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Chris Christie Knew About Bridge Lane Closings as They Happened, Prosecutors Say (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
NEWARK — Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey knew that his close associates were involved in a plan to shut down lanes leading to the George Washington Bridge as it was happening and that the closings were intended to punish a local mayor for declining to support him, prosecutors said on Monday.

It was the first time Mr. Christie, a Republican, has been accused of knowing about the scheme as it unfolded.

Prosecutors are ready to present evidence that Governor Christie was intimately involved in both the bridge closure and the subsequent cover up.

It's now only a matter of time until Christie is frog marched to his own trial for corruption. Frog marched? Bad choice of words. I should have said waddles.

Article is here.
Prosecutors are ready to present evidence that Governor Christie was intimately involved in both the bridge closure and the subsequent cover up.

It's now only a matter of time until Christie is frog marched to his own trial for corruption. Frog marched? Bad choice of words. I should have said waddles.

Article is here.

Not if Trump wins and runs the DOJ like Obama.
Prosecutors are ready to present evidence that Governor Christie was intimately involved in both the bridge closure and the subsequent cover up.

It's now only a matter of time until Christie is frog marched to his own trial for corruption. Frog marched? Bad choice of words. I should have said waddles.

Article is here.

Penguin marched.
Prosecutors are ready to present evidence that Governor Christie was intimately involved in both the bridge closure and the subsequent cover up.

It's now only a matter of time until Christie is frog marched to his own trial for corruption. Frog marched? Bad choice of words. I should have said waddles.

Article is here.

Just because a prosecutor makes a claim during opening statements doesn't mean he has the evidence to back it up. We will soon know if he does or not. But it never made sense to me that Christie wouldn't have know about this. And I don't know what is worse--that he would agree to something that inconveniences millions of commuters as payback for a political sleight; or that he would put into positions of power people who would do such a thing behind his back.
Not if Trump wins and runs the DOJ like Obama.

Or if Christie made/makes sizable donations to a certain family foundation it could all go away.
Not if Trump wins and runs the DOJ like Obama.

If Trump wins, Christie will get a pardon and the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award for "Other Political Figures". The DOJ can do whatever they want.
So what. They do the same crap here to force people onto the toll roads.
If Trump wins, Christie will get a pardon and the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award for "Other Political Figures". The DOJ can do whatever they want.

We have seen that demonstrated many times in this administrations watch.
Prosecutors are ready to present evidence that Governor Christie was intimately involved in both the bridge closure and the subsequent cover up.

It's now only a matter of time until Christie is frog marched to his own trial for corruption. Frog marched? Bad choice of words. I should have said waddles.

Article is here.

Frog waddled?

What a fat, useless prick.
Prosecutors are ready to present evidence that Governor Christie was intimately involved in both the bridge closure and the subsequent cover up.

It's now only a matter of time until Christie is frog marched to his own trial for corruption. Frog marched? Bad choice of words. I should have said waddles.

Article is here.

I hope this is not just another partisan chase down another rabbit hole. What any prosecutor may say is irrelevant. What they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt is all that matters. All the Democrat lawyers in the NJ State Legislature couldn't find any evidence, why should I believe this guy is any different?

If it's proven he knew what was happening, not the lane closings themselves but why they were being closed, then he should be run out of office. I've not seen any evidence of that so far. We'll see what happens.
Prosecutors are ready to present evidence that Governor Christie was intimately involved in both the bridge closure and the subsequent cover up.

It's now only a matter of time until Christie is frog marched to his own trial for corruption. Frog marched? Bad choice of words. I should have said waddles.

Article is here.

I have absolutely no clue what a frog march is. What is it?

If they can pin it on him, they will, and he will pay the price. So far I haven't seen any evidence yet that he was intimately involved in this. He could have been, but they need to prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Prosecutors are ready to present evidence that Governor Christie was intimately involved in both the bridge closure and the subsequent cover up.

It's now only a matter of time until Christie is frog marched to his own trial for corruption. Frog marched? Bad choice of words. I should have said waddles.

Article is here.

I said when it happened that he either was in on it or he was clueless about what was going on in his own office. Either was unacceptable.
why all the hate on full-figured folks?
Trump is lucky that he didn't pick Christie as his running mate. Or maybe Trump knows something we don't.
Prosecutors are ready to present evidence that Governor Christie was intimately involved in both the bridge closure and the subsequent cover up.

It's now only a matter of time until Christie is frog marched to his own trial for corruption. Frog marched? Bad choice of words. I should have said waddles.

Article is here.

If it's true my god how atrociously stupid.
You know that is not necessary.

You'd do well in legal matters that finally determine the matter we discuss, if it get's that far: Judge: "What is your legal citation"? coldjoint: "You know that is not necessary."
Prosecutors are ready to present evidence that Governor Christie was intimately involved in both the bridge closure and the subsequent cover up.

It's now only a matter of time until Christie is frog marched to his own trial for corruption. Frog marched? Bad choice of words. I should have said waddles.

Article is here.

I just hope nobody who ever used Benghazi as a criticism for certain officials said, in jest, "what does it matter now, anyway?"
You know that is not necessary.

Attempt to consider:

Poster 1: Every single conservative politician who has served the last 50 years raped puppies before drowning them, at least twice a year.

Poster 2: Citation please.

You know that is not necessary.

Do you now understand why "Citation, please" is a valid request and/or point in some (relevant) circumstances?
I heard the fat guy in Jersey is in a bit of a mess?

Pffft! It's Jersey. Ain't nobody clean in Jersey.

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