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Citizens Against Government Waste (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 14, 2004
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Pacific Northwest US
Citizens Against Government Waste President Tom Schatz is scheduled to appear on ABC's "World News Tonight with Peter Jennings" tonight. Tom will be discussing President Bush's proposed budget. The CAGW is a tax watchdog group that I've been a member of for sometime. They try to oversee federal spending and expose "Pork" They've been somewhat effect over the years. The group is usually rooted in very conservative type agendas but their main concern is where the tax dollar are going. I would encourage anyone interested in seeing what type of "Pork" his tax dollars are being spent on might want to tune in and check it out.
Pacridge said:
Citizens Against Government Waste President Tom Schatz is scheduled to appear on ABC's "World News Tonight with Peter Jennings" tonight. Tom will be discussing President Bush's proposed budget. The CAGW is a tax watchdog group that I've been a member of for sometime. They try to oversee federal spending and expose "Pork" They've been somewhat effect over the years. The group is usually rooted in very conservative type agendas but their main concern is where the tax dollar are going. I would encourage anyone interested in seeing what type of "Pork" his tax dollars are being spent on might want to tune in and check it out.
I noticed that you and I disagree on most things pacridge, and then I found this. Maybe we agree on something after all because I hate government waste. The government has two jobs: To enforce the law, and to protect its citizens. We don't need this current "nanny/welfare state" we're living in.

Ronald Reagan, one of the greatest presidents of all time ,and the greatest president of my time, started a Republican habit of government spending (although something could be said of the fact that it was, for the most part, military spending, which I of course do see as necessary). George Bush had a slight problem with government spending in his first term (although, once again, something could be said of current affairs), however, I am glad to see he will be cutting back, if only slightly.

This government spending for special intrest groups has always seemed to me to be a way of buying votes. I for one will try to watch tonights broadcast (if I have the time), even though I'm not to wild about Peter Jennings.

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