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Chinese zoo has 'Panda dogs'! Some not so amused. (1 Viewer)

Chock Full o Nuts

Voting for Pedro!
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2023
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Cincinnati, Ohio
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Libertarian - Right
A zoo in East China's Jiangsu Province has recently put on display two Chow Chow dogs dyed black and white to resemble giant pandas to attract more visitors.
"This is just a new display we offer to visitors. We are not charging extra. The wording featuring Chow Chow dogs is correct and exactly describes what they are, so we are not cheating our visitors," a ticket seller stated.
At the same time, she admitted that the visit volume has increased in the past few days.
Chen, a visitor who posted a video clip that went viral online, said that the area around the zoo experienced traffic jams and after hearing passersby talking about giant pandas she decided to head to the local zoo to see them, however, once arrived to the display area, she realized the displayed animals were not giant pandas at all, but Chow Chow dogs.

Liu Qiuming, a staff member of the Taizhou Zoo, said that the zoo is not a high-level facility and the "giant panda" scheme was introduced to attract more visitors and improve their experience.
Can't get Pandas?., next best thing! 🤷‍♂️ They are kinda cute though.
Deeply deeply stupid.

And I'd think it was hilarious if I trusted that the dyes actually were safe (that, from an article elsewhere), but...well.. guess why I think they didn't bother to worry about that.
Deeply deeply stupid.

And I'd think it was hilarious if I trusted that the dyes actually were safe
Well, not exactly hilarious, and yes the safety aspect crossed my mind at the start. Of course, this article speaks of it, but does not confirm.
(that, from an article elsewhere),
Link to saying safe ones were not used here?
but...well.. guess why I think they didn't bother to worry about that.
Because they have plenty other to eat?.. 🤷‍♂️ 😔
Link to saying safe ones were not used here?


I didn't assert that safe ones were not used, as a factual claim. I just questioned whether I'd trust a small time Chinese zoo when it says safe ones were used once the story broke and people got mad.... and the saying that safe ones were used comes from the other article I read (I think WaPo).

I didn't assert that safe ones were not used, as a factual claim. I just questioned whether I'd trust a small time Chinese zoo when it says safe ones were used once the story broke and people got mad.... and the saying that safe ones were used comes from the other article I read (I think WaPo).
Oh, was reading into your reply as you read elsewhere that unsafe was 'most likely' used. Misunderstanding.
Of course one would hope safe ones were used. Not like here they want them to fall ill. Trying to make money.
Or they just dye more?...
Bet they don't taste like panda.
That is one strange fundraiser. Desperate times?

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