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Canada warns some illegal immigrants, refugees could be deported -- immigrant problems for Canada (1 Viewer)

Jul 24, 2018
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Ahmed Hussen, Canada’s new minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, is playing everything cool. Maybe too cool. If things go the way NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair says he expects, the warming weather could cause asylum-seekers to begin streaming north. Things could go sideways fast, and not just because of a possible hardening of Canadian attitudes.

Hussen inherited a department that was already woefully ill-equipped to handle a volume of cross-border asylum-seekers that has been on a steep upward climb for several years. The 2004 Safe Third Country Agreement between Canada and the U.S. reduced land-border asylum-seekers to a trickle, but then the numbers started climbing again, approaching pre-2004 heights long before Trump was elected president last November. By 2013, border claims were up to nearly 3,000, and by 2016 the number had reached 7,000.
OP-er, your rubric video doesn't say a damn thing about what warning Canada has issued re: immigration nor does it even mention Ahmed Hussen's remarks of any sort. It's just a "bitch session" between a Fox program host and her guest.
OP-er, your rubric video doesn't say a damn thing about what warning Canada has issued re: immigration nor does it even mention Ahmed Hussen's remarks of any sort. It's just a "bitch session" between a Fox program host and her guest.

That and his following text is out of date

NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair is not leader of the NDP party anymore, I believe for about a year now

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