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Candy Canes Are "J" for Jesus (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2007
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East Coast - USA
Political Leaning

[FONT=&quot]Manchester Elementary principal Jennifer Sinclair sent a [/FONT]memorandum[FONT=&quot] to parents and students informing them that candy canes were off limits because “Historically, the shape [of the candy cane] is a ‘J’ for Jesus. The red is for the blood of Christ, and the white is a symbol of his resurrection. This would also include different colored candy canes.”[/FONT]

Some people are insanely stupid on levels that boggle the mind.

Has anyone ever heard of anything this stupid before?

This woman needs to lose her job.

What's going on in Nebraska for cryin' out loud? I'd be skeptical of this story if it weren't for snopes confirming it was true.

Since when is a candy cane shaped for Jesus?

Some people are insanely stupid on levels that boggle the mind.

Has anyone ever heard of anything this stupid before?

This woman needs to lose her job.

What's going on in Nebraska for cryin' out loud? I'd be skeptical of this story if it weren't for snopes confirming it was true.

Since when is a candy cane shaped for Jesus?

It's not, it's shaped for a cane. Like the name says. Also it's peppermint. Are peppermint candies also all about blood?

As for stupid people, I guess each succeeding myth is easier to accept. Unfortunately stupid people often rise to powerful positions.
I have to agree.
Even the "Grinch" would say this is totally ridiculous.
Given that the likes of the "Blaze" are pushing this story, what are the odds that it's being misrepresented in some basic way? Damn libruls! :roll:
The jury is still out, and one can read whatever into the following

The first candy cane was not made in the shape of a cane. It was white, completely straight and only flavored with sugar.
Legend has it that in 1670, the cane shaped candy became historical when a choirmaster at the Cologne Cathedral in Germany bent the sugar-sticks into canes to appear as shepherd's hooks.

but also

Many people believe that the shape and form of the candy cane have religious meaning. It is believe that the red stripes of the candy cane represent the blood of Christ and the white stripes of the candy cane represent the purity of Christ. The three fine stripes are believed to represent the Holy Trinity. The ''j'' shape of the candy cane is said to represent the name of Jesus. The solid texture or hardness of the candy cane is said to symbolize the solid rock foundation of the Church. The peppermint flavor is supposed to stem from an herb called hyssop. In the Old Testament hyssop was used to symbolize the purity of Jesus and the sacrifice he made. The crook shape is said to symbolize a shepherd's crook.
Candy Cane History - Invention of Candy Cane

I don't like them simply because they are nasty. As for everyone else, whatever floats your boat.
Given that the likes of the "Blaze" are pushing this story, what are the odds that it's being misrepresented in some basic way? Damn libruls! :roll:

Well, for those "organizations" who like to push the "WAR ON CHRISTMAS" nonsense this story has some fairly decent weight to it.

The good news is the idiot lady who made such a preposterous claim has been placed on leave.
I still think she should just be outright fired, but at least she's suffering some consequences.
Given that the likes of the "Blaze" are pushing this story, what are the odds that it's being misrepresented in some basic way? Damn libruls! :roll:

What are the odds that you have checked to see whether sources you respect are reporting--not "pushing" this story? :roll:

This story came out of Nebraska and was widely reported there, after which other news outlets picked it up, for example, USA Today, the Toronto Sun, CBS, Fox, and ABC affiliates across the United States, the Daily Mail, and so on. https://www.starherald.com/news/reg...cle_d7c0f598-eecc-587e-993d-63902f779e68.html
What are the odds that you have checked to see whether sources you respect are reporting--not "pushing" this story? :roll:

This story came out of Nebraska and was widely reported there, after which other news outlets picked it up, for example, USA Today, the Toronto Sun, CBS, Fox, and ABC affiliates across the United States, the Daily Mail, and so on. https://www.starherald.com/news/reg...cle_d7c0f598-eecc-587e-993d-63902f779e68.html

The Daily Heil has less credence than the Blaze, and as for Faux....

I said the situation had been misrepresented. Would "decontextualised" be too different?

The Daily Heil has less credence than the Blaze, and as for Faux....

I said the situation had been misrepresented. Would "decontextualised" be too different?


I like how you ignored the refs to USA Today, the Toronto Sun, CBS, and etc. (and there are lots of MSM sources I didn't bother to list because I foolishly assumed that what I did list would suffice) in order to double down on your shoot-the-messenger point. A little sad, though, that you're still unaware that this story was first carried by Nebraska news sources and spread from there. :roll:
I like how you ignored the refs to USA Today, the Toronto Sun, CBS, and etc. (and there are lots of MSM sources I didn't bother to list because I foolishly assumed that what I did list would suffice) in order to double down on your shoot-the-messenger point. A little sad, though, that you're still unaware that this story was first carried by Nebraska news sources and spread from there. :roll:

Did the Nebraska news sources originate from Sinclair or Fox local stations? But yeah national sources like to jump on the bandwagon no matter how stupid the story.
The jury is still out, and one can read whatever into the following

but also

Candy Cane History - Invention of Candy Cane

I don't like them simply because they are nasty. As for everyone else, whatever floats your boat.

Thanks, I learnt something new. Not sure it will ever come up as a question in Trivial Pursuit but you never know. :D

I think the school principal however is taking things way too far if that Blaze story is correct. Given the Blaze's history the story is probably overhyped but, I can't be bothered taking the time to do any fact-checking because it's not important to me whether it is or isn't.
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Some people are insanely stupid on levels that boggle the mind.

Has anyone ever heard of anything this stupid before?

This woman needs to lose her job.

What's going on in Nebraska for cryin' out loud? I'd be skeptical of this story if it weren't for snopes confirming it was true.

Since when is a candy cane shaped for Jesus?

Reminds me of a former friend who found God. Sent her a Christmas card with 'Happy Xmas' on it. She returned it saying it was blasphemous because I had CROSSED OUT Christ!

Like I said - she is a FORMER friend. Oh and she is a far right religious nut who thinks homosexuals will destroy the planet and only trump can save us.
Reminds me of a former friend who found God. Sent her a Christmas card with 'Happy Xmas' on it. She returned it saying it was blasphemous because I had CROSSED OUT Christ!

Like I said - she is a FORMER friend. Oh and she is a far right religious nut who thinks homosexuals will destroy the planet and only trump can save us.

Wherever she found God, perhaps you could encourage her to put him back and leave him there?

Some people are insanely stupid on levels that boggle the mind.

Has anyone ever heard of anything this stupid before?

This woman needs to lose her job.

What's going on in Nebraska for cryin' out loud? I'd be skeptical of this story if it weren't for snopes confirming it was true.

Since when is a candy cane shaped for Jesus?

The looney politically correct are getting even more.....loonier!

The list essentially banned any Christmas-specific decor or activities, including Christmas carols and music, reindeer, Elf on the Shelf, and red and green items, but it allowed for non-Christmas winter imagery such as yetis, penguins and “snowmen, snow women, snow people, snowflakes”:

Can that be challenged in court, and have the school stop using the term Christmas?
That's a form of cultural/religious misappropriation.

Maybe, that's what Christian groups ought to be doing as a project. Take back Christmas!

Most of us would assume it originates from the word Christ, as the whole idea of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus (no, it's not just about the presents).

To a point that is the case - the word is a shortened form of "Christ's mass", or "Cristes Maesse" as it was first recorded in 1038.

This was followed by the term Cristes-messe in 1131, according to the The Catholic Encyclopedia.

The term "Christ" - or Crīst as it originally read - comes from the Greek word Khrīstos, a translation of the Hebrew word Messiah, which means "anointed".

The second part of Christmas - maesse - is a version of the Latin word missa, the celebration of the Eucharist tradition of eating bread and drinking wine in memory of Jesus.

Christmas Mass became a central fixture in the church calendar, which led to the day becoming known as Christ's Mass by the 11th century.

Why is Christmas shortened to Xmas?

It turns out we've got the Greeks to thank for that.

As we mentioned earlier, the word Khrīstos (the origin of the word Christ) appears as "Χριστός" when written in Greek.

The abbreviation Xmas is based on the first letter - chi, which appears as X - followed by "mas"; a shortened version of Mass.
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Did the Nebraska news sources originate from Sinclair or Fox local stations? But yeah national sources like to jump on the bandwagon no matter how stupid the story.

I don't see why the local source would matter; we wouldn't know about this if Omaha's big-city paper/Omaha.com hadn't picked up the story, which then caught the attention of out-of-state media outlets. But the first article I've found is from the ABC-affiliate in Elkhorn on December 5th: https://www.wowt.com/content/news/E...-banning-Christmas-decorations-502036702.html

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