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Christian Leader: ISIS is Beheading Children[W:131] (1 Viewer)

You said you hoped airstrikes would stop a genocide.

What if it does not?

Well then something is going to need to be done. I'd prefer it to be a multinational coalition, including moderate Arab countries.
Alexander or the Buffoon?

Well then something is going to need to be done. I'd prefer it to be a multinational coalition, including moderate Arab countries.

Which one is that, Jordan?

Qatar is funding terrorism. So is Saudi Arabia. Iran is eager to help. But they are Persians and they support Hamas. They also really want to control Iraq and, I would imagine, Syria.

What we need is an Alexander the Great instead of Barrack the Buffoon.
Re: Alexander or the Buffoon?

Which one is that, Jordan?

Qatar is funding terrorism. So is Saudi Arabia. Iran is eager to help. But they are Persians and they support Hamas. They also really want to control Iraq and, I would imagine, Syria.

What we need is an Alexander the Great instead of Barrack the Buffoon.

It amuses me that you guys are absolutely incapable of making a post without insulting the President. Obama Derangement Syndrome claims another victim.
Re: Alexander or the Buffoon?

It amuses me that you guys are absolutely incapable of making a post without insulting the President. Obama Derangement Syndrome claims another victim.
Then your reading has been profitable for you in unexpected ways. I am glad you found something of value to write about.

It is easy to mock the imperial president. He is even more of a disaster for the nation than the hapless Jimmah Carter.
Re: ISIS Beheading and Crucifying Christians in Iraq

Its not "nothing but muslims", perhaps some time reading might be elucidating for you.

OK, it is 95% Muslims. How will we go about killing them all?
should we go back in?

Let's hear what an Army colonel who fought there says....

(CNN) -- As a former U.S. brigade commander of several thousand coalition forces during surge operations in Iraq, it is difficult to watch this country fall apart.

When I came home in 2007 after 15 months in Diyala province, I answered questions about what we accomplished there by explaining that we sowed stability and the seeds of self-governance in an Arab country that holds significant strategic interest for the U.S.
Now, as the U.S. commits to targeted airstrikes on top of the troops we sent last month to shore up the weakened country, I question everything. Were the losses my command suffered in the volatile Diyala province in 2006-07 worth it? How is it possible that the Iraqi military, well-trained to take over security duties, has performed so poorly?

Seven years ago, I would have agreed with the decision to return to Iraq. Today, I feel different.
We fought long and hard, spending over $25 billion to train and equip Iraqi security forces. We helped them develop a working government based on democratic principles. And while it might be wholly appropriate for the U.S. to provide humanitarian aid to those under siege, it's the responsibility of the Iraqis to protect Iraq. As someone who helped train these forces, I know they have the capability to stand and fight. The training wheels have to come off.

While it is frustrating and painful to watch militants take over a third of the country, we must focus on the here and now. The responsibility is to our soldiers who spent 13 years at war accomplishing what they were asked to do, often at a great cost.
Army colonel: Don't go back to Iraq (Opinion) - CNN.com
Well then something is going to need to be done. I'd prefer it to be a multinational coalition, including moderate Arab countries.

And if no other nation steps up? (let alone has the capabilities) Should we just give our missiles to france and italy so we can say its multinational?
Re: Alexander or the Buffoon?

It amuses me that you guys are absolutely incapable of making a post without insulting the President. Obama Derangement Syndrome claims another victim.

He asked a question. Which moderate arab nations are going to go to war to save Christians and Kurds?
We already know they dont care about their fellow arabs, so exclude them in my q.
Re: Alexander or the Buffoon?

Then your reading has been profitable for you in unexpected ways. I am glad you found something of value to write about.

It is easy to mock the imperial president. He is even more of a disaster for the nation than the hapless Jimmah Carter.

Obama is the most Nixonian President ever.
Re: ISIS Beheading and Crucifying Christians in Iraq

OK, it is 95% Muslims. How will we go about killing them all?

Do you think stopping a religious genocide is the same as killing ALL muslims? Some of those minority groups being killed are muslims.
Please read books.
Re: ISIS Beheading and Crucifying Christians in Iraq

ISIS is in Iraq because a weak liberal allowed them to be. It happened on his watch, as a direct consequence of his policies.
Everyone but the left knows this.

I think everyone but the most partisan Republicans knows that had we never went into Iraq, continued with the policy of containment with Saddam, that today there would be no ISIS, there would be no civil war in Syria, there would be no strengthened Iran that was on its way to a possible nuclear bomb, there would be no Al Qaeda in Iraq, we would not have lost thousands of men there nor spent over a trillion dollars, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens would not have been killed.

Yes, Saddam was a bad man, but he was a contained bad man that was no longer a threat to us, our allies, or even for the most part his own people (due to no fly zones). The question was then would going in and toppling him leave Iraq better than it was before. We know the answer to that now and many of us figured we knew what would happen then. The fact that some on the war mongering right still doesn't get it is no surprise to anyone. What would you have us do? Keep tens of thousands of American soldiers there for decades to come, and spend a hundred million dollars a year or more for decades to come, just so we can hold the mess together?
Re: Alexander or the Buffoon?

Obama is the most Nixonian President ever.
And both were/are liberal statists. The biggest difference is that Obama is deeply tied to socialism, almost from birth. And of course it is hard to see past his embrace of Islamofascism.
Re: ISIS Beheading and Crucifying Christians in Iraq

I think everyone but the most partisan Republicans knows that had we never went into Iraq, continued with the policy of containment with Saddam, that today there would be no ISIS, there would be no civil war in Syria, there would be no strengthened Iran that was on its way to a possible nuclear bomb, there would be no Al Qaeda in Iraq, we would not have lost thousands of men there nor spent over a trillion dollars, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens would not have been killed.

Yes, Saddam was a bad man, but he was a contained bad man that was no longer a threat to us, our allies, or even for the most part his own people. The question was then, would going in and toppling him leave Iraq better than it was before. We know the answer to that now and many of us figured we knew what would happen then. The fact that some on the war mongering right still doesn't get it is no surprise to anyone.

Come pick me up in your time machine so we can go back and help saddam. :doh

Saddam is history, this is today. Unless you have a time machine lets talk about what we can change.
Re: ISIS Beheading and Crucifying Christians in Iraq

Assuming your figures are accurate, how could that possibly translate into a population growth of nearly 1/3?

As I stated, these are complex factors. Perhaps the birth rate improved, perhaps because the people felt more confident about the future. Perhaps people started to have more children for some other reason. More was involved then the simply improvement in the death rate.
It should be easy enough to look at the population of Iraq in 2002 or around that time, and the current population. From the same source. Perhaps compare that 33% or so boom in population with other countries at the same time. And ask yourself how it happened. I hypothesize that there was some improvement in the country, even while in a state of war.
Re: ISIS Beheading and Crucifying Christians in Iraq

This kind of **** needs to stop. It is time for us to organize and arm a Christian army to put a stop to this crap everywhere.

I have an AR and a few hundred rounds of ammo, where do we meet up?

Yeah, lets just have a global war between Christians and Muslim, arm all 2-1/2 billion of them and let them have at it. Would have been far easier, and not as messy to have stayed out of the ME and not ignited it to begin with.
Re: ISIS Beheading and Crucifying Christians in Iraq

Yeah, lets just have a global war between Christians and Muslim, arm all 2-1/2 billion of them and let them have at it. Would have been far easier, and not as messy to have stayed out of the ME and not ignited it to begin with.
If we had not defeated Hitler the Jewish "problem" would have been solved too. We cannot yet go back in time. How do we move forward from here?
Re: ISIS Beheading and Crucifying Christians in Iraq

These people are animals!!! Sadly they are like roaches and will never die off. I see why in the bible in certain wars God told them to smite everyone as to not give them a chance to further reproduce.

Yeah, which made them be the cockroaches they were smiting. Often they were to "smite" men, women and children and all livestock. Nice.
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Re: ISIS Beheading and Crucifying Christians in Iraq

If we had not defeated Hitler the Jewish "problem" would have been solved too. We cannot yet go back in time. How do we move forward from here?

What does any of that have to do with the stupid idea of creating a Christian army to wipe out Muslims?
Re: ISIS Beheading and Crucifying Christians in Iraq

Come pick me up in your time machine so we can go back and help saddam. :doh

Saddam is history, this is today. Unless you have a time machine lets talk about what we can change.

First we need to change the revisionist history lessons from the Right. We won't get this right making the same mistakes of the last administration.

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