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Challenge to right wing. How can scrapping automation reduce costs? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 26, 2020
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menifee calif.
Political Leaning
Mail sorting machines are being decommisioned, and scrapped. The Trump partisan plant, has said this must be done to reduce costs.

CAN ANYONE explain how destroying automation can reduce costs? And even if the Trump partisan plant, used preexisting schedule, to decommission machines, mailin voting, due to the pandemic should have led to discussions. It is clear to me, that Trump wants to ruin mailin voting. AS well as ruin the post office, to stop Amazon from getting the last mile shipping.

The post office will be hand sorting mails, and in addition, there is no overtime allowed. This is the recipe for chaos. Failed elections.

Watch how the largest USPS facility processes mail - YouTube

mail case - YouTube
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Forget it, Trump and Republicans are rolling... don't bother them with asking for reasoning or facts.

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