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Cancer and transhumanism (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 24, 2018
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Slightly Conservative
It was a tangent in my transhumanism thread, where some of the atheists/materialists would not believe me that there has been very little progress in trying to find effective treatments for cancer.

So here is a CSICOP article about how the "war on cancer" has pretty much failed.

If you never heard of CSICOP and you are atheist, that is surprising. Or maybe not, since some of the atheists here never even heard of Richard Dawkins.

Well anyway, here is your evidence that modern science has not made great progress against cancer, as you had assumed.

And this should make you wonder why Google thinks it can pour tons of money into research that will cure all diseases. When almost no progress on cancer has been made since 1950.
Duh...it's exactly as I told you in the other thread...$$$...big bucks...:roll:

There’s No Money in Cancer Prevention, Only Cancer Treatment
So why do oncologists continue prescribing chemotherapy drugs like tamoxifen and deadly radiation treatments to their patients? Because these are the only cancer treatment methods accepted and endorsed by the federal power structure as legitimate cancer medicine. Even though evidence continues to mount showing their ineffectiveness.

Ever since former president Richard Nixon declared a national “War on Cancer” in 1971, very little progress has been made in actually curing cancer − and this is no accident. The primary focus has remained on how to capitalize on cancer rather than cure it. Hence the reason why the general public has been offered only drugs and radiation as opposed to curative protocols centered around therapeutic nutrition and lifestyle changes.

As many as 90% of all cancer-related deaths have nothing whatsoever to do with cancer − that’s right, 90 percent! Cancer-related deaths are a product of cancer treatments killing patients over time through the destruction of immunity and a failed “management” system that gives patients a false hope of survival, all while enriching the drug industry.

“The focus is on fine-tuning drugs rather than investigating how cancer functions,” maintains physician and cancer expert Dr. Josh Axe. “The most narrow focus is rewarded rather than a systemic view; cooperation and collaboration are absent and there is too much emphasis on some magic bullet of a cure (pharmaceutical drugs) rather than prevention.”

There’s no money to be made in prescribing prevention advice like eating fewer chemicals and exercising more. The “bread and butter” of the cancer industry is unleashing the next, latest-and-greatest cancer drug. Not telling you how to avoid cancer in the first place.

This is why it’s up to you to take matters into your own hands, rather than rely on a failed corporate system that’s more concerned with making money than with keeping you and your loved ones healthy and cancer-free.

It is NOT exactly what you told me! The FIRST reason he gave is that they do not understand cancer. There are financial incentives to provide treatments that are not cures, so patients are stuck buying the drugs for years. But that is secondary to the fact that CANCER IS NOT UNDERSTOOD.

Really? lol...read it and weep...

I'll tell ya upfront what is at the root of not finding a cure for cancer...$$$...big bucks...

It is NOT exactly what you told me! The FIRST reason he gave is that they do not understand cancer. There are financial incentives to provide treatments that are not cures, so patients are stuck buying the drugs for years. But that is secondary to the fact that CANCER IS NOT UNDERSTOOD.

That was an opinion piece from almost 10 years ago. Things that have happened SINCE then is 1) The vaccine against HVP types 16 and 18, which have the potential of elminating 70% of all cervical cancers. That would be prevention, not a cure. One thing you haven't taken into account was in 2010, the FDA approved the first vaccine to combat and cure prostate cancer, with other vaccines in trial now.

Of course, one thing that won't be cured it dying.. just making people healthier along the path. If you live long enough, you are going to die of something.
That was an opinion piece from almost 10 years ago. Things that have happened SINCE then is 1) The vaccine against HVP types 16 and 18, which have the potential of elminating 70% of all cervical cancers. That would be prevention, not a cure. One thing you haven't taken into account was in 2010, the FDA approved the first vaccine to combat and cure prostate cancer, with other vaccines in trial now.

Of course, one thing that won't be cured it dying.. just making people healthier along the path. If you live long enough, you are going to die of something.
I have been cured of cancer. And hepatitis C. Good4Nothin lives in a fantasy world.
It is NOT exactly what you told me! The FIRST reason he gave is that they do not understand cancer. There are financial incentives to provide treatments that are not cures, so patients are stuck buying the drugs for years. But that is secondary to the fact that CANCER IS NOT UNDERSTOOD.

Therefore we should not try to understand but leave it to the vagaries of the conscious universe?
I have been cured of cancer. And hepatitis C. Good4Nothin lives in a fantasy world.

The cure for hep C is rather new, with the first medicine that could cure it happening in 2001, and 2 new medications got approved in 2011.

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