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children forced community service work for a high school grade? (1 Viewer)


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
i am a freshman in highschool in illinois and i need to know if this is legal or not. my first day of school we were getting introduced to all the teachers my last teacher was for the new class called freshman academic. our teacher stated that we would have to pick up garbage along a highway during school hours for a grade. i think this should be made illegal for a teacher to be able to take us to a highway and make us pick up trash. first of all for my safety i could be hit by a car at any moment. also may i add that all freshman have to do this in my school. and may i ask what we are exactly learning during this process where we have the chance of being killed or seriously wounded. please answer if this is legal or not and if i can take action in preventing this from happening asap. thankyoul.
Well the school should send out a permession slip to your parents asking to take you off of school grounds during a certain allotted time. Just explain to your parents your feelings and if they decide not to sign it then the school won't be able to take you off the campus.
bushrules91 said:
i am a freshman in highschool in illinois and i need to know if this is legal or not. my first day of school we were getting introduced to all the teachers my last teacher was for the new class called freshman academic. our teacher stated that we would have to pick up garbage along a highway during school hours for a grade. i think this should be made illegal for a teacher to be able to take us to a highway and make us pick up trash. first of all for my safety i could be hit by a car at any moment. also may i add that all freshman have to do this in my school. and may i ask what we are exactly learning during this process where we have the chance of being killed or seriously wounded. please answer if this is legal or not and if i can take action in preventing this from happening asap. thankyoul.

lol... I'm not sure if its exactly "illegal." It may be somewhat stupid... but I've had my fair share of not-so-smart teachers. Once... I had to count the number of advertisements during the Super Bowl for a grade... another time I had to bring in a thing that was "healthy," for a grade. (I brought in a MADD keychain...) O and one time in gym class we had to clean up the garbage behind the benches for a grade... Don't worry I've had plenty of weird assignments.
I don't know about Illinois, but like Mortibis said, it should be illegal to take you, as a minor, off campus without your parents written permission.
My private school (also in Illinios) has us do 20 hours of community/ministry service a semester. This, however, is not done during school hours.

Could you please elaborate on "freshman academics"? Never heard of it, don't know what you do in it (besides pickup duty).

If that's all you do in that class, thats pretty trashy (bad pun possibly intended).
KevinWan said:
lol... I'm not sure if its exactly "illegal." It may be somewhat stupid... but I've had my fair share of not-so-smart teachers. Once... I had to count the number of advertisements during the Super Bowl for a grade... another time I had to bring in a thing that was "healthy," for a grade. (I brought in a MADD keychain...) O and one time in gym class we had to clean up the garbage behind the benches for a grade... Don't worry I've had plenty of weird assignments.

I once had to count the number of deaths and violent acts I saw in a one hour timeframe on primetime TV...

So I turned on "Shaka Zulu"...

Told my teacher I stopped counting at 85...:2wave:

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