupid Part is the FULL SHOW of hypocrisy. That I am seeing....

As I speak now Im getting updates on my phone. WH withdraws , CNN withdraws lawsuit....

Lets wait...... Reinstate all he wants..... Lets see if Sanders or Trump or anyone else in a press briefing ever CALLs him to give a question again.... They should NOT have pulled his pass..... but just never call him ever again... be done with it....

That's one way of dealing with it (it wasn't the one taken, but it IS one way).

Of course, there is always the possibility that Mr. Acosta would be the only one on his feet to ask a question (and, if specifically asked if they have a question, the other reporters would all respond "Thank you for asking Mr. President but Mr. Acosta was on his feet first, so be happy to ask my question after you have answered his him.").

That, of course, would make Mr. Trump look quite silly when he says "Well, since there are no questions, the briefing is closed." WITHOUT allowing Mr. Acosta to ask his question - wouldn't it?
Im sure this has been beaten to death. BUT I got some questions.

1) Decorum, I swear there is basic ones? I mean Im sure there has to be some "Guidelines"
(Asked 1 or 2 questions, move on)
(Dont Shout over the next person)
(Dont interrupt the next person)

2) The Whitehouse is a secured facility, in which the administration has a right to pick and choose whom to come in our NOT with or without a reason? I did NOT realize just being part of a press gives you RIGHTS to the Whitehouse?

3) If I am NOT mistaken, The ruling was ONLY the 5th amendment to "Due Process" But He is NOT charged with a crime? Just credentials to come in a secured Facility. THIS to me is the MOST hypocritical CRAP I have seen... DID KAVANAUGH NOT just go through the SAME CRAP? More so. Acosta is not losing his job, or his naming being Tarnished for an unverified CLAIM. it is his lack of decorum in a press briefing? NO Criminal Charges?

4) The Talk about censorship through the First. The JUDGE DID NOT rule anything based on the 1st. Secondly if I am NOT mistaken ALL the Democrats were stating "There is NO Due Process, as this is a JOB interview" SO what due process is owned under the 5th if Due process was a legal matter? What LEGAL crime is Acosta being charged to apply for Due process protections? FUNNY how its "do as I say NOT as I do"

While Removing his press pass was LIKELY a STUNT..... and creating a bigger waste of time and energy. He should keep him and NEVER call on him again. The stupid Part is the FULL SHOW of hypocrisy. That I am seeing....

As I speak now Im getting updates on my phone. WH withdraws , CNN withdraws lawsuit....


I guess someone must have told the White House that wasn't going to fly.
That's one way of dealing with it (it wasn't the one taken, but it IS one way).

Of course, there is always the possibility that Mr. Acosta would be the only one on his feet to ask a question (and, if specifically asked if they have a question, the other reporters would all respond "Thank you for asking Mr. President but Mr. Acosta was on his feet first, so be happy to ask my question after you have answered his him.").

That, of course, would make Mr. Trump look quite silly when he says "Well, since there are no questions, the briefing is closed." WITHOUT allowing Mr. Acosta to ask his question - wouldn't it?

Yups.... During that last altercation Trump was pacing I though he would just leave? TOO bad.... It would have sent a good signal to the rest of the reporters Acosta ruined it for the rest.... So we SHALL see right? Side bet that Acosta doesnt get called for a while at least till after thanks giving? LOL!
I guess someone must have told the White House that wasn't going to fly.

YEAH...... dont get it.... I thought there was some brilliant minds out there... but someone missed the short bus....

With that though..... This is NO different then the Hawaii Judges and the 9th circuit. Its a lower judge ruling..AND NOT even relevant? IMHO?
YEAH...... dont get it.... I thought there was some brilliant minds out there... but someone missed the short bus....

With that though..... This is NO different then the Hawaii Judges and the 9th circuit. Its a lower judge ruling..AND NOT even relevant? IMHO?

Except that this is a federal judge that was appointed by Trump and although the judge hadn't a made a final ruling on the merits of the case and the First Amendment issues the judge did opine that Acosta and CNN were likely to prevail. So it was probably wise for the White House to withdraw.
Trump is incredibly stupid. CNN doesn't like Hillary any more than Trump, and have published several Hillary hit pieces here recently. That is how bad Donald Trump is, even CNN is getting its **** together and digging in for whatever other attacks, because they know if they're the chink in the chain holding his agenda back they will never recover.
Lets wait...... Reinstate all he wants..... Lets see if Sanders or Trump or anyone else in a press briefing ever CALLs him to give a question again.... They should NOT have pulled his pass..... but just never call him ever again... be done with it....
This... Does... Not preclude... Acosta.... Printing out his questions... And other... Journalists... Asking.... Those questions.... All... Of... This... Would.... Be 100%... Protected.... By the.... 1st... Amendment....Check... Mate.... ..... ..?

Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.
This... Does... Not preclude... Acosta.... Printing out his questions... And other... Journalists... Asking.... Those questions.... All... Of... This... Would.... Be 100%... Protected.... By the.... 1st... Amendment....Check... Mate.... ..... ..?

Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.

???? Then that defeats the purpose of Acosta's Grandstanding? If Acosta wants his questions read "respectfully" from another press member, that one thing. Thats NOT his intent, Acosta wants the spotlight..... so go for it give his questions away.... it was NEVER the questions being asked... it was acting like a jackass that was the problem.
???? Then that defeats the purpose of Acosta's Grandstanding? If Acosta wants his questions read "respectfully" from another press member, that one thing. Thats NOT his intent, Acosta wants the spotlight..... so go for it give his questions away.... it was NEVER the questions being asked... it was acting like a jackass that was the problem.
I don't think you understand that the president refuses to answer questions from Acosta. You yourself stated that the president shouldn't let him ask questions. Good, if that's the problem, Acosta can print them out, and other journalists can ask them. Let's see the president ignore everyone who asks him a question he doesn't like.


Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.
CNN made Trump and the WH into bitches.

Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.
Yeah making all reporters have to toe the line to a formal set of restrictive rules is going to make Acosta as popular as a fart in a space capsule.
I don't think you understand that the president refuses to answer questions from Acosta. You yourself stated that the president shouldn't let him ask questions. Good, if that's the problem, Acosta can print them out, and other journalists can ask them. Let's see the president ignore everyone who asks him a question he doesn't like.


Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.
No its you that doesn't understand. It was never Acosta's questions. It was about his refusal to adhere to traditional norms of press behavior. No he will behave or be gone. We will see if Acosta realizes his wings has been clipped or not.
No its you that doesn't understand. It was never Acosta's questions. It was about his refusal to adhere to traditional norms of press behavior. No he will behave or be gone. We will see if Acosta realizes his wings has been clipped or not.
Lmao - show me the transcript of Trump answering Acosta's first question? Go on, double down. The funny part is that even after CNN makes an administration it's bitch for not following its own guidelines, you still sit here trying to tell ANYONE to behave.

Small world you live in.

Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.

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