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China issues travel warning for Canada as diplomatic tensions mount (1 Viewer)


Sit Nomine Digna
DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2012
Reaction score
Montreal, QC
Political Leaning
From the CBC:
China blasted Canada for "irresponsible" remarks on Tuesday after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused the country of "arbitrarily" sentencing a Canadian to death for drug smuggling, aggravating already icy relations.

Beijing and Ottawa have been at odds since early December, when Canadian police arrested Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies Co Ltd.

Days later, China detained two Canadians on suspicion of endangering state security — former diplomat Michael Kovrig and business consultant Michael Spavor.

Monday's death sentence by a Chinese court on Canadian Robert Lloyd Schellenberg for allegedly smuggling 222 kilograms of methamphetamines has become the latest strain on ties.

It goes on to say that the China says Canada should respect China's rule of law. Can't respect what they don't have, the rule of law does not exist in China. It is hard to respect China's legal practices when they execute dissidents or put them in concentration camps.
From the CBC:

It goes on to say that the China says Canada should respect China's rule of law. Can't respect what they don't have, the rule of law does not exist in China. It is hard to respect China's legal practices when they execute dissidents or put them in concentration camps.

Yea China is interesting....

How the law works in China is = DON'T MAKE A SCENE

You don't make a scene/draw attention to yourself/and don't make government officials angry, it's anarchy. You make a scene/draw attention/make government officials angry = complete and utter Authoritarian Police State, for you and for a few months after, deportations, executions, bans, ruining of lives.... until the government leaves.

If you are a foreigner you are automatically making a scene.... so you are already breaking the rule.
It goes on to say that the China says Canada should respect China's rule of law.

Who says the Beijing dictators do not have a sense of humor?

It's almost as funny as when Beijing replies to criticism by saying that such comments "hurt the feelings of the Chinese people."

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