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Chuck Norris and Hungary's Viktor Orbán, together at last (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán released a video Tuesday that showed him promoting his counter-terrorism unit to none other than Chuck Norris.
The martial arts aficionado and actor met Orbán on a recent visit to Budapest, when he greeted the prime minister with a hug.
"I have read so much about you, I feel like we have already met," Chuck Norris, who was accompanied by his wife, Gena O'Kelley, said in the video.
Orbán later told the American that "90% of the comments on me is negative ... the liberals hate me."
"You're like [US President Donald] Trump," Norris replied.
"A little bit more than that!" Orbán said.
Norris, who is a devout Christian and social conservative, wrote on his Facebook page that he was in the country at the invitation of Hungarian Baptist Aid.
The 78-year-old has gained a following in the Eastern European country over the years. He was the frontrunner in an online poll to name a new bridge spanning the Danube, the Guardian reported in 2006.
Well, it looks like Steven Segal and Vlad Putin have new competition. I wonder what the next action star and world team up will be after this. :mrgreen:

Note: I graduated from the same high school as Chuck, but not the same year!

Well, it looks like Steven Segal and Vlad Putin have new competition. I wonder what the next action star and world team up will be after this. :mrgreen:

Note: I graduated from the same high school as Chuck, but not the same year!

I have a close friend who was once a famous martial artist-and is now (in)famous for something else (nothing harmful) but she isn't a household name since she never made movies. She just won tons of martial arts tournaments and a gold medal in sport that is sort of akin to martial arts. She won sword and Akido major events in Japan when Seagal did. She is hardly conservative either

she noted Chuck Norris is one of the finest people she has ever met. I have heard that too from Bush inner circle types-Norris and W are good friends. on the other hand, she noted SS was an arrogant POS

so who knows if Putin will hang out with SS
Strange bedfellows. Repulsive politics.

Orban last year praised a jew (Miklos Horthy) who collaborated with Hitler before a friendly photo-op meet up with Netanyahu in Israel. Yeah there was some kind of rowing back but he wouldn't have if moderate Jewish leaders hadn't raised the issue.
Strange bedfellows. Repulsive politics.

Orban last year praised a jew (Miklos Horthy) who collaborated with Hitler before a friendly photo-op meet up with Netanyahu in Israel. Yeah there was some kind of rowing back but he wouldn't have if moderate Jewish leaders hadn't raised the issue.

Most b or d list direct to video action flicks like the ones that Steven Segal stared in are filmed in Eastern European countries in order to keep production costs low.

I don’t think chuck Norris filmed his action movies in Eastern Europe but I am certain that he is not in Wesley Snipes’s predicament of owing taxes.
It seems that more and more people (especially in certain European countries) are coming to admire Prime Minister Orban's firm position on a certain controversial issue.

In fact, other Americans besides Mr. Norris also admire Mr. Orban for his firmness and insight on that issue.

Well, it looks like Steven Segal and Vlad Putin have new competition. I wonder what the next action star and world team up will be after this. :mrgreen:

Note: I graduated from the same high school as Chuck, but not the same year!

black day for Diego

so who knows if Putin will hang out with SS


One thing I dont get though: Segal is supposed to be a vegetarian, so how come he's so fat?

One thing I dont get though: Segal is supposed to be a vegetarian, so how come he's so fat?

no he is not, he is a liar and criminals, only this story of people fed from Ozero floor



Oh, wow...Another blond who claims Native American ancestry.

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