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Civilc war number 2 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
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Political Leaning
If economic meltdown isn't enough the war in Iraq will do it and if that fails then there is the errision of freedoms and/or the electronic voting scam of 2000 and 2004 with 0 papper trail (unheard of in a democracy)
the new SS secret police first ever in America's history) enacted in june
If all that is not enough then I submit this

this may persuade people that civil war redoux number 2
is in America's future

The members of a peaceful freedom-fighting group want no part of neo-cons running the imperialistic U.S. government. Plan to secede from the U.S. gaining momentum in the fiercely independent Green Mountain state.

The neo-con band of criminals running Washington, trampling on civil rights at home and invading countries at will overseas, has led a large group of strong-minded Vermont freedom-fighters with no choice but to secede from the United States.

And last Friday at the state capital building in Montpelier, a historic independence convention was held, the first of its kind in the United States since May 20, 1861, when North Carolina decided to leave the Union.

A packed House Chamber in the Vermont statehouse, with more than 400 gathered, started the daylong secession convention with a speech by keynote James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency, and ended with a resolution passed to secede from the United States.

for a full story look here
Canuck said:
If economic meltdown isn't enough the war in Iraq will do it and if that fails then there is the errision of freedoms and/or the electronic voting scam of 2000 and 2004 with 0 papper trail (unheard of in a democracy)
the new SS secret police first ever in America's history) enacted in june
If all that is not enough then I submit this

this may persuade people that civil war redoux number 2
is in America's future

The members of a peaceful freedom-fighting group want no part of neo-cons running the imperialistic U.S. government. Plan to secede from the U.S. gaining momentum in the fiercely independent Green Mountain state.

The neo-con band of criminals running Washington, trampling on civil rights at home and invading countries at will overseas, has led a large group of strong-minded Vermont freedom-fighters with no choice but to secede from the United States.

And last Friday at the state capital building in Montpelier, a historic independence convention was held, the first of its kind in the United States since May 20, 1861, when North Carolina decided to leave the Union.

A packed House Chamber in the Vermont statehouse, with more than 400 gathered, started the daylong secession convention with a speech by keynote James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency, and ended with a resolution passed to secede from the United States.

for a full story look here

Tinfoil time people,:roll: :roll:

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