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Candidacy of Republican Cut Short by Flawed Voting Machine (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Republicans have much to say about the flawed voting machines manufactured by Diebold and other companies. They call it Democrat conspiracy theory that the machines were flawed. That is, until one of their own gets the bad end of a flawed machine. Now, Steve Smith, a Conservative candidate in the GOP primary, and former member of the Texas Supreme court, is considering going to court himself in order to contest what he calls a flawed election. Sour grapes? Lets look at the evidence:

Winkler County, which went for Smith by margins of 260-92 (74%) and 468-249 (65%) in the 2002 and 2004 elections, went against Smith by an unbelievable 0-273 (100%) margin.

Which means that Smith voted against himself, if you buy the machine's output. I dont, and neither would any other reasonable person.

Until electronic voting can be fixed, we need to go back to the old way of doing things. If we are unwilling to do that, then we at least need to provide each voter with a receipt so that a paper trail exists. Otherwise, I dont care which party you vote for. Your vote means jack.

Article is here.
All I can say is ... amen. Finally, proof that Republicans might actually believe in! If nothing else, Diebold (whose owner promised to deliver Ohio to Bush in '04...) needs to get out of the business, for 1) Simply not working, as this shows, and 2) Being unreasonsably partisan. But mostly 1), so the Repubs will go along with it.
MidwestLiberal said:
Finally, proof that Republicans might actually believe in! If nothing else, Diebold (whose owner promised to deliver Ohio to Bush in '04...) needs to get out of the business.

This lie was debunked long ago. Diebold machines were not used in Ohio in the '04 election. Sorry, man.
KCConservative said:
This lie was debunked long ago. Diebold machines were not used in Ohio in the '04 election. Sorry, man.

Not Diebold machines, but many of the machines used did have flaws, although the problems with the machines were not enough to offset Bush's lead. Bush won Ohio fair and square. The machine in Texas that may have denied the Republican candidate a primary victory was not a Diebold machine either.
yea the voting machines I voted on didn't even count my vote where I live. So "technicly" I didn't vote? :doh
stsburns said:
yea the voting machines I voted on didn't even count my vote where I live. So "technicly" I didn't vote? :doh
How were you able to find this out?

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