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Christmas Under Attack? (1 Viewer)


Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I just want your opinion on Christmas in the media,stores and schools. Because you see frequently in the news, Christmas being questioned in regard to those issues.
Repubteen said:
I just want your opinion on Christmas in the media,stores and schools. Because you see frequently in the news, Christmas being questioned in regard to those issues.

Christians abandoned Xmas many years ago as a Holy day. I cant really blame them since it isnt the birthday of the Christ anyway. Some still celebrate the meaning of the original though....we call it Yule, and celebrate it much as they did long ago.....or so we think.
Christmas, like Halloween, has gradually become more commercial each year. Though Christmas is still related to Christianity, the influence of Christmas as a day of worship has diminished each year. Halloween, which was once part of the Celtic and Roman traditions of honoring the dead, has long since lost its tradition. Now it is a time to wear costumes and get free candy. Christmas has not become as superficial as Halloween, but is going down that road. Obviously for political correctness, schools and stores have adopted a "holiday season" veil, which is as subtle as a sledge hammer in guising the celebration of Christmas.

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