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China threatens Taiwan.....Again (1 Viewer)


Defender of the Faith
DP Veteran
Apr 24, 2005
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Taichung, Taiwan - 2017 East Asian Games Candidate
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Democratically elected President Chen Shuibien scrapped the National Unification Council, which was nothing more than a relic of the days when the Chinese KMT ruled the island illegally. Chen is simply admitting what we already know. There will be no unification between Taiwan and China. Taiwan isn't part of China. The Taiwanese people simply don't want to give up the freedom they only so recently got to go back into a slave camp.

China threatened Taiwan after President Chen exercised Taiwan's sovereignty by warning that such exercising of Taiwan's sovereignty will result in Taiwan's disaster. When will the rest of the world wake up and end the Chamberlainesque treatment of China?
Their Communist what were you expecting?

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