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Captain Australia takes the lead. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 30, 2012
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Captain Australia.jpg

Prime Minister Tony Abbott must be considered the worlds foremost conservative leader. More than any other western world leader - Mr Tony Abbott - has shown the courage required to stand up to the left side of politics and communicate the often difficult truth on the urgent need for budget repair initiatives. Inch by painful inch - our PM is determined to communicate the reality that the protection of our national fiscal treasure is a matter of National Security.

Tony Abbott has refused to allow opinion polls to influence his decision making. Strong leadership requires individuals that have the ability to change opinions and Tony Abbott has that ability. Tony Abbott is an underrated political figure that always exceeds expectation and he deserves more credit on every level.

Tony Abbott was elected to protect the future of Australia that has been put at risk by irresponsible overspending from our left side of politics. The challenges facing Australia are shared challenges that face all western nations and in my opinion Prime Minster Abbott has emerged as a leading hero of modern conservatism. Western conservatives would do well to look to Abbott for direction. As an Aussie citizen I feel proud that the lucky country has such a strong Captain.

Of course it is not just our national budgets that left leaning political parties put at risk with their leftist thinking. Border protection is a serious matter of National Security that modern leftists are intent on putting at risk. We have witnessed with the Ebola outbreak that leftist thinking - that is rampant within international organisations like the UN and CDC - have put the National Security of the global community at risk. Few world leader posses the steel to overrule the UN and CDC but not our leader Abbott. Prime Minister Tony Abbott has taken every measure to ensure the protection of Aussie public safety and this has required a response that has been above and beyond the advice coming from the US, UN and CDC.

Tony Abbotts strong and independent leadership has ensured that every measure has been taken to protect Australians from the spread of Ebola from the outset. We taken the important precaution of isolating visitors from the hot spot for quarantine and monitoring. We are yet to send health workers to the hot spot and will not until we are satisfied that they will be safe. Within the past 24 hours Australia made the important decision to close our border to West Africa. Tony Abbott will take no unnecessary risks with the safety of the Aussie public. The leadership shown by Tony Abbott on Ebola makes me feel safe and lucky to be an Aussie.

The courage that Tony Abbott has shown on Ebola deserves global support. We can be sure that the leftists will come out to attack our leader since the Australian Ebola response - in being above and beyond - is in some respects, at odds with the US/UN/CDC. The courage of Tony Abbott is not just protecting us Aussies but you too. Tony Abbotts courage will make it easier for citizens of all nations to push for a common sense Ebola response that is more in-line with Australia.

Border protection is an important conservative issue and no world leader takes border protection more seriously than our PM. This Ebola outbreak is the perfect example of why border protection is a serious matter of National Security. I am sure that even the most rabid leftist would be forced to concede that we cannot risk the very real danger that Ebola could enter our nation by refugee boat. Many on the left have been critical of Abbott for his strong border protection policy but now we see just how important it is for nations to have secure borders.

Prime Minister Abbotts is helping to protect us all. We owe it to Tony Abbott to protect him from the leftist attacks that have already begun. You do not need to be an Aussie citizen to support Team Australia. Get behind our Captain and show that you care about public safety and National Security. The world needs political figures like Prime Minister Tony Abbott and it is in your interest to cheer for Captain Australia.

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!


# Few world leader posses the steel to overrule the UN and CDC but not our leader Abbott. ( whoops )

Edit- Few world leader posses the steel to overrule the UN and CDC but our leader Tony Abbott has that steel.

What is so funny you Red Devil?

Tony Abbott is the world foremost conservative. Look out commie!
Tony Abbott: Brilliant Political Mind.

HA! Tony is just f$#cking with him. **** does happen.

We Aussies are not so precious. Aussies dont join the military to drink cappuccinos.

We like our leaders to be fair dinkum.

We have always had down to earth leadership here in Oz.

Oi! Oi! Oi! Mate.

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