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Christian School Expels Girl for Wearing Rainbow Sweater on Her Birthday (1 Viewer)

No, you never did. Since you were at the party, you clearly know what kind of Satan-worshipping, Democrat-voting stuff was going on.

Care to bet the $20 Lisa owes me?

I'm guessing you won't pay up either. :mrgreen:
actually its factually not relevant at all to my post nor is it true. If you disagree then back up your claim and prove otherwise . . but as usual, you wont, cause you cant


It's not relevant that progressives (and Conservatives) think ideology which differs from theirs is bad, is evil? That is why progressives are participating in this thread.

To disagree with rainbows and the consequent gay movement is the 'evil' which progressives are posting against in this thread even though there is no evidence the girl believed in the gay movement. There is ample evidence the girl believed in confronting the administration of the school, though.
One was at school during school hours, another one was at a private birthday party off school hours. :roll:

You participate in this thread because the girl wore a rainbow on her shirt. Disdain for rainbows and the consequent gay movement is 'evil' to you.
First, the flag shirt kid wasn't expelled nor even suspended. He was given an "in-school suspension" and that was found to be given in error so his record was cleared.

Second, Kayla's expulsion was due to habitual rule violations and her behavior at her off-campus birthday party was found to violate the school's policies per the manual and, I'm guessing, the contract the parents (and maybe Kayla) signed with the private school.

Facts do, indeed, matter and the "dems" aren't the only ones guilty of "inference".

I agree with you on the girl's expulsion. I believe you need to look up the meaning of the word inference...to infer.
1.)It's not relevant that progressives (and Conservatives) think ideology which differs from theirs is bad, is evil?
2.) That is why progressives are participating in this thread.
3.)To disagree with rainbows and the consequent gay movement is the 'evil' which progressives are posting against in this thread even though there is no evidence the girl believed in the gay movement.
4.) There is ample evidence the girl believed in confronting the administration of the school, though.
Man im getting so good at this, can i call it or can it call it??
just like i said you have ZERO facts to back up your false claims LMAO awesome!

1.) nope because its factually not true only nutters think that way not normal everyday people
2.) factually wrong again LMAO why make up such blatant lies that instantly fail
3.) once again factually wrong, in fact the majority here pointed out what you said that school overreacted and that the shirt doesnt even represent gay
4.) also meaningless to my post and doesnt change your previously wrong claims in anyway

so here we are in the same spot, your post remains factually not relevant to my post nor is it true and you have zero facts to back up your claim and prove otherwise

please let us know when that fact changes, thanks!!!
I agree with you on the girl's expulsion. I believe you need to look up the meaning of the word inference...to infer.

You also believe you are not guilty of inference, so maybe a visit to Merriam-Webster would help you understand the meaning of the word.
Man im getting so good at this, can i call it or can it call it??
just like i said you have ZERO facts to back up your false claims LMAO awesome!

1.) nope because its factually not true only nutters think that way not normal everyday people
2.) factually wrong again LMAO why make up such blatant lies that instantly fail
3.) once again factually wrong, in fact the majority here pointed out what you said that school overreacted and that the shirt doesnt even represent gay
4.) also meaningless to my post and doesnt change your previously wrong claims in anyway

so here we are in the same spot, your post remains factually not relevant to my post nor is it true and you have zero facts to back up your claim and prove otherwise

please let us know when that fact changes, thanks!!!

Dems have gotten real good at spreading conspiracy theories. EDIT: See the Mueller investigation into alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign to interfere in the 2016 election, for example. END OF EDIT

Dems don't like it when others spread conspiracy theories about dems. See Trump's attempted investigation into the Bidens. See your post about mine.
You also believe you are not guilty of inference, so maybe a visit to Merriam-Webster would help you understand the meaning of the word.

How am I inferring?
Dems have gotten real good at spreading conspiracy theories. EDIT: See the Mueller investigation into alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign to interfere in the 2016 election, for example. END OF EDIT
Dems don't like it when others spread conspiracy theories about dems. See Trump's attempted investigation into the Bidens. See your post about mine.

hey look ANOTHER false claim that still doesnt support anything you said and make your earlier failed claims true
man your posts keep getting worse and worse, why dont you just teach me a lesson an support your posts with fact? oh wait . .you cant LMAO

so once AGAIN your post remains factually not relevant to my post nor is it true and you have zero facts to back up your claim and prove otherwise

please let us know when that fact changes, thanks!!!
How am I inferring?
Your comments and distortion of the Texas student with the flag t-shirt.

If you do not understand, then feel free to take your own advice:
You believe what you want to believe. I understand I don't have any power to help you to understand the situation.
hey look ANOTHER false claim that still doesnt support anything you said and make your earlier failed claims true
man your posts keep getting worse and worse, why dont you just teach me a lesson an support your posts with fact? oh wait . .you cant LMAO

so once AGAIN your post remains factually not relevant to my post nor is it true and you have zero facts to back up your claim and prove otherwise

please let us know when that fact changes, thanks!!!

Progressives hate ideas which disagree with their ideology? There's no doubt.
Progressives are participating in this thread because the girl wore a rainbow tee shirt when she was expelled? That follows from progressives' ideology to hate ideas against progressive ideology.

BTW, there's ample doubt the girl believed in the gay movement with her wearing of the rainbow shirt but there's no doubt she wanted to anger the school's management.
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Your comments and distortion of the Texas student with the flag t-shirt.

If you do not understand, then feel free to take your own advice:

You are right on my inferring the Texas student wearing the American flag on the shirt was expelled. I inferred or, rather, believed the Texas student was expelled because I believed a previous post from this thread.

EDIT: I guess inference is contagious. I caught it from dems with their hoax of collusion between Russians and the Trump campaign to interfere in the 2016 election and this phone call impeachment.
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Progressives hate ideas which disagree with their ideology? There's no doubt.
Progressives are participating in this thread because the girl wore a rainbow tee shirt when she was expelled? That follows from progressives' ideology to hate ideas against progressives' ideology.

BTW, there's ample doubt the girl believed in the gay movement with her wearing of the rainbow shirt but there's no doubt she wanted to anger the school's management.

LMAO aaaaaaand another failed posts full of more dodging, lies and another trigger unhinged dishonest rant. I love it.!! Are you ok?
when are you going to post some facts and prove them? Still waiting!

Please let us know when you can support your claims with facts, thanks!
Progressives hate ideas which disagree with their ideology? There's no doubt.
Progressives are participating in this thread because the girl wore a rainbow tee shirt when she was expelled? That follows from progressives' ideology to hate ideas against progressives' ideology.

BTW, there's ample doubt the girl believed in the gay movement with her wearing of the rainbow shirt but there's no doubt she wanted to anger the school's management.
All political extremists, regardless of ideology, can be said to "hate ideas which disagree with their ideology".

I agree there are those on this thread who are only on it because of the idea that Kayla was expelled for her rainbow shirt and cake. They don't seem to care about facts or background.

Also agreed it's an unknown whether she was gay or supported gay rights, but her track record indicates she liked to anger the school's administrators.

Upon reflection, since it was her mother who posted the picture, it's also possible the school was the father's idea and both the mother and daughter were looking for a way out. Still, getting expelled is unlikely to see Kayla get into Harvard.
You are right on my inferring about the Texas student wearing the American flag on the shirt. I inferred the Texas student was expelled because I believed another poster from this thread.

EDIT: I guess inference is contagious. I caught it from dems with their hoax of collusion between Russians and the Trump campaign to interfere in the 2016 election and this phone call impeachment.

Unlike Trump, a man accepts responsibility for their own actions and doesn't blame his actions and failures on others. Jus' sayin'. :)
LMAO aaaaaaand another failed posts full of more dodging, lies and another trigger unhinged dishonest rant. I love it.!! Are you ok?
when are you going to post some facts and prove them? Still waiting!

Please let us know when you can support your claims with facts, thanks!

If you can spread CTs why can't I? Are you special?
If you can spread CTs why can't I? Are you special?

aaaaaaaand another dodge :lamo man those posted lies keep stacking up and its so delicious!

add them to the list!!!
please post one fact that supports your earlier failed claims and now please quote any CT i posted in this thread and prove it . . thanks!

All political extremists, regardless of ideology, can be said to "hate ideas which disagree with their ideology".

I agree there are those on this thread who are only on it because of the idea that Kayla was expelled for her rainbow shirt and cake. They don't seem to care about facts or background.

Also agreed it's an unknown whether she was gay or supported gay rights, but her track record indicates she liked to anger the school's administrators.

Upon reflection, since it was her mother who posted the picture, it's also possible the school was the father's idea and both the mother and daughter were looking for a way out. Still, getting expelled is unlikely to see Kayla get into Harvard.

Great. You just considered myself AND TRUMP as non-political extremists.
Is why progressives and some Conservatives (political extremists) can't fathom Trump chastising neo-Nazis AND ANFIFA at Charlottesville.
Unlike Trump, a man accepts responsibility for their own actions and doesn't blame his actions and failures on others. Jus' sayin'. :)

Where hasn't Trump accepted responsibility?
Great. You just considered myself AND TRUMP as non-political extremists.
Is why progressives and some Conservatives (political extremists) can't fathom Trump chastising neo-Nazis AND ANFIFA at Charlottesville.
Incorrect, but, again, your own advice is applicable:
You believe what you want to believe. I understand I don't have any power to help you to understand the situation.
From the article, the girl had made several transgressions against the rules of the school. I believe there was more to this than the article says. However, IF she only wore the rainbow shirt and had the cake - without violating school conditions.... she shouldn't have been expelled.
Incorrect, but, again, your own advice is applicable:

Trump and myself saw the right (free speech) and the wrong (the fighting) from both sides ANTIFA and neo-Nazis.
Extremists saw the right in one side fighting (ANTIFA) and one side not having free speech (neo-Nazis).
Where hasn't Trump accepted responsibility?
I can't think of a single instance where he accepted full responsibility for a failure. He's a Beta male who is the first to accept full credit and quickly passes blame to those who work for him or oppose him.


Can you show a single instance of where Trump accepted full responsibility for a failure?

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