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CLASSIC GOPer IN A.D. 30 (1 Viewer)

Bad analogy. The Romans were oppressive and greedy. Freedom wasn't a thing. Taxes were high. Justice wasn't important. Only the glory of the state. Hail Caesar! 🤦‍♂️
I get the feeling that Jesus would be considered a liberal hippy by today's conservatives.
He wasn't a fan of the rich for a start and had a soft spot for the poor so that's him out of the Republican party straight away.
Bad analogy. The Romans were oppressive and greedy. Freedom wasn't a thing. Taxes were high. Justice wasn't important. Only the glory of the state. Hail Caesar! 🤦‍♂️
I could, and frequently have, said all these things about our government and the corporations that run it, Hail, Citizens United!
Now suddenly the left are the ones who would’ve followed Christ? Lol that’s too funny
You have that bassackwards, as usual. Christ was a dispenser and embracer of liberal ideology and liberal values.
I get the feeling that Jesus would be considered a liberal hippy by today's conservatives.
He wasn't a fan of the rich for a start and had a soft spot for the poor so that's him out of the Republican party straight away.
Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves as his greatest commandment. It's an individual responsibility because we will all stand before God one at a time for judgement.

Leftists teach that the collective is all powerful. The state has an obligation to take care of everyone but especially oppressed groups. To achieve the Leftists version of salvation all you have to do is vote for the government looting other people's money with a cut going to you in benefits.
Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves as his greatest commandment. It's an individual responsibility because we will all stand before God one at a time for judgement.

Leftists teach that the collective is all powerful. The state has an obligation to take care of everyone but especially oppressed groups. To achieve the Leftists version of salvation all you have to do is vote for the government looting other people's money with a cut going to you in benefits.
We have to do that because y’all do not love your neighbors as yourselves.
Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves as his greatest commandment. It's an individual responsibility because we will all stand before God one at a time for judgement.

Leftists teach that the collective is all powerful. The state has an obligation to take care of everyone but especially oppressed groups. To achieve the Leftists version of salvation all you have to do is vote for the government looting other people's money with a cut going to you in benefits.

As opposed to conservatives who want to concentrate all the wealth into a few elites who we can't question.
I very much doubt Jesus would be a Republican but feel free to try and convince me why he'd be a Trump sycophant if you like.
Bad analogy. The Romans were oppressive and greedy. Freedom wasn't a thing. Taxes were high. Justice wasn't important. Only the glory of the state. Hail Caesar! 🤦‍♂️

And Jesus was a bleeding heart lib. How do you pervert this fact?
As opposed to conservatives who want to concentrate all the wealth into a few elites who we can't question.
I very much doubt Jesus would be a Republican but feel free to try and convince me why he'd be a Trump sycophant if you like.
Very much doubt? Lol

He would damn them for eternity.
Ya. He was really into reliance on the all powerful state.

Jesus loved the super-rich and thought helping the poor just kept them in abject squaller.
He also really liked guns and thought being soft on crime and forgiveness were for losers.

Jesus was about as far from the GOP as you can be.
Jesus loved the super-rich and thought helping the poor just kept them in abject squaller.
He also really liked guns and thought being soft on crime and forgiveness were for losers.

Jesus was about as far from the GOP as you can be.

Even Jesus knew that eventually you run out of other people's money.
Even Jesus knew that eventually you run out of other people's money.

Isn't that the entire business model of the Christian church?
They ask for donations and as such don't think they'll run out of other people's money?
And Jesus was a bleeding heart lib. How do you pervert this fact?

Was he saying that Jesus was demanding that the Government take care of the poor?

I don't recall that quote from the gospels. Could you cite it for me?
just because you have no counter to it (and lose the debate, thus) does not mean it is stupid......................truth hurts don't it ??

I DID counter it.

You failed to comprehend what I posted.

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