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Chinese Spacecraft Nears Landing on Far Side of Moon (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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BEIJING — China is trying to reach a milestone in space exploration: landing a vehicle on the far side of the moon for the first time in history.

The mission is one in a series that underscore the country’s ambitions to join — and even lead — the space race. The spacecraft, whose landing could come on Thursday, is called Chang’e-4 after the moon goddess in Chinese mythology.
As posted here earlier, China intends to set up a science station on the far side of the Moon & eventually establish a colony, which could involve claiming some Lunar territory for China.

There are going to be a future series of launches, including a communications relay satellite to connect the Lunar base with controllers on Earth. Long range plans call for the installation of radio telescopes that would be free from interference from radio sources on Earth.
Instead of getting rid of Trump's increase of our bloated military budget, we should shift it to NASA. The point isn't the utility of landing there and doing that right now. It's about the side-effects: knowledge with the potential for more knowledge we cannot obtain here.

The Space Race was responsible for so much, and it's not like that's because we found a tablet of ancient lore on the moon. It's because we had to figure out how in the world to do that. Imagine watching it happen!

Let's get our **** together again. Who's in?
Instead of getting rid of Trump's increase of our bloated military budget, we should shift it to NASA. The point isn't the utility of landing there and doing that right now. It's about the side-effects: knowledge with the potential for more knowledge we cannot obtain here.

The Space Race was responsible for so much, and it's not like that's because we found a tablet of ancient lore on the moon. It's because we had to figure out how in the world to do that. Imagine watching it happen!

Let's get our **** together again. Who's in?

the problem for you of course is that the last three NASA manned space programs were expensive duds...SkyLab, the shuttle and the space station.
the whole world should be working together to advance human space travel. humanity basically depends on it. the consequences of failure there are arguably even more catastrophic than the next wars or arbitrary borders.
Instead of getting rid of Trump's increase of our bloated military budget, we should shift it to NASA. The point isn't the utility of landing there and doing that right now. It's about the side-effects: knowledge with the potential for more knowledge we cannot obtain here.

The Space Race was responsible for so much, and it's not like that's because we found a tablet of ancient lore on the moon. It's because we had to figure out how in the world to do that. Imagine watching it happen!

Let's get our **** together again. Who's in?

the problem for you of course is that the last three NASA manned space programs were expensive duds...SkyLab, the shuttle and the space station.

"FART! HAH-hah"

- Nelson (The Simpsons), having used the school's PA system.

(More seriously, you're dead wrong and didn't make your case for dudhood anyway).

"FART! HAH-hah"

- Nelson (The Simpsons), having used the school's PA system.

(More seriously, you're dead wrong and didn't make your case for dudhood anyway).

I was being generous in only counting that which we finished, we have gotten in the habit of blowing money starting manned projects that we abandon before completion, so almost all of the time and money is wasted.

This sort of thing tends to kill morale.
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the whole world should be working together to advance human space travel. humanity basically depends on it. the consequences of failure there are arguably even more catastrophic than the next wars or arbitrary borders.


Sending astronauts to Mars would be stupid, says Apollo 8 pilot

One of the first astronauts to orbit the Moon said on Wednesday that it's "stupid" to plan human missions to Mars.

Bill Anders, who was the lunar module pilot for NASA's Apollo 8 mission, told BBC Radio 5 Live that sending crews to the Red Planet would be "almost ridiculous."
I see a lot of problems. Mainly incredible doses of radiation both getting there & while living on Mars. But like other challenges, this could be overcome.
I was being generous in only counting that which we finished, we have gotten in the habit of blowing money starting manned projects that we abandon, so almost all of the time and money is wasted.

This sort of thing tends to kill morale.

I'm sure there are Buddhist Hierarchies that Groking the Mule requires, which I am not fit to receive, but ..... no. A little research should help you understand all the ways grasps at various sciences, especially space travel, have lead to all sorts of wonderful base discoveries that grew in many ways in other areas of human knowledge, leading to real results. I'm not about to present you with a thesis just so I can be told I don't just like, dig it, man.

But if you honestly mean what you say, ignore all that and look closer, on your own. And by "look closer" I don't mean to google just something like "NASA failures" and say "AHA! They ****ed up there and there". That would fail to rebut the point. Doubly so when they learned something from even a failure.

The human race - not just Americans but the human race - would be in a far better place if our Cold War-footing science/tech investment grew like the defense budget, and the defense budget shrunk to something reasonable to deal with what we actually choose to deal with, while perhaps leaving some outlays for rapid expansion in case of actual need. Instead, it's like we've got to constantly prepare for WWIII while failing to end the Taliban.
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Sending astronauts to Mars would be stupid, says Apollo 8 pilot

One of the first astronauts to orbit the Moon said on Wednesday that it's "stupid" to plan human missions to Mars.

Bill Anders, who was the lunar module pilot for NASA's Apollo 8 mission, told BBC Radio 5 Live that sending crews to the Red Planet would be "almost ridiculous."
I see a lot of problems. Mainly incredible doses of radiation both getting there & while living on Mars. But like other challenges, this could be overcome.

i see a lot of problems with it, too. but i'd other see us working on deflecting space objects than prioritizing wars.
I'm sure there are Buddhist Hierarchies that Grok the Mule in play, which I am not fit to receive, but ..... no. A little research should help you understand all the ways grasps at various sciences, especially space travel, have lead to all sorts of wonderful base discoveries that grew in many ways in other areas of human knowledge, leading to real results. I'm not about to present you with a thesis just so I can be told I don't just like, dig it, man.

But if you honestly mean what you say, ignore all that and look closer, on your own. And by "look closer" I don't mean to google just something like "NASA failures" and say "AHA! They ****ed up there and there". That would fail to rebut the point. Doubly so when they learned something from even a failure.

The human race - not just Americans but the human race - would be in a far better place if our Cold War-footing science/tech investment grew like the defense budget, and the defense budget shrunk to something reasonable to deal with what we actually choose to deal with, while perhaps leaving some outlays for rapid expansion in case of actual need. Instead, it's like we've got to constantly prepare for WWIII while failing to end the Taliban.

"Sure we have sucked at providing what we said that we would provide with the money we are given but we are still worth it!" will not get you very far.

Bad leadership does not inspire the citizens to roll the dice yet again.

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