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CAR dictator has asked "Russia" to help him, CAR has an arms embargo and 14 militia groups (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning
CAR dictator has asked "Russia" to help him, CAR has an arms embargo and 14 militia groups

CAR dictator has asked "Russia" to help him, CAR has an arms embargo and 14 militia groups fighting for control of the territory. this what cooperative ozero does around the world . ozero badly needs cash ...

Re: CAR dictator has asked "Russia" to help him, CAR has an arms embargo and 14 militia groups

CAR dictator has asked "Russia" to help him, CAR has an arms embargo and 14 militia groups fighting for control of the territory. this what cooperative ozero does around the world . ozero badly needs cash ...

This is where 3 Russian journalists working for the Investigations Management Centre and investigating the role of Russian mercenaries in Africa, were murdered in late July (probably by Russian Wagner mercenaries and their militia).

Russian journalists killed in CAR 'were researching military firm'
Re: CAR dictator has asked "Russia" to help him, CAR has an arms embargo and 14 militia groups

I certainly wouldn't want to be in the Central African Republic at this time. The 2nd worse Ebola virus outbreak in Africa is now taking place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo which is on the southeast border of CAR.

Ebola typically ignores borders. Would be a shame if Russian Wagner goons found out why Africa duty can be so ..... unpredictable.

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