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CDC reverses guidance on airborne transmission of COVID-19 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 23, 2018
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Political Leaning
CDC is removing the guidance warning the public about airborne transmission of the COVID-19 virus just days after having posted it when there is absolutely NOTHING to contest airborne transmission and hasn't been anything since first discovered months ago.

Redfield and nobody in Atlanta at CDC any longer has control of their own web site as the Trump Political Hacks at HHS now control the site. I owe Redfield an apology. I thought he was posting changes to CDC guidance and then trying to walk them back in the press. It was actually card carrying idiot Michael Caputo posting nonsense and Redfield trying to clean it up the only way he could.

The GOP and Trump simply do not care how many Americans they kill nor what else they do as long as they rule over what Americans are left, It could not be any more plain.
What's so remarkable is that this entire time, Trump could have adopted a pro-mask policy and suffered zero political backlash for it. The American people were completely prepared to hand him a "rally round the flag" boost and he just took a giant crap on it anyway.
What's so remarkable is that this entire time, Trump could have adopted a pro-mask policy and suffered zero political backlash for it. The American people were completely prepared to hand him a "rally round the flag" boost and he just took a giant crap on it anyway.

I would disagree. The state of politics has become so toxic if Trump had been pro mask there would of been prominent Democrats desputing the effectiveness of masks out of political spite.
What's so remarkable is that this entire time, Trump could have adopted a pro-mask policy and suffered zero political backlash for it. The American people were completely prepared to hand him a "rally round the flag" boost and he just took a giant crap on it anyway.

The claim is that the guidance regarding airborne spread was posted in error 3 days ago. Ya', we know. The error was not realizing Trump would not like it.

Donald was never going to reverse course and correct his ways regarding COVID-19. Once he started down the One guy from China, 15 cases going to 0, it will disappear as if by miracle path, we were doomed. He NEVER admits a mistake.

What is truly remarkable is that his idiotic base does not appear to realize that the virus does not know from political affiliiation. Its strikes both sides equally or quite possibly not because one nimrod bunch refuses to mask up and distance.

Now he is on to his vaccine nonsense with everybody with a brain lining up to comment that there will not be enough vaccine nor capable distribution for it till mid-year 2021 at best. Oh by the way, even under ideal conditions (70 degrees below zero or more) the shelf life is only days and all the vaccines that are currently in Trials require two shots.
I would disagree. The state of politics has become so toxic if Trump had been pro mask there would of been prominent Democrats desputing the effectiveness of masks out of political spite.

If Trump had adopted a mask policy, would that have been

1. politically positive for him?
2. scientifically and medically the correct the thing to do?
CDC is removing the guidance warning the public about airborne transmission of the COVID-19 virus just days after having posted it when there is absolutely NOTHING to contest airborne transmission and hasn't been anything since first discovered months ago.

Redfield and nobody in Atlanta at CDC any longer has control of their own web site as the Trump Political Hacks at HHS now control the site. I owe Redfield an apology. I thought he was posting changes to CDC guidance and then trying to walk them back in the press. It was actually card carrying idiot Michael Caputo posting nonsense and Redfield trying to clean it up the only way he could.

The GOP and Trump simply do not care how many Americans they kill nor what else they do as long as they rule over what Americans are left, It could not be any more plain.
I don't know what you are talking about. Mask mandates don't work. There is no way you can force people to wear masks who don't want to wear them. This stuff has been happening around the world more and more every day. It happened in 1918. Anyone who wants to wear a mask should wear a mask but you can't make people wear masks who don't want to wear them and most of those people are young liberal progressives under the age of 30. Facts prove that. If Biden were to order a nationwide mask mandate, lots of people wouldn't wear them either. In fact, liberal California's governor Newsome issued a mask mandate and liberals don't listen to him so they wouldn't listen to Biden either. Anyone wanting to wear a mask should wear one but to think you can force others to isn't being realistic.
I don't know what you are talking about. Mask mandates don't work. There is no way you can force people to wear masks who don't want to wear them. This stuff has been happening around the world more and more every day. It happened in 1918. Anyone who wants to wear a mask should wear a mask but you can't make people wear masks who don't want to wear them and most of those people are young liberal progressives under the age of 30. Facts prove that. If Biden were to order a nationwide mask mandate, lots of people wouldn't wear them either. In fact, liberal California's governor Newsome issued a mask mandate and liberals don't listen to him so they wouldn't listen to Biden either. Anyone wanting to wear a mask should wear one but to think you can force others to isn't being realistic.

Nice try. Masks work to slow the spread particularly of a proven airborne virus. "Mask Mandates" are am entirely different topic oe if which there are several threads you can go ejaculate into.
What's so remarkable is that this entire time, Trump could have adopted a pro-mask policy and suffered zero political backlash for it. The American people were completely prepared to hand him a "rally round the flag" boost and he just took a giant crap on it anyway.
Oh Puhlease......Trump could have cured covid with a high school chemistry set himself and the left would have spewed hate at him. Case in point. Biden was against the Trump shutdown, he called it hysterical xenophobia and the left pretends to this day, it didnt happen. Right? Do you agree Biden was wrong or has TDS gotten its fingers in you?
Oh Puhlease......Trump could have cured covid with a high school chemistry set himself and the left would have spewed hate at him. Case in point. Biden was against the Trump shutdown, he called it hysterical xenophobia and the left pretends to this day, it didnt happen. Right? Do you agree Biden was wrong or has TDS gotten its fingers in you?

What Trump shutdown? There was no Trump shutdown.
Oh Puhlease......Trump could have cured covid with a high school chemistry set himself and the left would have spewed hate at him. Case in point. Biden was against the Trump shutdown, he called it hysterical xenophobia and the left pretends to this day, it didnt happen. Right? Do you agree Biden was wrong or has TDS gotten its fingers in you?

Biden was never against any shutdowns. Fact.
CDC is removing the guidance warning the public about airborne transmission of the COVID-19 virus just days after having posted it when there is absolutely NOTHING to contest airborne transmission and hasn't been anything since first discovered months ago.

Redfield and nobody in Atlanta at CDC any longer has control of their own web site as the Trump Political Hacks at HHS now control the site. I owe Redfield an apology. I thought he was posting changes to CDC guidance and then trying to walk them back in the press. It was actually card carrying idiot Michael Caputo posting nonsense and Redfield trying to clean it up the only way he could.

The GOP and Trump simply do not care how many Americans they kill nor what else they do as long as they rule over what Americans are left, It could not be any more plain.
It's a conspiracy. Trump is trying to kill the world!! Impeach him now!!!

Y'know, maybe if instead of voting for Biden we just puree him and inject everyone with a few Biden cells we can cure this thing worldwide!
It's a conspiracy. Trump is trying to kill the world!! Impeach him now!!!

Y'know, maybe if instead of voting for Biden we just puree him and inject everyone with a few Biden cells we can cure this thing worldwide!
Irrelevant...not even a good attempt at comic relief. You boys are losing your grip.
What Trump shutdown? There was no Trump shutdown.
The china travel ban. This is supposed to be a political forum people not facebook. If you cant keep then dont play.
It's a conspiracy. Trump is trying to kill the world!! Impeach him now!!!

Y'know, maybe if instead of voting for Biden we just puree him and inject everyone with a few Biden cells we can cure this thing worldwide!

THe world is doing much better than we are. Trump is committing genocide against his own country.
Of course not, he just called it hysterical xenophobia :eyeroll:

He was right.

Never said it shouldn’t have happened tho. Shame Trump only banned a few folks. And too late. And then Europe way later. And lied to us using CCP propaganda.

But yes, partial china bans. Worked like a charm!
The china travel ban. This is supposed to be a political forum people not facebook. If you cant keep then dont play.

You called it a shutdown. If you meant "China travel ban" which was actually a China Travel Restriction, you should have said so. Besides, COVID-19 was already here by the time Trump initiated any travel bans and it actually got here mostly through Europe which Trump left a wide open door, far far far far far too long.
He was right.

Never said it shouldn’t have happened tho. Shame Trump only banned a few folks. And too late. And then Europe way later. And lied to us using CCP propaganda.

But yes, partial china bans. Worked like a charm!
See^ T D S. Frign weird.
You called it a shutdown. If you meant "China travel ban" which was actually a China Travel Restriction, you should have said so. Besides, COVID-19 was already here by the time Trump initiated any travel bans and it actually got here mostly through Europe which Trump left a wide open door, far far far far far too long.
No I shouldnt have. We are on a political forum. Given the context, you should not be asking facebook level questions about common knowledge ubiqutious political topics that have been discussed here for months.
What's so remarkable is that this entire time, Trump could have adopted a pro-mask policy and suffered zero political backlash for it. The American people were completely prepared to hand him a "rally round the flag" boost and he just took a giant crap on it anyway.

He claimed it was as not to panic people. His actions showed HE was panicked. He also showed himself to be a psychopath, since he did actions that greatly increased the chances of people dying, and in fact encouraged those actions in his rallies
CDC is removing the guidance warning the public about airborne transmission of the COVID-19 virus just days after having posted it when there is absolutely NOTHING to contest airborne transmission and hasn't been anything since first discovered months ago.

Redfield and nobody in Atlanta at CDC any longer has control of their own web site as the Trump Political Hacks at HHS now control the site. I owe Redfield an apology. I thought he was posting changes to CDC guidance and then trying to walk them back in the press. It was actually card carrying idiot Michael Caputo posting nonsense and Redfield trying to clean it up the only way he could.

The GOP and Trump simply do not care how many Americans they kill nor what else they do as long as they rule over what Americans are left, It could not be any more plain.
How does one respond to a moronic post like that and keep his dignity?

How does one keep the airborne virus away? I am all eyes and ears. Before you post something equally stupid, masks we wear CANNOT filter the virus. It's too *****ing small!!!!

And then your eyes....Are your eyes covered? I didn't think so.
i've never seen a President squander such a golden "political" opportunity. all Trump had to do was be a leader and the upcoming election is a landslide in his favor.

but, in grand Trump fashion, he's now responsible for a ton of deaths (many Republicans).
How does one respond to a moronic post like that and keep his dignity?

How does one keep the airborne virus away? I am all eyes and ears. Before you post something equally stupid, masks we wear CANNOT filter the virus. It's too *****ing small!!!!

And then your eyes....Are your eyes covered? I didn't think so.

You don't know if my eyes are covered or not. Maybe I wear glasses. Masks have proven to be extremely useful in cutting transmission of COVID-19 and masks have proven to be useful tools to limit transmission of other airborne viruses. Known for years to be useful tools to cut transmission of airborne virus.

In the first place, the first priority of a mask is to protect your neighbor. Even a surgical mask will protect your neighbor. If you do not exhale droplets it does not matter if your neighbor wears glasses or not now does it. But of course, why would a Trumpet care about protecting his neighbor. Simply does not compute for Trumpets. The second priority of the mask is to protect the wearer.

How does one respond to a Moronic President who simply does not care how many Americans he kills. He apparently does not even know that his way back to his precious economy is through the virus not around it. He will not regain a reasonable enough economy to brag about UNTIL we are past the virus and the more he confuses the public about masking up and distancing, the more he encourages the virus. Trump is literally on the side of the virus against the scientists and the science. Smooth Donald...real smooth.

For the record, the stock market is not the economy, has not been a barometer for the economy at any time this 21st Century.
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i've never seen a President squander such a golden "political" opportunity. all Trump had to do was be a leader and the upcoming election is a landslide in his favor.

but, in grand Trump fashion, he's now responsible for a ton of deaths (many Republicans).
Though there are many of them, Trump's COVID response and his continued fight against science and scientists and allegiance to the virus itself is one of the best examples of Trump's massive ignorance and narcissism. He just does not care how many Americans he kills, is so narcissistic that he simply does not acknowledge how many he is killing.

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