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Challenge--Propose a Fair Standard to Evaluate Presidents (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 13, 2019
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Political Leaning
Some criteria:

  • A President can only be graded on things the President can reasonably control.
  • It cannot be party specific. We will grade a President promoting his party's platform as successful, even if we dislike the platform.
  • It cannot be tied to specific events. More general events like wars, cold wars, natural disasters, etc. are allowed.
  • Foreign policy matters. Domestic policy matters more.
  • Don't worry about issues prior to WW II.
Here are some more criteria.

Qualities that a good president should have :

A basic grasp of English and the ability to speak in full sentences
The ability to tell the truth occasionally
The ability to not say stupid things every once in a while

I'm sure that I could think of a few more if there is interest.
A signature that doesn't look like someone tied a pen to a beaver's tail and then injected him with amphetamines
on a more serious note, i would say sound foreign and domestic policies and the ability to sell them are perhaps the most important qualities. some great presidents approached both. many fell short.
Here are some more criteria.

Qualities that a good president should have :

A basic grasp of English and the ability to speak in full sentences
The ability to tell the truth occasionally
The ability to not say stupid things every once in a while

I'm sure that I could think of a few more if there is interest.
Too specific.

A signature that doesn't look like someone tied a pen to a beaver's tail and then injected him with amphetamines
That would be a first.

on a more serious note, i would say sound foreign and domestic policies and the ability to sell them are perhaps the most important qualities. some great presidents approached both. many fell short.
That's more like it, but too general.
I'm big on unity, optimism, dignity, and character. Also, an ability to inspire.

Our relationship with our Presidents should be similar to how we evaluate our personal relationships:

Are we better, for them? Do they make us better persons? A better people? Do they inspire us to greatness?
Some criteria:

  • A President can only be graded on things the President can reasonably control.
  • It cannot be party specific. We will grade a President promoting his party's platform as successful, even if we dislike the platform.
  • It cannot be tied to specific events. More general events like wars, cold wars, natural disasters, etc. are allowed.
  • Foreign policy matters. Domestic policy matters more.
  • Don't worry about issues prior to WW II.

It's like dividing by zero.

No one who should have the job would take it.

That said, I typically judge a person by their upbringing and work history. It certainly has told the tale of every POTUS in my lifetime.
I'm big on unity, optimism, dignity, and character. Also, an ability to inspire.

Our relationship with our Presidents should be similar to how we evaluate our personal relationships:

Are we better, for them? Do they make us better persons? A better people? Do they inspire us to greatness?
Is this a commercial for Trump?

Optimism and ability to inspire are hallmarks of his, but the last line is in Trump's wheelhouse. Loooong Home Run.
Is this a commercial for Trump?

Optimism and ability to inspire are hallmarks of his, but the last line is in Trump's wheelhouse. Loooong Home Run.
Absolutely not. In fact it's the antithesis of Trump. Trump's is empty rhetoric, based upon a foundation of lies. That's not 'inspiration', but rather delusion.
A signature that doesn't look like someone tied a pen to a beaver's tail and then injected him with amphetamines

Someone described Trump’s signature as looking like death camp fencing. Now I can’t unsee it.
Some criteria:

  • A President can only be graded on things the President can reasonably control.
  • It cannot be party specific. We will grade a President promoting his party's platform as successful, even if we dislike the platform.
  • It cannot be tied to specific events. More general events like wars, cold wars, natural disasters, etc. are allowed.
  • Foreign policy matters. Domestic policy matters more.
  • Don't worry about issues prior to WW II.

Here's one: "Did the incumbent ignore a pandemic and allow 187,000 people to die because he thought it would only affect blue states?"
The fair standard to evaluate presidents is to use their words and recordsin comparison to how our nation has been governed, how it is currently governed, how we wish it to be governed.
Someone described Trump’s signature as looking like death camp fencing. Now I can’t unsee it.

to me, it looks like the EKG of someone on a week long meth binge.
Here's one: "Did the incumbent ignore a pandemic and allow 187,000 people to die because he thought it would only affect blue states?"
Since no President in history meets that criterion, what's the point?

It's worth noting that it mostly affects blue states, because blue state Governors ignored the pandemic. Red state Governors followed the science, with markedly better results.
Absolutely not. In fact it's the antithesis of Trump. Trump's is empty rhetoric, based upon a foundation of lies. That's not 'inspiration', but rather delusion.
It may be the opposite of the standard portrayal of Trump, which you echo. It is not the reality. Trump is called the Promise Keeper for a reason.

Regardless, he has proven ability--as witnessed by the success of his administration--and he is highly optimistic and upbeat. As I said, long HR.
Absolutely not. In fact it's the antithesis of Trump. Trump's is empty rhetoric, based upon a foundation of lies. That's not 'inspiration', but rather delusion.

Yep lets ignore every single lie the DNC has said in the past 4 years lmao.
which is now a huge pile high.

This is a can't see the forest for the trees argument if i ever saw it.
Since no President in history meets that criterion, what's the point?

It's worth noting that it mostly affects blue states, because blue state Governors ignored the pandemic. Red state Governors followed the science, with markedly better results.

I have no idea what you’re talking about, dude. Are you sure you hit reply to the right post?
I have no idea what you’re talking about, dude. Are you sure you hit reply to the right post?
You just accused the President of all the unnecessary deaths caused by Mark Cuomo, again. Since I called you on it, again, you pretend to not understand.

This is getting to be a pattern.
You just accused the President of all the unnecessary deaths caused by Mark Cuomo, again. Since I called you on it, again, you pretend to not understand.

This is getting to be a pattern.

When did I say anything about Marc Cuomo? I really think you did hit reply to the wrong person.
When did I say anything about Marc Cuomo? I really think you did hit reply to the wrong person.
Good point. You should have said something about Mark Cuomo. So, why didn't you?

Cuomo is directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in greater NYC. For some unexplained reason, you only mention the President who got his part right.
It may be the opposite of the standard portrayal of Trump, which you echo. It is not the reality. Trump is called the Promise Keeper for a reason.

Regardless, he has proven ability--as witnessed by the success of his administration--and he is highly optimistic and upbeat. As I said, long HR.
I surely don't see it. I've never seen a President lie & con like this one, in my lifetime.
I surely don't see it. I've never seen a President lie & con like this one, in my lifetime.
While I believe that reputation is grossly inflated, it's not completely wrong. If you wish to find fault, it's there to be found.

However, a thinking person can set that aside and examine the work the administration is doing. one of the clearly understood benefits of a high profile boss is taht the subordinates can work in relative quiet. Trump gives his people room to work. that was also his reputation in civilian life.

By any fair standard, this has been a very successful administration.
I surely don't see it. I've never seen a President lie & con like this one, in my lifetime.
Trump is very much in a league of his own it comes to comparing the worst characteristics of all his predecessors. He is easily many times worse in every negative regard.
Trump is very much in a league of his own it comes to comparing the worst characteristics of all his predecessors. He is easily many times worse in every negative regard.
This is pure BS and an example of what I referred to in the last post. Trump is neither as sexually predatory or as corrupt as Bill Clinton. There is good reason to believe he is not as corrupt as Barack Obama. While you constantly impune his veracity, he has acquired the nickname of promisekeeper among Republicans.

The bottom line is that his adherents do not follow him because he has them fooled. Only a fool would think so. They follow because he stands up against the bullies and delivers on his obligations. Just to be clear, that makes you one of the bullies.
This is pure BS and an example of what I referred to in the last post. Trump is neither as sexually predatory or as corrupt as Bill Clinton. There is good reason to believe he is not as corrupt as Barack Obama. While you constantly impune his veracity, he has acquired the nickname of promisekeeper among Republicans.

The bottom line is that his adherents do not follow him because he has them fooled. Only a fool would think so. They follow because he stands up against the bullies and delivers on his obligations. Just to be clear, that makes you one of the bullies.
Tell ya what, if you want to go down the long list of Trump’s “deficits”, comparing them to his predecessors, I’m game. :)

No doubt, there are many Americans who recognized Trump for the piece of **** that he truly is, but held their noses and voted for him, hoping for something better to happen. Those people, I believe, were/are the minority of Trump supporters. The majority, I believe, are genuinely stupid, gullible and bigoted enough to actually like Trump and what he’s doing to America (and the rest of the civilized world).

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